Beg, Steal or Borrow – Reflection and Study
by Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Reflection and Study
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Mon May 11, 2009 @ 4:27am
Location   Quartermaster's Office
Timeline   SD8 - 1700 hrs

Petro sat in her office with the door locked and the lights low. The illumination from her console and the dim lighting provided her with the adequate lighting and mood she needed for studying. She dared not increase the lighting because if she did, then she would clearly see what wasn’t there. Rakka.

She sighed as she resigned herself to her studies. With everything going on of late she did not want to disappoint Tahir or anyone else. She had done enough of that already. If she had more experience at Tactical, them maybe the station wouldn’t have suffered as much damage as it had. Instead, she had to work with one arm and – oh, why did she volunteer so quickly to work a station she was not completely familiar with?

When faced with a physically aggressive subordinate, what course of action should you take?

Petro stared at the question. In reality, the way that a person deals with such an event is far different from the answers that they tell you in the curriculum. The ones what make up these question and answers probably have never faced the reality of life on a Starship or Starbase.

She typed in her answer, according to what the book explained how things should be done. She fought the urge to explain that real life was far different and sometimes you had to take a hands on approach.

She wiped away a tear that had formed. Rakka was a hands on person who was never afraid to take matters to the physical level in a fight, should it escalate to that. Still, she was fair for the most part, not wanting things to get to that level. She couldn’t say the same about herself. Petro remembered the time after their swim and how the men teased and made fun of Rakka, though they tried to do it out of earshot. Petro snapped and she became physical. It was something she was not accustomed to doing and yet she was more than capable.

Rakka showed her that she was capable of so much more than what she thought she could be. There were others on the station that seemed to believe the same thing. Tasha was one of them. If it weren’t for her she wouldn’t be studying to become an officer at all. Then there was Isha, who seemed to enjoy turning Petro into a Woman of the Hour. It felt good for the few moments that Petro could feel.

Then the nightmares came again. The trampling, the weeks in the sickbay, though she didn’t really remember that time, and the leaving of her friend. As much as she tried to fight what was going on inside of her, she couldn’t relinquish the anger, frustration and sadness that threatened her every moment. Though she wouldn’t allow it to take control, and she did set time aside to herself to help deal with them, she wondered if the pain of it all would ever go away.

She looked at the next question and smiled. “This one’s easy.” She said to herself and jotted down her answer. Just as she was finishing her sentence, her console beeped. She looked up and saw that she had an incoming message.

It was from Starfleet Academy on Earth. The results of her last assignment she turned in. The breath in her lungs held their place as she opened the report. Her eyes scanned over the material and the myriad of double back talking that the report had in it before finally showing her scores.

She resigned that she had passed but was still unhappy with her scores. She could have, should have done better. A Ninety-Seven percentage score was unacceptable to her but what could she do? What was done was done. She saved the file for another time and resumed her studies.

The proper chain of Command within any Starfleet Activity is:


Warrant Officer Petro
Deep Space Five