Interlude – Night out
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Night out
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Sun Jun 13, 2010 @ 8:40pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD23 - Afternoon, then Evening

After his lunch with Whitlock that afternoon, Ai'lani, upon arriving at his quarters and finding his son sound asleep, contacted Rianni.

"Elley to Monteros-t'Khellian, you have a very long surname," he announced through the comm to her.

"Be glad you aren't having to call my rank too." Rianni giggled through her comm, "What can I do for you Ai'lani?"

"Well, I was at lunch today and I passed by this little bar that I think would be a great place for us to go out tonight. What do you say?" he asked, laying down on his couch and putting his legs over the back.

"I could go for that." Rianni answered, "About what time?"

"How's 2100 sound?" he offered.

"Fine, you going to come by here to meet me or do you just want to meet there?" Rianni asked.

"I'll pick you up at your quarters," he told her. "See you then. Bye!" With that, he cut the comm link.

Same day - 2100hrs

Having gotten a shower and put on some nice clothes, Ai'lani injected himself with a pheromone suppressor before leaving his quarters. He didn't want to take any chances. After all, he'd agreed with himself to keep his relationship with Rianni as friendly as possible. Hopping out of the turbolift as it dropped him off at the right section of the station, he quickly made his way over to Rianni's quarters, announcing his present with a ring.

Rianni, dressed in a form fitting red dress, wandered over to the door and opened it for Ai'lani, "Hi."

Ai'lani raised an eyebrow at her. "Well, don't you look seductive," he complimented honestly.

"This old thing?" Rianni giggled, though the fact was it was new, having been bought a few short hours before, "So, we ready?"

"Yes, definitely," he nodded, offering his arm to her before leading them down the corridor to the turbolift.

"Good, I'm starving!" Rianni laughed, taking his arm and following him into the turbolift, "So, where are we going?"

"I passed this little bar and restaurant today that looked really good. I think it's called the 'The last resort' which I think is kind of clever," he explained before ordering the turbolift to take them to the Promenade.

"Sounds great." Rianni nodded, "Sounds like a place where a girl can get a nice, thick burger, maybe a brew with it."

"Yeah, it seems pretty relaxed. It's why I chose it. So, what you been up to today?" he asked her, exiting the turbolift and heading into the bubbling social center of the base.

"Just the usual things involved with getting a new ship ready for full time service." Rianni replied, "Spent most of my morning butt deep in reports. Fun, fun, fun."

Ai'lani made a face. "Sounds like it," he said sarcastically, leading Rianni into the crowded restaurant and telling the woman working there about his reservation. With a nod, she led them over to a table near the window, giving them a beautiful view of a nearby nebula. Holding a chair out for her, Ai'lani waited for Rianni to take a seat before he did.

Rianni couldn't remember the last time someone pulled out a chair for her, she almost didn't know what to do, but took her seat and smiled, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," he said with a smile. "I signed up for an art class today," he told her.

"Really?" Rianni nodded in approval, "Any particular discipline of art you're interested in?"

"Well, I've always been a painter and photographer at heart. So this is a painting class. I've been painting and doing graphic designs all my life, but I always find it more interesting to do with other people around me," he explained.

"That sounds like a lot of fun." Rianni nodded, "I'd love to see something you've painted."

"Tell you what. Since I've already started, when I finish my first painting on DS5, you'll be the first person to see it. How's that?" he offered her.

"Sounds nice." Rianni smiled, "I'll be looking forward to that."

Ai'lani smiled brightly, looking up at the waiter as he came over. "Hi," he greeted him. "Do you have any Deltan wines?" he asked. "Yes, sir," the man, a Betazoid, Ai'lani observed, nodded. "We'll have a bottle of something from 76, if you have it," he said. The waiter nodded before leaving.

"I hope you don't mind me ordering that, but it's really one of the best tasting wines I've ever had. Though, I could be a bit biased there," he grinned.

