Interlude – How to Lose Friends and ALienate Romulans, pt 2
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   How to Lose Friends and ALienate Romulans, pt 2
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Mon Aug 16, 2010 @ 9:23pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 30 - late evening


Yolanthe ground her teeth. This was not going well, and she'd just insulted a customer. "I think we're going to have to agree to disagree. And whether I find him 'warm and fuzzy' is really none of your business." She pushed herself back from the bar, and picked up a tray, ready to go in search of empties, and spat out a barely polite, "Enjoy your drink, Arrain."


"I will," Arrienye said back, sipping the drink after she did. ~Well that could've gone better,ˇ~ she thought. She needed information and had been hoping to get some from Ibalin. Obviously, with her lack of subtlety, that wasn't going to work. Resting the cocktail on the bar in front of herself, she stirred it thoughtfully with her colourful straw.

The Bokkai seemed to be avoiding the bar, so when the drink was finished it was the Bajoran who came over. "Same again?"

"Sure," Arrienye nodded, looking him over. As an idea crept into her mind she raised an eyebrow and smirked to herself. "Rosh, right?" she asked, remembering his record quite well. He was one of the few who didn't get brushed off Ibalin's list of staff for the party.

He nodded, setting the delicate chain on his earring swinging. "yes Ma'am." He started to mix the drink. "You can call me Pelin, if you’d like. Most people do."

"Alright." Arrienye smiled sweetly. "Pelin," she added, his name sliding almost seductively off her tongue as she seemed to try it out for the first time. "And don't call me 'ma'am', it makes me feel old," she reprimanded playfully. "You don't think I'm old, do you?"

"Not at all. Arrain." he strained and served the drink, adding a slice or orange to the rim, "let me know if you want another."

"I will," Arrienye said, wrapping her full lips around the straw and taking a sip as she looked at him, the blue of her eyes accented by the black liner she'd used. She glanced meaningfully at Yolanthe. "I don't think your boss likes me," she commented.

Pelin looked to her as well. The tall woman was still a shade of gold. "She's got a lot on her plate right now."

"Then why doesn't her new boyfriend help her. He should, with the high opinion she seems to have of him," Arrienye commented.

"One night doesn't make a relationship. Its not like they’re dating." A waiter came up with a drinks order and Pelin began to work through it. "Besides, that night maybe part of the problem."

"Oh?" Arrienye asked innocently enough, looking at him with curious eyes. "Why's that?"

Pelin placed a couple of beer bottles on a tray then loaded a few glasses with ice, before he replied. "The day you came to look at the food for the party, do you remember the windows were etched? It appeared the day after she..." he cleared his throat, "It was Bajoran, a very bad insult." He hesitated again, as if unsure whether or not to discuss it.

"What kind of insult?" Arrienye asked him, resting her jaw in her palm as she leaned against the bar.

"It basically called her a Cardassian's..." Pelin dropped his eyes, feeling the embarrassment and shame himself. "Comfort woman."

"Oh..." Arrienye just said, understanding. Noting his embarrassment she smiled and reached out, touching his arm lightly. "Don't be embarrassed," she told him, "You didn't write it," she pointed out. "And considering it's Getal we're talking about, I'm pretty sure that's the opinion he has of her, whatever she may be thinking."

"No-one deserves to have that said about them. However close to the truth it is." He sighed. "That said he was up here pretty damn fast after the voles happened. Faster than anyone from Starfleet."

"Well, Starfleet has always been very stuck up for a group who isn't afraid to boast about always helping people," Arrienye pointed out. "At least we make the fact we don't help many people be out in the clear," she added.

The young man was quiet, keeping his opinion on that subject to himself.

Arrienye frowned. She needed to change tactics. Smiling at him as if nothing happened. "So, how long have you been on DS5?"

"Pretty much since it was built. My parents left Bajor after the Cardassians pulled out, and came to help with the rebuilding. I've been here ever since. When mum and dad went home, I stayed."

"Why?" Arrienye asked, sipping the Caribbean sunset.

"Didn't feel like it. I only ever really knew the refugee centres, and Cardassians ordering people about. It wasn't much of a world."

t'Merek nodded. "Good. For a moment there I thought you'd say you stuck around because of a woman," she smirked.

He blushed slightly. "No. Just more at home at here."

Her smirk widened into a wicked smile. "You're cute when you blush," she complemented, stirring her drink slowly as she met his eyes.

Pelin dropped his eyes, and concentrated hard on the cocktail in front of him. "Thank you." He fiddled with a glass, adding salt to its rim. "Thats very kind of you."

Arrienye raised an eyebrow. "I never figured you for the shy type," she admitted, reaching over a bit tentatively lift his chin up so he looked at her. ~What the hell am I doing?~ the rational part of her brain asked. What the hell was she doing?

He didn't pull away, but went very still, like an animal caught in a bright light. "I should er, get on. The Boss will, er.." He looked around wildly, but Yolanthe was talking with a Denobulan at a gaming table, and in no position to rescue him.

Seeing his panic, Arrienye pulled back. She gave a small pout, a mix of sexy and innocent coming over her features. "I'm sorry," she said softly, looking away. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"Oh, no, you didn't. It was nice, its just that..." he smiled weakly, "you're a little bit...scary."

