Intermission – The Meeting
by Citizen Min Zhao & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC)

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Title   The Meeting
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Citizen Min Zhao & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC)
Posted   Sun Oct 27, 2013 @ 3:30am
Location   DS5 - Jasmine's
Timeline   SD 74 - 11:00


"Mercy, please send a message to my friend, Ms. Melissa DelPrado, I have someone that she would like to meet." He said to his assistant before looking back towards Mr. Babeu. "I believe you have a meeting to attend?" He stated, moreso than asked.


"Ma'am." Sun Hee poked her head around the corner of the entrance to Melissa's office. "There's a message here for you from a Mr Raddon of Raddon Corp. He's asked if you would have some time today to meet with one of his associates?"

"Tell Mr Raddon I would be amenable to meeting his associate. Pencil me in sometime this afternoon." Melissa turned her attention back to the padd she was reviewing

"Yes Ma'am."

[Later] (Will adjust to suit the time)

Sun Hee looked up from her desk behind the counter where she was watching the shop. A younger human male had just stepped in and was looking around somewhat nervously. Sun put on one of her trademark "can I help you" smiles and approached the man.

"Is there something I could help you find Sir?"

"Yes, I am...." Rene began to say nervously. However, he began to calm down once he realized that he was in the presence of other humans. He relaxed and proceeded to the front of the woman's desk.

"Good afternoon, I honestly can't tell you how refreshing it is to see another. . .familiar. . .face." He said with emphasis. "I'm here to speak with Ms. DelPrado. Is she available?" He asked.

Sun Hee sized the man up as he introduced himself. "Ms DelPrado is currently out of the office. Did you have an appointment?"

"Yes, my name is Rene Babeu. I was referred to her by a. . .mutual friend." He replied.

Sun Hee nodded. "Ms DelPrado was expecting you Mr Babeu." She motioned behind the counter. "If you would follow me please."

Rene took a few moments to appreciate the curves of Ms. Hee as he began to follow her towards the office. He continued to walk until he finally came to the entrance of Ms. DelPrado's door.

Sun Hee could sense the man's eye's wandering over her figure, exactly as she wanted it. It gave her a chance to surreptitiously scan the man for any weapons before he saw Ms DelPrado. She tapped the door with her own code motioning for him to enter ahead of her. As they stepped in, she quietly gave her boss an almost imperceptible nod to indicate he was clean. She then took her customary chair off to the side of the room but just inside the man's vision.

Melissa DelPrado got to her feet as Sun Hee & Mr Babeu entered. She returned the nod indicating the man was safe and for Sun Hee to take a seat. "Mr Babeu. Melissa DelPrado. I understand the our mutual friend Mr Raddon referred you to me?"

Relief washed over Rene as he realized that he was not "alone" on the station. In a time where everytime you turned around you saw someone with ridges, gils, or some other deformity, it was comforting to be amongst his own kind.

"There is a girl that has come to the attention of Starfleet Security. I need to have her taken care of otherwise she could become a problem to myself and my associates." Rene said directly. "I was led to believe that you have certain talents that can help me." He said.

"I may. I may not. Why is this girl of interest to you?" She motioned around the room. "The room is dampened so we can speak freely Mr Babeu."

Rene nodded. "The girl was recruited to carry out a very important mission. She helped strike back at those alien usurpers that have been trying to enslave the Terrans within our own homes." Rene began.

"She carried out her mission, successfully I might add, against the Cardassians forces onboard this station. However, instead of immediately leaving, she decided to turn herself into Starfleet Security." He added.

"She needs to be taken care of before she can implicate or compromise anymore Patriots for the Terran cause." Rene stated.

Melissa nodded as the man spoke. She had people that could dispose of this women, and the job was easy enough on the surface. What she didn't like was that the people offering her the work were terrorists. They were unlike most other clients in that their need of her services was driven by ideology. Greed, Revenge, Business, these could be controlled with the right applications of pressure and latinum. Ideology driven people were not as easily managed with money.

If she took the job, she would have to make allowances for extra costs associated with cleaning up any messes her clients made along the way, including her clients.

"So basically this lady is a liability to your associates and you would like her removed before she causes any more damage. Certainly understandable. How soon do you need this done?"

"From what my contacts have communicated to me, she is going to be placed on a transport to Starbase 182 where she'll be held until she can be fully debriefed." He responded with an uptick in his voice. "I believe the best way to deal with her would be to make it look like an accident took place on the shuttle." he added.

"You understand of course that putting together a team on such short notice is not easy. It can be done but the risks are higher so my fee is also correspondingly higher."

Rene nodded with a smile. "I'm certain that those arrangements can be easily taken care of." He said knowingly.

"My standard retainer is ten bars. Once I have a firm estimate of the job, we can discuss final pricing."

Rene nodded as relief began to wash over him. "Very well, it will be important to make it look like an accident AND as if the Cardassians were responsible." He instructed.

Melissa nodded. "If you can provide my assistant with a description of the women, once my fee's are covered we can begin the workup."

Rene smiled and began to leave the room. "Thank you for your assistance, you have no idea how much you have helped the Human Cause." He added.

Melissa nodded to Sun Hee. "If you would follow me Mr Babeu. I'll get the information Ms DelPrado requested from you and we can start making arrangements."


Rene Babeu
Concerned Human

Melissa DelPrado