Beg, Steal or Borrow – The calm before the storm
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno

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Title   The calm before the storm
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno
Posted   Thu Mar 05, 2009 @ 12:06am
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD8 11.30

As they left Commander Davies and walked back through the corridors to the turbo lift, Chelsea nudged Ryan's elbow mischievously. "Lieutenant Adams! I love that man! He's been here 10 minutes and already he's sussed out that I need to keep you under control!" she teased.

Ryan smirked, and chuckled. "But he still kept me as boss" he winked.

"Bah!" Chelsea pouted. "For now!" she smirked, dodging a poke in the ribs for insubordination. As they entered the turbolift she took advantage of the fact that they were close together and out of sight of anyone to plant a kiss on his cheek.

"Lucky for me that you don't realise you're the boss in and out of work, or you might get too big for your boots" she grinned.

Ryan laughed. "You know...I really thought he was gonna call us on the Raedheol incident..."

"Yeah, that was a close call!" she agreed, rolling her eyes. "He made it clear that he knows though! Or at least part of it... but I wonder which bit!"

They left the lift and walked towards Sickbay. "I don't suppose we'll ever know the answer to that" she added thoughtfully.

"No I suppose you're right...sickbay is relatively quiet today..." he began as they headed for the office. "We're finishing early if things stay they way they are"

"Ooooh! Will that mean you're taking me out tonight then?" she snatched an opportunity to take advantage of his guard being down.

"If you want me too then yeah" he said smirking as he walked round to his seat.

"IF I want you to?" she blew through her nose softly as if to question that there could be any doubt. "Unless of course you have some romantic ideas for a night in?" she returned his up and down look with a smouldering one of her own.

Ryan laughed. "I'm always romantic....aren't I?"

"erm.... " she hesitated for a moment, but it was long enough to make her point.

As he looked as if he was going to rise to that she added quickly: "of course you are.... Sir!" reverting to the use of his rank to imply that she *had* to say that because he was senior.

In fact he was right, he'd never been anything but charming and thoughtful and she considered herself very lucky to have him but she wasn't going to go all mushy on him and admit that, especially not on duty where their professional rivalry was still in play.

Perhaps when they were alone she might let him win, but that was different in her eyes. The truth was, there were still days when she woke up and wondered how it was that he'd fallen in love with her, but she was too happy that he had to ask questions.

"Ooo still sir are we?" he laughed. "If you're playing that game..." he chuckled. "I need your report on Ensign Shaw's surgery" he said as he sat back in his chair.

Chelsea clicked her tongue and narrowed her eyes at him. "Yes Sir, I'll get right on it!" she pretended to huff and picked up a padd. "Will you need it in the next 5 minutes? Or would sooner be better?" she raised an eyebrow and challenged him.

"Ooo can have an hour...I'm feeling generous"

Chelsea put the padd back down and slid it towards him."...and if I did it already can I have the rest of the hour with you?" she grinned mischievously adding "Sir!" with emphasis at the end together with another of those scorching looks she never used to be good at, until she had met him and he'd changed her life.

Ryan looked at her and smiled. "Of course you can" he said as he checked the PADD and then added it to the medical records.

"Cool! Thanks!" she grinned happily and plonked herself down in the chair on the other side of his desk. "Coffee's on you then?" she asked cheekily.

Ryan laughed. “I guess so...” he said as he got up and walked to the replicator chuckling to himself.

A minute later he came back with two mugs of coffee and set them down on his desk and sat back down. “There you go” he said smiling.

"Thanks" she grinned back up at him. "That was easy...."

"What was easy?" he asked as he picked up the mug and sat back, holding it in both hands.

"Getting you to make me coffee.... usually you have all sorts of reasons not to!" she laughed. "Is it something to do with my promotion?"

Ryan frowned. "How do you mean?" he asked.

Chelsea stood up, walked over to him and planted a kiss on his forehead. "Nothing!" she smiled, hugging him. "Did i tell you lately that I love you, Ryan Milarno?"

Ryan smiled, and looked directly at her. "...Yeah, this morning, when you got out of bed" he told her with a grin on his face.

Chelsea pushed his shoulder. "You!" she said, a faint blush on her cheeks. "Thank you for what you said earlier. About being proud of me. It meant a lot to me"

Ryan smiled. "Well it was the truth, I really am so proud of you" he said as he looked into her eyes. As he spoke you could tell he meant every word.

Chelsea tilted his chin up towards her and kissed him. "Wasn't it time you were off duty an hour ago, Doctor?" she smiled, smoothing his beard lovingly.

Ryan sighed. "Yeah..." he smiled. "Suppose so..."

"Not that I want to get rid of you, now I have you all to myself for an hour!" she grinned. "but there's not a lot of mischief I can get up to on duty and you look tired." she explained.

Ryan grinned, then frowned. ~Don't feel tired~ he thought. "I do?" he asked.

"I thought so" she said, tracing the frown lines on his forehead with her fingertip.

"Well you're off soon in a few hours...I'll go an start dinner" he smiled.

"You're an angel!" she smiled gratefully. "I don't have long to do. I'll just sort out a couple of routine things and be right with you!" she said optimistically.

Ryan nodded and smiled. "Alrighty then" he said as he stood slowly and stretched. "I'll see you soon" he told her then moved right up close and kissed her softly on her lips.

Chelsea returned his kiss and reluctantly let him go. She couldn't remember a time when she'd felt so happy. When she had come to DS5 she had been dejected and lacking in confidence, now thanks to Ryan she had blossomed and was walking around with her head held high and her heart full of love and pride. She made a mental note to make sure she thanked him properly later.


A Joint Post Between:

CMO Lt. Ryan Milarno
ACMO Lt. Chelsea Adams