Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Imbued with memories fond. . . (part III)
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Imbued with memories fond. . . (part III)
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Sat Dec 13, 2008 @ 8:59am
Location   Starfleet HQ - San Fransico, Earth
Timeline   A week after fall of the 7th fleet.
"You may call for the Lieutenant," The Vice Admiral Maria Muldeen said to the nearby officer.

Within moments, the steel doors slid apart to reveal the form of Lieutenant Dorian Gabriel. Before he was a loyal officer who was willing to sacrifice his life in a moment's notice. Now he had become a battle-hardened survivor who had been responsible for his entire crew after the disastrous Tyra system ambush.

The surviving crew had managed to reach the fallen-Cardassian vessel and use its remaining life-pods to escape from the planet. They stayed within the planet's upper atmosphere for over 40hrs before a Starfleet vessel picked up their signal and retrieved them.

Unfortunately, in order to signal for help they had to leave their comm activated the entire time. Such a decision meant they had to listen to the repeated calls for help from the survivors on the ground. Survivors that had managed to seek refuge inside of the Cardassian vessel against the horde of Jem'Hadar soldiers that were undergoing Ketrical White withdrawal symptoms.

There were dozens of voices screaming into the Galor-class vessel's comm unit. All screaming as their children starved and the Jem'Hadar overran their defenses. Even as the universal translators ceased to operate, there was no mistaking the human voice of anguish and hopelessness. The officers within orbit couldn't respond, due to the limited power within the pods. The cries for help were too much for one crewmen, who took his phaser and turned it on himself. Before he pressed the button he stated, "Those cries will be with me for the rest of my life, never resting, never fading, never ceasing their call to save them." he said solemnly.

The Vice Admiral's voice brought Dorian back to reality as she began to speak. "Lieutenant Dorian Gabriel. We are here today for the second day of this inquest to discover what took place immediately following the lost of the USS Camelot after its engagement with Dominion forces within the Tyra system." she said in the typical official tone that Gabriel had become accustomed to.

"Yesterday we were discussing your actions immediately following the death of Chief Tactical Officer, Lieutenant Commander eRaff De'Lann. You instructed the crew to seek refuge inside of the Cardassian vessel?" She inquired.

"Yes ma'am, I believed that the vessel provided better protection from Dominion forces while we attempted to gain access to the communication and evacuation systems. Several officers secured the parameter of the ship while the remainder evacuated to the ship." he responded.

"It was after that moment that your crew encountered the the colonists of that planet?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am" Gabriel replied.

"and yet you did not attempt to evacuate them along with your crew?" she asked as she looked up from her Padd that detailed the reports compiled from the other survivors.

"That's right, at that point I was---" He began to explain that he was not sure which colonist were infected with the virus that the Dominion had injected into the atmosphere, nor did he believe that what little supplies the crew had left would have been sufficient.

Instead he lied. "I'm affraid that by the time we had reached the colonist, they were already in the final stages of the virus that the Dominion had infected them with. We were not able to reach them by the time the Jem'Hadar troops had reached our area." He explained.

"However, the report from Ensign Binteen states that there was banging on the outside of the hull along with several attempts at radio contact after the crew had departed, isn't that correct Lieutenant?" she asked.

"His report stated that as a result of your decision to leave the colonist, they were left to fight the remaining Dominion troops on their own, correct?" She asked curtly.

"Whatever civilians that remained, somehow managed to reach the Cardassian vessel after we had already launched, ma'am" he tried to respond.

"So then your party did not encounter any surviving colonist that could have accompanied you all within the scape pods?" She queried.

". . . ." Gabriel sighed as he tried to think of an appropriate response. He knew that there was no response that he could give to justify his actions. He knew that if they had remained on the planet, there was no way a surviving ship from the 7th fleet would have detected them through the EMP field and evacuated them in time.

Additionally, since returning to Federation space, it had become obvious that the war was not going the way the Federation hoped it would go. Starfleet had failed to win any major engagements against the Dominion and they had been forced to retreat from several battle fronts. If they had remained on that planet, there wouldn't have been a counter-offensive to retake the Tyra system, they would have surely died along with the colonist.

"Yes, ma'am." Gabriel finally stated after several seconds of silence.

