Beg, Steal or Borrow – Meeting the Commander
by Lieutenant JG Derick Fox & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Meeting the Commander
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Derick Fox & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Jul 18, 2009 @ 11:33pm
Location   Captains Ready Room
Timeline   SD 9 - 1400hrs

Fox was on his way to meet Commander Davies. He was told that the Commander, for the moment was in the Captains Ready Room. Fox approached the door to the ready room and pushed the chime, waiting for a reply......

David rested the news article to his left, calling out "Enter" as he moved away from the desk. The news from HQ was not the best but he had expected it.

Fox entered the room and approaching the desk, he stopped at attention, "Lieutenant Fox reporting for duty, sir." Handing the PADD with his orders to the Commander.

Davies watched as the Lieutenant strode with purpose across the room and held forward the data transfer as he stood proud at attention.
"At ease Lieutenant." Davies ordered as he took the minicomputer and glanced through his profile. "Impressive!" He remarked, sliding back into his chair, noting who Dericks father was. "Can I ask why the transfer request from the USS Poseidon?" He asked, laying the PADD onto the desk.

"Of course, sir." Fox relaxed slightly.

"The Dominion war had changed me quite a bit. Watching my friends and squad mates die in front of my eyes. I began to loose all feeling as a human and felt more like a robot. Several years ago, I lost something very dear to me. I decided to leave Starships for awhile and get a better perspective on life and to find what I have lost and find myself again. What better place in Star Fleet than a huge city such as DS5. If you have a level ten clearance, I heard my record makes for some interesting reading."

"Mm, that's the second time today somebody has mentioned my security clearance, guess I am going to have to do some serious research into why a Commander doesn't appear to have all the necessary clearances around here." He muttered just loud enough for the Lieutenant to hear his gripe. He let out a low sigh,
"Anyway, that's as sound a reason for being aboard a station, it's usually because of a woman or parents or just to change from gallivanting across the known universe." Davies replied a little louder, "but I know what your saying about the war." He recalled his own endeavors.

"One of those falls under finding what I have lost and one falls under finding myself. I heard there was a run in with some Romulans recently." Quickly changing the subject.

Commander Davies nodded. "Yes and we're just getting back to normal, thanks to the parts that everyone aboard played and the outstanding work of our Engineering Chief. I am sure though, that you are keen to see what's at the tactical station. Mr Harris is currently on COMM, the man with the blonde curly hair." Davies stated as he then enrolled the Lieutenant onto the station manifest. "Computer, activate transfer of Lieutenant Junior Grade Derick Fox, Tactical Officer and all privileges of said rank and position."

The computer chirruped its confirmation.
'Activated' It responded

"Any questions?" Davies asked, noticing that Derick had been quick to change subject and he did not want to pry into the mans personal affairs, not yet at least, he had another matter which needed his attention as he glanced at the PADD that lay upon the table.

"Not at the moment, sir" Fox responded.

David glanced back at Derick, his thoughts on home & Star Fleet. "Very well Mr Fox, your dismissed." He said with a nonchalance, but nothing to do with the Lieutenant.

"Thank you .sir" With a nod, Derick spun around and departed the room.

"Your welcome." Davies uttered, retrieving the PADD and re-reading the message from Starfleet.


Commander David Davies

Lieutenant JG Derick Fox
Tactical Officer