Beg, Steal or Borrow – Healing but scars still remain
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Healing but scars still remain
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Thu Feb 05, 2009 @ 3:18am
Location   Jarred Wallace's Quarters
Timeline   SD8 5:00
Claire was vaguely aware of Jarred puttinng her in his bed and laying the blanket on top of her. She fell into a dreamless and numb sleep. Her mind was protecting itself from the bombardment of emotions that surrounded her and Jarred.

Jarred's head rang like photon torpedoes hitting the hull of a ship. It was either the bottle of bloodwine or the events with Claire last night. Jarred remembered a meeting he had with the Marine C/O. He looked over at Claire, he could feel her mind was still a wash of emotions and confusion, Jarred looked at the photo on his desk, Jarred and his brother after they both graduated from the Academy. Jarred reached into his desk and pulled out the medal frame that held the unclassified awards he won. The classified ones are safe in a vault on Earth.

Claire stirred in the unfamiliar bed. She refused to open her mind to know where she was, she was scared of the chaos. Claire slowly opened her eyes, "Jarred?" She whispered.

Jarred heard the faint voice from behind him, "good morning, are you feeling ok?"

"I think I will be" She sat up as she spoke.

"I'll manage, I've been in drinking contests with Klingons that have gone a lot worse." Jarred lied to make her feel better.

"I'm sorry Jarred...when you told me to let go and I did..." Tears welled up in her eyes.

"You never had the mental training that comes with our ablities, have you been to the home world since the war?"

"I have never been 'home'." She stood up, her legs threatening to give out from beneath her as she took the few steps to where he sat.

Jarred helped her to her feet, and handed her a coffee, "You should go sometime, knowing your roots might help you find any family you have."

"Thank you." She said when the coffee was handed to her, "I went to the archives..." She took a sip burning her tongue. "I don't exist on our home planet." Claire laughed bitterly. "I don't belong to anyone."

"Next time you get a chance got Utopia Planita colony, a bar called 'After Hours', my mom is the owner, she might be able to help you. She was helpful to me and my brother." Jarred trailed off with those words.

"We don't have to talk about William." She reached her hand out to him.

Jarred was slightly startled, but instantly realized the events of last night might have given her insight into his past. "I've got a meeting with Major Darson in two hours, after that all hell could break loose, you might want to get back to your quarters, it'll get real ugly around here, I don't want you to get caught up in it."

"Right." Claire tried to smile, she stood up still weak. "I am sorry Jarred. I wont expose you to that again." She turned and headed for the door.

Jarred turned and peeled off his uniform shirt revealing the maze of scars that cover his back and arms, he didn't realize that Claire hadn't left, and saw the shock in her eyes.

Claire had turned once she reached the door to say goodbye but when she turned she saw the scars covering Jarred's body. "Oh Jarred!...what happened to you?!" She exclaimed, she walked as quietly as her weak legs would carry her. "Jarred..." She whispered brushing her fingers across the scars.

Jarred didn't think anything of them, including the three fresh ones on his side from a few days earlier. "I guess there reminders of the duty I do for the Federation. A lot of them are from the last months of the Dominion war." Jarred pulled a fresh shirt over his head.

"But..." She knew that he could easily get them fixed with a dermal regenerator and yet he hadn't. "Why?"

"I was on a Klingon ship for 18 months, their technology in that area is still pretty primitive. I guess the need was never there, most of them are permanent now so its not practical to do anything about it."

"I guess we both have scars..." She replied sadly looking up at him.

"They all heal, its just how we deal with them that makes up who we are." Jarred stated directly.

Lt. (JG) Claire Mackenzie (played by Mandy)
Jarred Wallace