Things Past – The Promise

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Title   The Promise
Mission   Things Past
Posted   Wed Mar 13, 2013 @ 6:03pm
Location   Quarters
Timeline   SD71 0600

The chime to his quarters had been going off for five minutes, Ryan lay in bed exhausted after his nightshift as he tried to ignore it, but as it sounded once more he sighed in frustration, grabbed his jogging bottoms that he used for running on the holodeck, he quickly put them on, he couldn’t answer his door practically naked.
He walked through to the lounge and tapped the door panel and it opened to a familiar face, a Cardassian one at that, he narrowed his eyes at the woman.

Illiana Novek had to catch her breath at the sight of his bare upper body, she liked what she saw and wanted him instantly, this made her plan all the more easier. She smiled. “Hi”

“Hi…Oh…Illiana, Is it?”

She eagerly nodded. “You don’t remember me?”

“I do now, but a second ago no…it was a long night and I’m tired” he explained with a smile.

“I woke you didn’t I?” she seemed horrified.

“I wasn’t asleep, not yet anyway…I-is there something you wanted?”

“I had to come by and see you to thank you again for healing me”

“Well” Ryan began to smile impatiently but it wasn’t picked up as that. “Like I said last night there’s no need, it’s my job I don’t need extra thanks”

“You do, doctor…Ry-…Ryan may I call you that?”

Ryan let out a sigh and nodded. “Yeah that’s fine…listen I’m really ti-“ he was cut off quickly.

“Ryan you do, it must be hard dealing with other Cardassian’s”

Ryan pouted and shook his head. “Not really, just the nasty, devious and cold hearted ones, look…I don’t mean to be rude but I’m exhausted”

Illiana stepped closer to him and placed her hand on his cheek and caressed it as she looked into his blue eyes, definitely stepping up her game. “And you look good with it…”

Ryan frowned and pulled his head back.

“Do I repulse you Ryan?” she asked softly, a seductive tone oozing from her.

“No, no of course not…I-I…” he stuttered. “I just don’t think that’s very appropriate do you?”

“I am not a member of Starfleet, I don’t see a problem”

Alright, she certainly had a point, there was no problem with it, but what if her father found out she was interested in him?

“Why on Earth would you be interested in me?”

Illiana smirked. “Earth? That is your real home isn’t it? Aswell as this station”

“Yeah” he told her with a nod. “But what I said…it’s just a saying…”

“Originating from Earth…” she assumed. “Do you see yourself as human Ryan?”

Ryan uncomfortably looked away and bit his lip as he considered his response. “I did” he told her with a nod. “Until everything surfaced…now…I’m not quite human I’m not quite Cardassian…or Bajoran…I don’t know what the hell I am”

Illiana looked deeply at him. “There is a lot of pain behind those eyes”

Ryan flicked up his eyebrows at her statement. Was he that much of an open book?

“To answer your question, why wouldn’t I be interested? You really do intrigue me and I have an attraction towards you”

“That much was obvious in sickbay last night” he countered.

“Inappropriate I know, forgive me”

“It’s alright but listen I’m not sure where you’re going with this or what you want it to lead too but I don’t want anything serious and then there’s your family to consider, I’m not putting myself in a position of being involved with your world, your people…” he shrugged.

Illiana smiled widely. “Who said anything about serious? I will be seeing you again” she told him as she slowly removed her hand from his face.

“It’s a big station”

“Yes but there are two places I know where to find you, here or sickbay” she smiled. “It’s a promise…sleep well Ryan”

Ryan frowned as he watched her walking away. She was undeniably attractive, he knew that but he just wasn’t sure about her, or the attraction she seemed to have toward him. He turned away and ordered his door locked and he returned to the bedroom. Lying in bed he looked up at the ceiling unease ran deep within, he was not sure about the presence she decided to make in his life. She made it clear to him she would see him again, promised him even; he didn’t doubt that she seemed to be a woman who got what she wanted. However she didn’t know Ryan properly, he was stubborn and wouldn’t let anything go any further if he didn’t want it too and at the moment he really didn’t. As he relaxed he wondered how their next encounter would go…


Lieutenant Ryan Milarno