"No, it's all right, I enjoy trying new things from other worlds." Rianni replied, "I've never had Deltan wine, so this will be an interesting first for me."

"Good. It's a bit similar to Romulan ale in terms of strength. Only in this case it's flavour that just bursts and you can feel your whole body burn," he described.

"That does sound interesting." Rianni said, "What goes well with it?"

"Seafood, fish, that kind of thing. Some light vegetables as a side dish. I'd recommend something from Delta, but a lot of the delicacies are from poisonous animals and I don't trust people outside of Delta to make it."

"Gotcha, so just so know to Deltan food by people with hair." Rianni nodded, "I wonder if they have actual Tilapia here? I'd like some grilled Tilapia and shrimp, maybe with a nice Greek salad, you know, with olives and Feta cheese, the good stuff."

"Oh, that does sound good," he admitted. "I want that too. They probably have it," he guessed. Looking up, the waiter came over with a red tinted crystal bottle and two glasses with some exotic looking fruits inside. "Thank you," Ai'lani told him before pouring Rianni a glass. As the liquid hit the fruit, they could both feel their senses being overwhelmed by a full, fruity fragrance.

"Oh, that smells so good." Rianni giggled, she was starving and that fruit smell was just killing her. She quickly lifted her glass and swished the wine around, sniffing it deep, "That is wonderful."

"Wait until you try it," he told her with a smile, smelling it for a moment himself before raising his glass to her. "To your health and a prosperous future in your new workplace," he wished.

"And yours." Rianni smiled, touching her glass to his, "May you find many great stories here." She then took her first sip of the wine and smiled in near ecstasy, "That is... wow!"

Ai'lani grinned before taking a sip. Letting out a moan as the flavour flooded his sense, he smiled back at her. "I told you it was amazing." He took another, this time bigger, drink.

"Don't let me see this in print or anything, but I honestly think this is better than Romulan Ale." Rianni gigled, "I need to get some for my place."

Ai'lani laughed. "I'll be sure to keep that off the record," he assured her. "And it really isn't that strong, alcohol wise," he pointed out.

"No, it really isn't." Rianni nodded, adding, "I grew up in Athens, Ai'lani, Ouzo country. If you can handle Ouzo, you can handle pretty much anything else. This is very nice, though, and something not too strong alcohol wise would probably be a good idea for me." She laughed at herself for a second, happy that she was able to laugh about what she had done now, ~First step to recovery taken.~

"I completely agree," he nodded. "Though, I must warn you, too much of it acts as an aphrodisiac to most species. I'm not entirely sure how you would be affected, considering your heritage, but just so you're aware," Ai'lani said.

"Aphrodisiac, huh?" Rianni snickered, "Now I know why someone was in such a hurry to order the drinks."

Ai'lani laughed heartily at that. "I am insulted that you think of me that way," he told her, resting his hand on his chest in mock-hurt. "I am a gentleman," he assured her.

"Damn!" Rianni replied in mock consternation, "That's what I was afraid of!"

He grinned, "Oh really? Well, as much as I like you, I'm afraid that could be dangerous," he explained.

"Dangerous?" Rianni raised an eyebrow, ~He must know more about my track record than he lets on.~

"Well, as much as I'm opposed to it, the Oath of Celibacy in Starfleet is there for a reason," the Deltan pointed out, knowing that, should he ever be involved with someone immature, it would only prove Starfleet right.

"And neither of us are members of Starfleet." Rianni said, "I don't know if you ever were and they kicked me out."

"It just isn't a good idea," he told her honestly. Ai'lani chose his next word carefully, not wishing to ruin the good evening for either of them. "As much as this might peak your curiosity and I hope you don't find it insulting, your people just aren't advanced enough to handle it."

"Oh?" Rianni asked, sipping her wine, "And which of my people do you refer to? Greeks or Romulans?"

"Both," Ai'lani replied, finishing his glass and pouring himself another.

