Things Past – Elsewhere at the Party
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Elsewhere at the Party
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Sun Jun 26, 2011 @ 6:13pm
Location   Cardassia City. Coranum Sector. Cardassia Prime
As the younger solider walked away, Hydel continued to grip the glass in his hand until it broke into several pieces. The anger surging within him prevented him from noticing the mess that had formed. He signaled for a servant to address the mess while he made his way to the patriarch of the family.


"Ah, Hydel," Enarim said in an affable tone, waving over a passing servant who was carrying a tray of filled glasses. "You don't seem to have a drink. Do help yourself to one," he continued. "A pleasantly surprising excuse to call the family together don't you think?"

Hydel tried his best to feign a smile. "Yes, a surprise indeed." he replied. "What exactly do you know about this Getal character. It is not everyday that such a young soldier manages to obtain the rank of Gul so quickly without must combat leadership experience." he said, still not won over by the Cardassian's accomplishment of winning the family's approval.

"His father had been noted as a possible high achiever - an up and comer to watch. Not that I knew the man personally," Enarim said taking two glasses from the tray. One he handed to Hydel. "I never thought about the name until he was presented to me yesterday. There seems to be something of the father in the child. That, and I trust my daughter's judgement."

"hmmm" Hydel said unsurely as he continued to gaze in the general direction of the young couple.

Enarim sighed. "Hydel, I told Imanil that within bounds she might choose her own life mate and that we would not give unreasonable objection to her choice. Getal might not have been my first preference ... but its done now. Tell me, Hydel, do you have concerns I should be aware of?"

"Indeed I do." Hydel responded. "He is an outsider who seemingly appeared from nowhere and managed to woo the young, and quite frankly, inexperienced daughter of the Commander of the Fifth Order off of her feet in a breath-takingly short matter of time." Hydel said as he turned back to face the elder Cardassian.

"I most certainly have 'concerns'" Hydel concluded.

"I was something of the same when I met my wife," Enarim replied sagely. "I mused on that when I was considering my decision. The man clearly has ambition and has enjoyed some rapid success so far, laudible characteristics." Enarim rested a fatherly hand on Hydel's shoulder, "She might be inexperienced but my daughter knows her own mind," he said.

"It is not your daughter that I fear for, it is the ambitions of Getal that concern me the most." Hydel stated. "I think it would benefit all of us to keep an eye on him and future machinations." the Cardassian said as he gulped down the remainder of his drink.

That caught Enarim's attention. "Everyone bears watching," he said thoughtfully his gaze wandering over to where the young couple stood talking with other family members. "It is important to me to know that his ambitions do not clash with my own for the future of this family. Why don't you have one of your people keep an eye on him, subtly, of course," he said in the same thoughtful tone, "just so that we can correct any stray ambitions the moment they start to show."

"Indeed, I'll be sure to assign one of my best shooters to keep an eye on him." Hydel replied off-the cuff. "You all are like family to me and I will not stand by idly and allow anything bad to occur." He said with conviction.

"Ahhh, but of course you have become as much part of this family as any of my sons, Hydel. We'll see that you get where you want to go in life. Perhaps you ought to think about finding a life-mate of your own," Enarim suggested, an oblique reference to confirm that hos daughter was no longer part of that bargain.

Hydel noticed the peculiar choice of words. Evidently, the elder Cardassian was standing firm in his decision and would not be swayed. "My focus is on other matters at the moment." He replied, attempting to change the subject. "Between the Federation treaty and their willful blind eye towards their homegrown terrorists within the DMZ, I'm sure I will have more than my hands full serving the needs of Cardassia." he said.

"It will be left to us to clean up as usual," Enarim said. "but if they think that we are going to ignore the problem then they have another thing coming. I can't give you details, of course, not yet, but rest assured that the problem has not gone unnoticed and that measures are being taken."

"Of course" he said as he glanced one last time towards the new "couple". "of course, sir."


Fi'ta Gul Enarim Lemmarrev (retired)

Gul Hydel Turvan