Incommunicado – Links in the Line
by Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Links in the Line
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Mon Apr 16, 2012 @ 7:31am
Location   Fighter Bay
Timeline   SD57 11.15

The fighter bay was a hub of activity, pilots were getting in and out of their fighter planes, small fighters were being placed into launching tubes that shot the fighters directly into space. Pits opened up to the mechanics shops in decks below as they lifted ships in and out of the hanger bay.

The far wall was one massive force field and looked out into the main hanger proper, where civilian and Starfleet starships docked for repairs and maintenance. Engine parts and wing sections where held in blue hazy field stasis in mid air above space fighters as they were re-armed. Above the hanger bay, uniformed Starfleet officers walked across criss-crossing suspension walkways, at the center of which was a series of rooms containing training simulators, offices, briefing rooms and tactical planning rooms. Rick was waiting for Petro. He had asked the Chief communications officer to come and consult with his own fighter engineers to see if they could find a way around this communication issue.

When Petro arrived at the fighter bay she was taken a little aback. The flurry of activity reminded her of a space dock she had visited while in the Sol system. After a few minutes she found Dunham. "Lieutenant Junior Grade Petro reporting, sir." She said in a formal manner just loud enough for him to hear her over the noise of the area.

"Ah" said Rick stirring from his watchful gaze of the activity, to turn and look at the chief communications officer with a genuine if somewhat tired smile. He offered his hand out to shake. "Thank you for coming Lieutenant. I need your help"

Petro accepted the offered hand and smiled. "Anything I can do," she said, eager to be of assistance. "just let me know."

He gestured for her to join him as they walked and talked through the fighter bay. "We need to extend the communications ranges on the Broadsword Multi-role Assault Fighters, Razor Interceptors, and Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighters. This spacial anomaly is causing signal issues when they reach the third patrol marker....we need some sort of signal boost until the scientists can sort out the anomaly issue."

The former quartermaster considered what he was asking for. "I'm not sure if there are that many signal boosters available. What about using a tighter broadcast beam?"

Rick scratched the stubble on his chin thoughtfully for a moment. “We tried that” replied Rick as he walked them towards a Razor interceptor. He got a couple of ladders so they could both climb up to its cockpit to take a look. As they both poked their heads into the small space Rick gestured at the fighter controls. “We tried to re-focus to a tighter broadcast beam by re-tuning to the sub-space harmonics in the area, but this just resulted in us needing to re-calibrate comms”

The J'Nai considered the situation for several minutes. "The third patrol marker..." she said in contemplation, "would it be plausible to use a piggy-back relay?"

Rick nodded thoughtfully in agreement "we could do..." he said thinking it through "but how to we compensate for signal loop degradation?"

Petro smiled. "That's relatively easy," she said, "by adjusting the harmonics to a five percent delay per one-thousand kilometers in succession there wouldn't be any loss to the signal and the signal delay margin would be minimal."

Rick nodded, you could almost see the Cog's turning as he worked it out in his brain. "Yessss" he said extending the word out across his thought pattern. "I think that might just do it. Lets get to work."

"We could set up a program to automate it, so that each ship isn't limited to going to a specific location. The computer can determine the distance and the adjusted requirements." Petro said, "It should be a relatively simple algorithm."

Rick started climbing down the ladder upon reaching the bottom he politely helped Petro off her ladder, he nodded in the direction of the command hub for the fighter bay, again they walked and talked. "how do you think this will take?"

"It should take fine." Petro replied, not certain that she heard him right. "You think they might have a problem with it?"

Rick scratched his beard thoughtfully "I'm worried it might over lay the buffer with internal signal degradation thereby causing the pulsary amplifiers to degrade the photon coils"

Petro shook her head. "It shouldn't. At five percent alteration the degradation, if any, would be negligible." Petro explained, "but we can compensate with an inline transistor if you'd like."

"I would like" said Rick thoughtfully. He couldn't shake off this bad feeling he had about this whole thing. A feeling that had been growing since he flew out into the anomaly to start with. "Thank you kindly Lieutenant for your help. Lets get to it."


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham


Lieutenant JG Petro
Communications Officer