"See, that's something I've always had an objection to when it came to Deltans." Rianni said candidly, "The assumption that all other species are so behind them in that context that they can never be trusted not to take advantage of them. I mean, they don't make the Ferengi sign an oath not to swindle anybody."

Ai'lani nodded in agreement. "Well I consider it more of an insult to our common sense. By making us sign an Oath of Celibacy, Starfleet literally tells us that they believe we're sex-obsessed."

"And they'd never do that to another species." Rianni sighed, "The politically correct facade of Starfleet amuses me more and more since I'm no longer part of it."

"Well, like I said. I have no problem with my people abstaining from sex with non-Deltans, it's the fact that we need to put it in writing that bothers me," Ai'lani explained.

"Well, I wish I could explain why Starfleet felt the need to do that, or why they feel the need to keep that policy a century later, but I can't." Rianni said, "I can't explain anything they do."

"Let's talk about something else. This is sounding too much like my day job," Ai'lani decided, waving the waiter over so they could order.

"Okay, pick a topic." Rianni smiled, then ordered all the items she'd previously mentioned, ~For some reason I am starved.~

Ordering the same as Rianni, he turned back to the woman opposite him. "Okay, we spoke about art earlier. Do you do anything artistic? Drawing, painting, sculpture, anything?"

"I used to draw a lot when I was a kid." Rianni remembered, "I mean, nothing like gallery worthy or anything, but still, it was fun for me."

"Maybe you should sign up for that art class with me? It's a good stress reliever. Just you, a canvas, paints and your imagination," he explained.

"That might be interesting." Rianni laughed, "I'd love to, just hope I actually can."

"Can what? Paint? Anyone can paint. And it's not about skill. It's about expressing your emotions. You're good at that."

"Well, I actually meant if I can find the time for the class." Rianni sighed, "I mean, not a whole lot in the lines of spare time or anything."

"Well, you don't have to join it. You can do it in your quarters. Just do something that relaxes you," he offered.

"See, that's the thing, I do want to join." Rianni said, "I spend entirely too much time alone in my quarters and would love to be out amongst people more."

"Well, aren't you friendly with any people in the Consulate?"

"I don't really know that many to be honest." Rianni answered, "I mean, outside of my family I only know a few people at the Consulate."

"Well, ask them to do something fun with you," he told her, unsure why she felt lonely. He was basically alone on the station, apart from having Dominic there, and he never felt lonely with other people around.

"Yeah, well, that's just the thing, the Consulate people only view me as the Ambassador's niece, so they really aren't too interested in having fun with me." Rianni answered, "And the ones that are interested in being around me outside of the office so to speak are usually interested in currying Isha's favor for themselves."

"Sorry to hear that. Well, you can always call me to go out with," he said with a smile, absentmindedly reaching out to touch her hand with his. At the contact, Rianni could feel the softness of his skin and his warmth. His hands truly felt like those of an artist and not someone who had done any manual work in his whole life. But his warmth seemed to enter her through his fingertips, warming her as well. At the physical contact, however short it was, she felt the truth and honesty in his words as the emotional stress and pain seemed to ease in her head.

"That's sweet of you." Rianni smiled, "I'll take you up on that. Besides, we're going to have lots of time together in that art class."

"Good," he nodded, taking his hand back as their meals arrive. As the contact was broken the warmth left her suddenly, sending a small chill through her spine.

Rianni shivered a bit, though she didn't connect it to Ai'lani's broken touch, "Wow, should've brought a jacket or something." She laughed, looking down at the feast in front of her, "Oh, yes! This is what I'm talking about right here!"

"You can have my jacket," Ai'lani offered almost immediately before looking down at his food as well. It certainly did look good.

"It's okay, I'm okay now." Rianni replied, "Wonder what caused that? Oh, well." She pulled her salad close to her and took a big bite, "Oh, yeah, tastes as good as it looks, too."

Digging in as well, Ai'lani stopped, feeling the flavours in his mouth. "Mmmm...." he finally moaned. "This is really good..." he admitted, taking another big bite.