"That will be all for now, Lieutenant. Our investigation will inform us of what further actions will be taken next. " Vice Admiral Muldeen stated. "We will be in contact."

With that dismissal, Dorian stood and nodded as he turned on his heels and exited the room.


The birds outside the window chirped continuously as they flew by the window. The man's face was bathed in the warmth of the sun's rays as he stared towards the other side of the Bay. His view of the bay was blocked by the large assortment of dignitaries and representatives that flocked to be present for the remembrance ceremony of the rebuilt Golden Gate Bridge.

"'Bout time you showed up Lieutenant Gabriel," the older man said as the doors parted for him. His leather boots padded softly along the carpet coming to a stop behind his mahogany desk. The man smirked to himself as he sat down in his chair.

He took several moments to observe the younger officer that stood before him. He noticed that the man was younger, however experience had aged the man significantly. Unfortunately, the war years had taught Lieutenant Gabriel lessons that few Star Fleet officers had ever experienced.

"Gabriel, smile every once and awhile. your face is gonna get stuck that way." The Admiral stated as he adjusted the four pips that sat on both sides of his collar. "At ease Lieutenant." He ordered as he tugged on his tunic. "At this point you are probably wondering what will become of your career." he said in a more official tone.

"Yes sir, but I have managed to take the opportunity to be planet-side for the time being." Gabriel said as a smile began to develop on his face. "Earth is a paradise compared to other planets." he responded

"That it is, Lieutenant, that it is," the Admiral said as he opened the drawer in front of him and withdrew the small black box. It had been a tumultuous series of events that had led him to making the decision that he was about to announce.

Gabriel looked at the box and sighed quietly. He knew this was coming. He knew that there were to be repercussions for what took place on that planet. He knew that several dozen lives had been saved, but more than that had been lost to the horde of Jem'Hadar.

"Lieutenant, you served with fortitude and distinction on that planet. What you and the other officers of the USS Camelot experienced is only a glimpse of what we all must learn to endure in the upcoming months. Therefore it is with a heavy heart that I must inform you from here on out, you will no longer enjoy the rank and privileges of Lieutenant, but instead that of the rank of Ensign, with all rights and privileges therein. Effective immediately." The older man said as he stood to hand the distracted Officer his lone pip

"Sir?" he said in an incredulous tone. Gabriel asked as he tried to remain calm, despite his rising emotions.

The Admiral looked into Gabriel's eyes. "You don't agree? Well that's too bad!" he said as he chest began to rise and fall quickly. "You have served the Fleet honorably, but that was before you left over 70 civilians on a planet to fend for themselves against the Dominion." the Admiral attempted to lower his tone as he recognized that it was quickly becoming louder and louder.

"I understand that you were thrust into a hell of a situation in Tyra, but we have a duty to protect ALL of the Federation, not just ourselves Dorian." he said in a lower tone. "Even if you had to rely on sticks and rocks, you should've defended each and everyone of those civilians." he said. "Even if it would've cost all of us our lives." the Admiral said with a sigh as he recognized that the reason he was alive was because of Gabriel's actions.

The crash landing had placed Admiral Helzing in a coma. Unfortunately, there were no adequate medical facilities on the bombed-out colony to treat him. It wasn't until the crew had been rescued by Starfleet that his injuries were treated. Helzing knew that if they had remained on the planet, he would not be here today.

"You saved a lot of lives that day, including my own, and for that I thank you.So that's why I want you to serve as the Security Investigations for Starfleet Intelligence." The Admiral said as he stared the younger man in the eye. "We need you back in the field, Ensign, and after what happened several years ago with Admiral Layton and the Founder infiltrations we need to re-double our efforts to protect Home from anymore attacks." the Admiral added.

Gabriel nodded as he recognized the path that his career was about to take. He knew that the official story given at the inquest was false, and the official report would be document as such. However, the Admiral knew the truth about what transpired on the planet as did every other officer that survived. He knew that this opportunity was the Admiral's way of saying "thank you" for his actions. The truth of what transpired would remained buried on that planet, along with the colonist and so many other countless souls.

"Dismissed, Ensign" The Admiral said.

With a nod, Dorian turned and exited the room to begin his career once again.

Dorian Gabriel
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space Five

Admiral Geoffry Helzing
Starfleet Command