Things Past – the 'Rest' of Time
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   the 'Rest' of Time
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sat Jan 07, 2012 @ 11:21pm
Location   Sickbay/Lt. Kasikova's Quarters
Timeline   SD38 - late

Ben was doing his rounds and was delighted to find Jana sitting up and looking her normal peaches and cream colouring again. She had little rosy cheeks and her fabulous dark tresses washed, combed and flowing about her shoulders like a cloud. He took in a deep breath to stop his chest closing up with emotion at the beautiful sight she made, her dark eyes bright and alight with their old fire.

"You look breathtaking!" he said, telling the truth. "I take it you're feeling better?" he understated as he kissed her softly.

Jana closed her eyes as he kissed her, she loved the feel of him. "Yes, I'm feeling better...I just feel bad for missing the wedding." She nearly pouted. "So doc, when can I get out of here?" She flashed him her best smile, her hands resting on her stomach.

"You are free to go, Angel" Ben answered, helping her out of bed. "You check out on all the scans, and so does the little one" He gently patted her stomach lovingly.

"Just promise me you'll take it easy, right?" he added seriously but as she pouted he laughed and winked. "No wild parties unless they're with me!"

"Are you coming with me? If I am correct (which is often)..." She giggled, "You should be getting off shift...unless of course I slept a lot longer than I thought..." Jana looked up at him hoping that he would come with her.

"I haven't been back in my quarters in a couple of days...can I grab a couple of things and just stay with you? You can play mother hen..." She teased.

"What, AGAIN.... isn't it YOUR turn to wear that costume this time?" he returned her banter but he did get her to wait while he handed over to his relief and signed out. He came back and took her arm, accompanying her home once he was free.

"Maybe if you are on death's door I will be the mother may not like it though Ben...just warning you." She said as they left sickbay.

"I think I could sacrifice myself into your tender care, my Love" he smirked, LOVING the idea but playing the part of the nonchalant male. A guy had to protect his street cred.

"Is it really a girl Ben?" She asked a few moments later. Jana was hoping for a girl but would of been over the moon if she could give her fiance a son. It was one of the things that she remembered vaguely from her time in sickbay...she thought it was too early to find out the sex of the baby but she had believed him.

"Yes, babe. A beautiful little angel, just like her mother." Ben wrapped his arm around her shoulder and squeezed gently, leaning in to kiss her temple as the walked. "I don't stand a chance against two of you... although, to be honest, I never did stand a chance against the one.... " again the blissfully happy smirk.

Ben looked at Jana quizzically. "Wait... are you unhappy about that?" he asked, confused by the soft frown that was playing around her exquisite eyebrows. "Did you want a boy?"

Jana shook her head and smiled, "No, I am happy either way Ben. I'm still a little sore is all. I suppose pink clothes and nursery are in order. Although when I was little I never liked pink. I was always in pale blues, purples and greens. I did wear the ocassional pink though. My mother put me in this dress once..." She stopped as they reached her quarters.

Jana punched in her security code and stopped abruptly in front of the door blocking Ben's path. Her face went white and she thought she would pass out when she saw the destruction of her quarters. There was only one person she knew that would do this to her and Jana couldn't believe that she had crossed paths with her again.

"Helena..." She whispered.

"Oh Lord...I'm going to be sick..." Jana said in a complete panic but she ran into the room and located the secret compartment that no one knew about. It didn't even show up on the blueprints of the station. She opened it and found that the items were still there. She breathed a sigh of relief.

Jana knew that she would have to move the items but was she prepared to put someone in danger so that Helena couldn't get her hands on them.

She looked up at Ben who was standing in the doorway in shock, "Pleae Ben...come in and lock the door...we can't stay here long...and I need to find a new place to hide the...We have to hurry."

Jana took the sealed box in her hands and replaced the cover so it didn't look like anything was disturbed besides the obvious. She grabbed some clothes (the ones that hadn't been completely trashed), threw them in a bag with the box. "Let's go.." She said tugging his arm. "I'll clean it up later...but we can't stay here right now...Ben...please!"

"Jana what's going on? We should report this to Security....... " Ben spluttered, completely bemused. "Who's Helena?"

"Someone from my past. Let's go! I will tell you about this later...we can't get security least not yet. Please!!" She begged.

Ben didn't like the idea of just leaving it like this. "Who? Why are you protecting whoever it is? Why would they do this?" he persisted, allowing himself to be led away at least but not going quietly.

Jana didn't answer until they were in his quarters. She paced nervously back and forth muttering to herself, twisting her hands not sure what to do. "I'm not protecting the person or people who broke into my quarters...I'm protecting you...this woman nearly killed me once before...I hadn't heard anything of her in years...She completely fell off the grid...why does this have happen now? Why can't we have a normal life together Ben??" She asked looking up at him.

"Whoever she is, we are NOT going to let her spoil our lives." He replied confidently. He was determined to protect his family. He took Jana into his arms and brushed the hair from her forehead before placing a reassuring kiss there, then trailing his fingertip down her cheek lovingly he placed the finger gently under her trembling chin and tilted her face up towards him, bending to gently kiss her.

"I'm here babe. You're never going to be alone against the Universe again. We can deal with anything as long as we're a team." He kissed her again, more deeply this time.

Jana kissed him back wanting...needing the reassurance that he was offering her. "I don't want her to hurt you Ben...any time I have had something she has wanted she has done whatever it takes to take it from me...she nearly killed me once over an ancient necklace." She hugged him fiercely. "I don't want to lose you."

"I don't know who she is but she's as sure as hell not taking me from you, Angel. I don't want anyone else. You're my idea of perfect and if she tries to hurt you in any way, she'll find that I'm not such a pushover when it comes to protecting my wife and baby." "He declared heatedly, not angry with Jana but already disliking this woman whoever she was.

Trying to relieve his anger she hugged him again. "I like the sound of me being your wife Ben." She smiled. "I...I don't want a long engagement....and I would like to be able to still fit into a wedding dress before I look like a beached albino whale!" She laughed softly, placing a protective hand over their daughter.

"Sorry, I don't mean to be deferring my protective anger back onto you. I just find it incredible that people can be so petty and vindictive. It's her loss. We'd have made her two very nice friends but now she will never know that pleasure. She'll surround herself with her own darkness. Serves her right." He sighed.

"Be protective over us Ben. Something tells me we are not going to have a quiet sort of life...unless we leave the station and I don't want to do that. As for this woman...tonight let's forget about her." She smiled and kissed him.

Ben allowed himself to be persuaded to forget for now. It wasn't difficult. He loved Jana so much and she was so beautiful.


Lt. Jana Kasikova
Chief Science Officer


Lt. Ben Kensington
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
NPC'd by Jools