"Yeah, especially since this seems to be real Feta cheese and not replicated." Rianni nodded, "I mean, it's not as good as the Feta we get in Athens, but still."

"Well, of course," he nodded. "I've never been to Athens, so to me, this is pretty good," he grinned.

"I'll have to have Papa Gregori send me some." Rianni smiled, "Then I'll have you over for some true Greek food. Trust me, you'll love it."

"I'm sure I will," Ai'lani replied. Suddenly, his comm beeped. "I'm sorry," he told Rianni before replying. "Dominic?" he asked, seeing the name read-out. "Hey, dad," they heard the boy's voice reply. "Are you okay?" the Deltan asked in concern. "Yeah, I just wanted to ask where you put the Ktarian chocolate puffs," the boy said. "Um, isn't it a little late for that?"

"Oh, come on, dad, it's only 2200," Dominic protested. "Exactly, shouldn't you be in bed instead of eating junk food?"

"Oh, for heaven's sake, dad, get off my case," the boy said, teenage rebelliousness creeping into his voice, surprising Ai'lani a bit.. "Fine, but I'm not telling you where the puffs are," Ai'lani replied, cutting the link.

"I'm really sorry," he told Rianni sincerely.

"It's okay. That was actually cute and very touching." Rianni laughed, "Besides, from the way you're acting, I bet you finished the Ktarian chocolate puffs."

"I did, earlier today. Still, looking around will occupy him and tire him out so he'll get a good night's sleep," Ai'lani explained.

"That's clever, Dad." Rianni giggled, "My mom would've just said 'I ate them, you should've been quicker.' I mean, it's what Papa Gregori did to her."

Ai'lani laughed, shaking his head. "But he's a good kid. I'm kind of surprised, actually, what with him growing up with me."

"Why?" Rianni asked between bites of her salad, "You're a good guy."

"Yes, but Dominic is human. It's difficult to raise someone who is a totally different species than your own."

"My mom managed." Rianni replied, "And you seem to be doing a great job."

"Thank you. You should meet him. I think he'd like you and he's been through a lot lately, what we me always being on the move. He hasn't made many friends. Hopefully I'll stay on Deep Space 5 long enough for him to get settled."

"That sounds like fun." Rianni smiled, having to stop herself from inviting him down to the wing, ~You don't run the wing anymore, Rianni! And I doubt this kid would want to go aboard a Warbird.~

"He's going through that awkward age where he hates everyone and doesn't know what to wear," Ai'lani laughed.

"Yeah, been there." Rianni laughed, "Took me joining the Marines to solve the part about not knowing what to wear."

Ai'lani chuckled. "Well, he's growing and getting clumsy and lanky. It's not pretty," he admitted with grin.

"Well, it's awkward for humans." Rianni explained, "I mean, it's got to be easier for Deltans, at least you don't have to fight with your hair, too."

Ai'lani snickered. "You're just jealous of our perfection," he joked.

"Perfection?" Rianni sneered, "Every guy in boot camp looks like that."

"Like this?" he motioned to his whole person with a mock-smugness in his eyes, "You wish," he jabbed.

"And they say Romulans are arrogant." Rianni said, shaking her head in mock disbelief.

"Except we have a reason to be arrogant. We're fabulous," he said, but at the last, he couldn't keep a straight face and burst out laughing.

Rianni shook her head and laughed, popping a shrimp into her mouth and taking a drink of her wine behind it, "No, this, this is fabulous! Seriously, this wine goes perfectly with this food."

"I told you," he pointed out, taking a few bites as well. "I'm glad we did this. We should go out again. Maybe go dancing or something like that."

"I'd enjoy that." Rianni smiled, "I love to dance."

"Good! So do I!" Ai'lani smiled back, going back to his dinner. "I'm glad I met you," he said sincerely, between mouthfuls.

"Me, too." Rianni replied, just as sincerely.


erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Enjoying herself greatly


Ai'lani Elley
Loving every moment