Arrienye blinked, holding in a laugh. "I'm scary?" she asked with a tone of disbelief. "And how am I scary?" the woman asked him curiously, leaning back a bit and crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well," the young man seemed to realise he was digging a bit of a hole. "You're a romulan. After that interview I had with your staff a few days ago you probably know everything about me and I know nothing about you. You looked like you were prepared to get in a fight with the boss. And you're very pretty." The last was said in a very quiet voice, as if the Bajoran didn't think he was worthy enough of the last point.

Arrienye nodded as she listened to his first arguments and then smiled as he said the last. She wasn't a very vain person, but who didn't like being told they were attractive? "Thank you," she said after his complement. "I don't know why that last part would be scary, but I'll let that slide," she told him with a smirk before she leaned over the bar to look at him. "As for not knowing anything, what do you want to know?" she suddenly asked him.

"I don't know. Anything. Do you play parisses squares? Have you ever been to Bajor or Terra or Vulcan. Do you have brothers or sisters?"

"I'm an only child. This is the first time I'm out of Romulan space during peace time and I have no idea what parisses squares is," Arrienye replied without hesitation.

Pelin's eyes lit up, "Squares is a game. Four in a team, two teams, Its kind of like three-dimensional croquet. Only more...energetic. its lots of fun."

"You hit balls through hoops with a mallet. But in squares the hoops are all over the place, the other team can and will do anything to stop you, and you have to change the charge on the balls to get them through the hoops. I'm trying to get the staff here to form a team, but most people don't like the full contact aspect. The boss had a heart attack when I suggested it."

"That's surprising, considering the company she keeps," Arrienye couldn't help but say casually, keeping her tone light. "Maybe if you found another team to play with and got more people from the staff to join, she'd think it was a good idea."

Pelin squirmed slightly at the reminder. "Yeah, well, Klia did have to slap her and tell her to join the twenty fourth century. She'd probably be good at it though. Height has its advantages." He nodded at the empty glass. "Same again, or a Culture Shock?"

"I don't think my system is ready for another Culture Shock after the other night," she said, chuckling lightly. "Think I'll switch to something light. How about a virgin Caribbean sunset?" Arrienye wanted her head to be as clear as possible. She didn't need a repeat performance of her night out with Sotar.

"As you wish." He lapsed into silence as he mixed the drink, concentrating on putting it together properly.

"So, you ever think of doing anything else?" Arrienye asked him.

"Not really. What about you? Did you ever what to do something else?"

"I wanted to be in Weapons Research and Engineering," Arrienye said. "but there wasn't much call for it so I was switched over to Internal Security and Assault tactics."

"The Romulan Empire hasn't much call for weapons research?" Pelin sounded sceptical.

"That part is none of your business," Arrienye told him, her demeanour changing a bit. In truth, there was always call for Weapons Research, but they didn't need more people there and Arrienye wasn't good enough for them consider adding to their desired number. "Anyway, even though I still like to dabble in engineering, I couldn't see myself doing anything other that what I do."

"Me neither." He stabbed a cherry with a cocktail stick and flicked it over his houlder, swinging the glass behind his back where the cherry plopped into the drink and gave her another shy smile as he put it in front of her. "For you, arrain. Can I do anything else for you?"

Arrienye grinned seductively, taking out the cocktail stick with the cherry and nibbling on it. "A few things are coming to mind but with me being a lady and you being a very shy, charming young man, I think it's best I don't voice them," she told him, popping the cherry finally into her mouth.

It seemed to Arrienye that for a moment Yolanthe wasn't the only being in the bar whose entire body could change colour. For a brief second Pelin was cherry red, and she could almost feel the heat rolling off him,

"Err. umm," He became very interested in a bar spoon nearby.

Arrienye actually let out a sound then that was very close to a giggle. Even though she didn't like admitting it to herself, seeing him blush like this was absolutely adorable.

"Is she bothering you, Pel?" Yolanthe asked suddenly from behind the romulan woman

Arrienye rolled her eyes as the sound and she moved to rest her forearm onto the bar, looking back at Yolanthe.

"No," he said quietly, shaking his head. "Not really."

The Bokkai looked from him to Arrienye, arms folded, a simmering gold. "If that changes, let me know." She didn't take her strange white eyes from the romulan

Arrienye looked back at her, unphased. "And why is any conversation I have with Pelin any concern of yours?" she asked.

"My boys are my concern, and I take people bothering them very seriously."

"Well, I'd never bother such a sweet young man. Would I, Pelin?" she asked, turning to look at him with a flirty smile.

Pelin choked a little and said nothing. Yolanthe frowned. "Glad to hear it." She wasn't going to throw the romulan out, but her palms itched to do so. Back home, wars had been started for less, and the Arrain did seem to be picking on her menfolk.

"Good, because I was yearning for your approval," Arrienye said with a sarcastic smile and then turned back to her drink, sipping it quietly.

The Bokkai changed her mind. This was her bar, she didn;t have to put up with this. "Arrain, I'd like you to leave now. I don't know why I offend you so much, but this is my house and I don't have to tolerate it."

"I'm banned for voicing my opinion in a non-threatening way? Smooth business move," Arrienye said coolly, sliding off the stool.

"You're barred for intimidating my staff, and insulting me. You are no loss to my business." She unfolded her arms and adjusted her stance. "Are you going to leave quietly?"

"And gladly," she added, giving Rosh a small shrug and a wink before striding out of the bar, her usual, confident stride unaffected by either the two drinks or being barred.


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights

Arrain Arrienye t'Merek
Chief of Security, Romulan Consulate