Incommunicado – Welcome aboard the station
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC)

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Title   Welcome aboard the station
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC)
Posted   Tue Apr 24, 2012 @ 11:06pm
Location   near docking port 3
Timeline   SD52: 07:40
He waited for the docking port to depressurize before he pressed his hand to the panel to activate the door. At first glance, Melvyn was quite impressed with the facility and he hadn't even been here for an entire hour yet. He was moreso impressed with its efficiency. From the time his vessel had entered the starbase's sensor range, everything had gone smoothly. There were no delays due to congestion. No hangups due to security clearances. Everything ran the way it was supposed to, the way the Federation had designed it to, the way a good *business* was to.

Busy days, busy nights. Never more than a few minutes to get to where she was going, do what she had to do and get back to where she was needed. Right now, she was needed at docking bay 3, to collect a priceless artifact for the Torrolian government and as they were currently under quarantine, the responsibility had fallen to Tasha to collect the junket.

"Hello Captain, and thank you for taking the time from your busy schedule to greet me." Melvyn said to the younger woman. "My my my, Starfleet Captains are becoming much more younger and lovelier these days." He said with a charming smile.

She was unabashed at his compliment though they were becoming less as she grew that much older.
"Thank you. Mister Raddon." She questioned as she returned his smile and assumed this was her arranged courier. "I would say that I always take time out to meet couriers, but alas, that is not the case. If the item you were carrying was deemed of lesser importance, I would probably have sent one of my security officers to retrieve it." She said honestly as she stepped back and pulled at his arm giving room to sidestep the Nausicaan and his pet that waded towards them.

Confusion danced across his face as he tried to ascertain what the starfleet officer was referring to. "Courier?" His smile turned into a hefty laugh. "My dear girl, I'm not here to deliver any items. You must have me mistaken." He said as he continued to laugh.

"But I do thank you for the wonderful opportunity to have a good laugh." He said in a cheerful tone. "I now see that your presence was one of mistaken identity. However, a man in my position has learned long ago to take advantage of any opportunity as it presents itself. I'd be honored if I could obtain a portion of your time in conversation." He said.

Tasha cocked her head and maintained her smile. "You are very welcome." She glanced around, I have a few minutes before I need to be back at my station and that doesn't need to be delivered urgently and to be honest," She leant forward, "I could murder a cup of coffee." She admitted. "Care to join me?" She asked nodding towards the bays observation platform.

Tasha led the way to the quieter room, having insisted he repay her the favor by at least accompanying her to the replicator and the door hissed apart as she entered and turned directly to the machine.
"Arabican coffee, unsweetened, strong with cream and hot." She turned to Melvyn awaiting his request.

"Cordi-van tea, straight." He requested.

Tasha repeated his request and carried both cups, offering Melvyn his.

"So Mister Raddon, if you are not being a mule, what else do you do?" She asked as she brought the cup to her mouth allowing a waft of the strong coffee aroma to reach her nose as she sipped at the hot froth on top of the coffee.

"Well, as I'm sure you are aware, I have decided to transfer the headquarters of my corporation to Deep Space 5." He said, getting to the point. "The Raddon Corporation has spent years as a fixture within Cordian space. However, with the Dominion War and subsequent political movements within the Federation as a whole, I felt that it was time for expansion beyond the familiar and well-known." He said as he brought the simmer liquid to his lips.

"Therefore, I have arrived branched outward to this sector." He said in between delicate sips of the drink. "Besides, between attempted assassination attempts, and wars with first contact species, I hear there is never a dull moment here." He said with a grin.

Tasha smiled as her cheeks reddened ever so slightly. "Well I may be mistaken, but certainly are not." She quipped. "It seems you have read some of the recent history of this station."

She leant forward a little, "but if you are not bringing a special artifact aboard for the Torrellian government, then yes, I am mistaken, so what exactly is the Raddon Commerce Corp, or do I have that wrong as well?" She asked.

"We are a family business, always have been as as long as my name is on the door, it always will be." He said as he drew a sip from his glass. We choose to focus on providing essential resources to various governments, especially those that are not as vast and capable as the Federation." He added.

"Recently, we've begun branching out into. . .other. . .opportunities to serve the quadrant." he said softly.

"But not delivering artifacts." Tasha mused aloud as she again wondered who it was she supposed to be meeting if it was not Mr Raddon. "Have you ascertained an opening on DS5?" She inquired as she narrowly avoided a collision from a Tellerite hauling a large wooden trunk with an oversize anti grav unit.

"Ah, yes, I've quite certainly discovered a suitable opening onboard." Raddon said with a self-assured grin. "In fact, I've begun the process of opening *the* entertainment destination for the entire sector onboard this station." He said proudly. "The Dilithium Chamber, to be exact."

Tasha dropped her brow in puzzlement. "So your opportunities are to open another bar on DS5!" She remarked as she began to shake her head and lifted her cup, taking in the moment when the aroma of a replicated freshly ground bean appeared almost as good as the real thing. She sipped in contemplation before resting the cup in her hand and looking across to Melvyn.

"Do you think the station needs another bar, or do you intend to run other business ventures from a room behind the façade?" She asked teasing the question.

"My dear, I have no intentions of opening "a" bar." He said as he was taken aback by her question. "The Dilithium Chamber will be *the* Bar for this station, if not the sector. It is to be the entertainment hub for those with discriminating taste." He said as he took another drink.

"By discriminating, I undoubtedly mean those that would rather *not* have to deal with over-priced drinks and dead bodies repeatedly discovered throughout the establishment." He said quite certain of his belief.

"Captain, The Raddon Corp has based its reputation on providing services wherever they are needed, and I can assure you that this station is in dire need of my services." He smiled.

Tasha thought Melvyn a little cocksure, but then it was his business and if he had the passion and drive, who was she to deter to him.

"Then I wish you every success!" She replied with a cheerful smile as she placed the cup back onto the table and stood. "I am afraid that I must find the courier who does have my package, but when your bar opens, be sure to put me on the guest list." She held his eye for more than a moment and could think of nothing to say that would not be misconstrued and decided that it would not be the last time she would meet with the handsome man. "If you will excuse me?" She said not really wanting to go, but needed to.

"Of course, of course," he said with a smile as he stood from the table as she left.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Melvyn Raddon
CEO Raddon Corp.