Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Digging Deep
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Digging Deep
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sun Jan 25, 2009 @ 1:00am
Location   Counsellors Office
Timeline   SD6 - 17:45
Zorana had hurried through her report. She wanted to hand it to the captain and get whatever punishment was waiting for her over with as soon as possible. She prayed that she wouldn't get sent to the brig for Jarred's actions but knew that she had freewill and probably would end up there regardless. She rushed to find the captain.

Tasha was already on her way to see the counsellor, unbeknown to Zorana. The stresses of the day had weighed her down. She had enjoyed a few hours respite the night before with Ayren, but she had to get her own sense of purpose in line, especially after the emotional rollercoaster of the funeral added to the complexity of the counsellors involvement with Jarred Wallace, who had only been aboard for a day and already his name was appearing her display for insubordination, kidnap, reckless abandonment and other misdemeanour's.

She was a mere 18 inches from the door to her office when Zorana burst through, straight into Tasha, knocking her backwards to the ground.
The look of shock on the counsellors face was met by the look of anger on Tashas'.

"Oh Captain! I'm so sorry!" Zorana exclaimed. She extended her hand to help the captain off the floor.

She accepted the hand and pulled upon it, heaving herself from the floor.
"Your in quite a hurry Lieutenant, where are you heading to at such speed?" Tasha enquired, dusting herself down waiting to her reasons before she divulged her own for being here.

"I was on my way to find you actually." She had her report in her other hand waiting to hand it over to the captain.

Tahirs' brow lifted. "To find me. And here I was coming to see you. Coincidental. Shall we retreat to your office?" Her hand pointed to the door.

"Of course! Please come in." Zorana was suddenly nervous, didn't like the look on the Captain's face.

Tasha noticed the colour fade from her flustered cheeks as she backed into her office. She followed her in, allowing the door to seal behind her. She waited for Zorana to sit down, before she took the chair opposite her. She settled her back into the seat, placing her hands in her lap, keeping an austere look upon her face, despite the fact that she so wanted to smile at the look of nervousness on the counsellors face.

"I have 2 reasons for my visit to you. One is regarding your involvement with Jarred Wallace and how much you know of him. My second is to seek a little guidance." She relaxed a little, seeing Zoranas' head drop at the mention of Wallaces' name, carrying a little shame or guilt.

"I had a 'counseling' session with Mr. Wallace. He is dealing with several issues. He saved me and the rest of my crewmates from the USS Chandler...I hadn't realised that it was him until he told me. I went to see him today to see if he was making good on his threat on leaving the station.He gave me this." She handed the PADD that Wallace had given her to the Captain. "It has his orders, and information about the terrorist attack on the senate ten years ago."

Tashas hand left her lap and started to reach for the PADD until Zorana spoke of the senate. Her hand fell away, flopping back to her leg. Her gaze fell to the PADD as her head dropped and her lower lip began to tremble. Fear took control her stomach knotted and her mouth dried. She felt her heartbeat throb and the adrenaline begin to rush through her veins as she envisaged Roman taking the full blast of the grenade, pushing Robert away. With no warning, it was Tasha that was being pushed and Roman had become Riley.
The woman wanted to scream. Let loose the raw emotion that had welled up within her. A mix of anger, love, fear, passion and a vehement hatred for that fateful day.
Lifting her head, her eyes met Zoranas and her own fear was reflected in the counsellors eyes.

"Wallace......he was there?" She uttered, her voice trembled as she spoke, not fully comprehending what Zorana had said.

"I...yes. He just told me that you wanted him arrested but he needs to finish his mission so he gave me this." Her hand still holding the PADD. "These are his orders and all the information about the attack on the Senate." Zorana felt the emotions rolling off the Captain, she wanted nothing more than to take it away but all the words had already been spoken and she now had to help Tasha through the consequences of her actions.

She shook her head with vigour back and forth. "No, I cannot take it." Tasha stated with a strong defiance. "I will not allow myself to put under any emotional blackmail. I am not ready for this, not now, if ever." She stood bolt upright. "Counsellor, I strongly recommend you take that back to Wallace." Her hand was shaking with restrained anger at the mini computer. "Whatever his orders were or are, then only the person who gave those orders can rescind them. I want nothing to do with them. I personally lived through that ordeal and came out the other side and I have no intention whatsoever of placing myself back in the frame for whatever pleasure somebody is seeking to attain from whatever information can be gleaned from a closed case."

Tasha didn't know if the counsellor knew of Roman or not, but she was adamant that she would not help in any way, shape or form into a p[art of her own history. She had seen the murderers loaded into a shuttle and taken away to the penal colony at New Zealand. She did not want her past brought back to bear.

"Emotional blackmail? No, I don't think that was meant by him wanting me to give you this. I know this is causing you pain but what happened ten years ago is linked to the Legacy." Zorana put the PADD into her desk, "it is still all in my report here, even if you don't want his PADD." She pointed to her own PADD sitting in front of her. "I don't mean to cause you pain Captain, it goes against everything that I am. I'm here to help you and..." She stopped, letting Tasha try and digest everything that she was saying.

Zorana knew the captain's history on Earth and she hated bringing up the painful memories, it did no one any good living in the past, it kept them stuck. Zorana sighed and bowed her head.

"No, it cant be. The Legacy is an experiment that was started here on DS5, less than a year ago. That was 10 years ago. How can they be linked?" The anger began to subside, but Tasha was in a state of high alert. Every sense danced and her fingers tingled.

"Yes, I know Captain. Jarred said something about the terrorists resurfacing and the two situations are linked."

Again Tasha shook her head in disbelief. "Even after all the events of the last few days, we just cannot get past the fear of terrorists." Tasha paced across the floor. "Assassination attempts, attacks, covert meetings. The best thing to do with that is to give it to Lieutenant Gabriel. Let him handle it, after all, he is the chief intelligence officer.
Tasha stopped pacing and let out a long sigh, tipping her head backwards before bringing her head back down and meeting Zoranas eye. She nodded, content at her decision. "Definitely the best thing to do. If Wallace then wants to resign, he can." She finished, slumping back into the office chair, anger now giving way to a moment of recuperation.

Zorana only nodded she didn't have experience with dealing with assassination attempts, terrorist attacks, etc. She only dealt with the aftermath.
"Captain? What was the other thing you wished to discuss with me?"

Her eyes had closed in thought and they snapped open. "Ha! Actually I came here to ask for help in relieving stress relating to the funeral today and how to cope, but well, it looks as though we just steamrollered that!"
Tasha was truly drained, feeling somewhat aggravated at a sudden and total recall to the past, which would affect her future. "I don't know." She shrugged, "The past is a part of us that we cannot escape from." She said with melancholy as her hand dry wiped her face.

"I'm sorry Captain, I didn't mean to make this day harder for you." She responded quietly. Zorana sat for a moment thinking and looking at the captain. The Captain needed emotional help, that much was obvious, with all that she had gone through the last couple of days, not to mention 10 years ago. "Captain? Would you like me to come to Earth with you?"

Tashas shoulders went back. The question came out of the blue. "No, your needed here. I had not planned on taking anybody else. I have reports, fact and figures that I want to get straight, that is unless you just want to come along for the fun of it, not in a medical position." She said standing.

"Lt. Claire Mackenzie can cover for me while I am gone. We were in the Academy together. She is a good counsellor." She smiled up at the Captain as she stood from behind her desk. "I will accompany you."

She held her breath for a moment before nodding. "Very well. The USS Castor is in the East docking ring. I am looking to leave sometime tomorrow evening, but as ever, the station tends to dictate time." Tasha said as she began to make her way to the door, but spun about before she reached it. "Why do you want to accompany me to Earth, truthfully?" She enquired.

"I have a feeling that I could be of some use to you." She said truthfully.

"Fair enough." Tasha replied with a cock of her head. Make sure you pack enough for the journey counsellor!" She remarked as the door opened.

"Will do." She smiled. "You wont be arresting him today will you?" She asked referring to Wallace.

Tasha shook her head without turning, that will be up to Commander Rakka." Came her reply as she stepped though into the corridor.


Captain Tasha Tahir


Counsellor Zorana Kasikova