Deception: The lesser part of Valour – BACKPOST - Reinforcements
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno

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Title   BACKPOST - Reinforcements
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno
Posted   Sun Nov 30, 2008 @ 1:22am
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   Station Day 3 - 13.45

Chelsea walked back into Sickbay after her lunch with Isha and she felt a bit dazed with all that had gone on. She was confused and still processing all the ins and outs of the whole discussion.

Finding Ryan there, working, didn't at first seem odd to her, it just felt warm and right. That was a feeling she needed and her smile as she saw him was broad and genuinely happy to see him.

Ryan turned around after dealing with one patient, and smiled, and he grabbed a few things and quickly walked past her. Sickbay has become busy over lunch, it was even better that Ryan was still there. He didn't have time to stop and talk, but he managed to talk while he walked. "Sickbay is busy...and yeah am working, but i'm staying so don't even try..." he smirked as he stopped at his desk.

Chelsea was relieved he was there. They needed him from the work point of view but she personally drew a lot of focus and strength from him being around too.

She grinned back at him. "You're SO gonna pay later!" she narrowed her eyes at him and pretended to be dangerous.

"Uh huh" he smirked. "Have a good lunch?" he asked as he concentrated on a few read outs.

"Yeah! ...well, sorta, but yeah ... I'll tell you later!" she said, shrugging it off for now.

Picking up a padd and reading it, Chelsea moved onto the next patient too, the conversation with Ryan becoming punctuated with 10 or 15 minute gaps as they each worked separately but came back together or crossed one another's path as they worked.

Ed smiled as he observed their teamwork and inter-action smoothing itself out as if they'd worked together for years.

Ryan hadn't seen Chelsea now for at least half an hour, he was in the middle of dealing with a difficult patient who was insisting he was ill, when the scans revealed otherwise, and the ensign was really trying his patience, maybe he should have left sickbay when he had the chance and should have just came back properly when he was ready too.

Ed noticed that Ryan looked as if he was getting stretched. He went over to where Chelsea was dealing with a routine medical and slipped quietly in, taking the padd from her and tapping on it.

Chelsea didn't react in front of the patient, and for all anyone could tell, this was part of the normal set of tests etc.

Ed wrote. # CMO needs rescuing. SOS! #

Chelsea kept her face serious but the twinkle in her eye answered the flicker of a smile in Ed's.

She wrote : #Cavalary... charge!# and handed him the padd and the medical with a little bit of polite handover patter to the officer, explaining that the rest of his tests would be done by Ed.

She went straight over to where Ryan was and handed him a padd that she had set to flash with a red corner illumination.

"Doctor Milarno!" she said breathlessly. "Emergency in room 4"

Thrusting the padd into Ryan's surprised hand, she pushed past him gently, putting herself between him and the protesting Ensign, giving him an opportunity to dive off to Room 4 (which incidentally was empty).

Ryan nodded and walked away quickly and arrived at room four a few seconds later, upon entering he saw it was empty and he smirked and laughed a little before taking a seat on the bed. *Just two minutes and go back out* he thought to himself. *You'll be fine* he added.

The padd that Chelsea had handed Ryan with it's emergency flashing corner read: # You owe me a beer! #

In the meantime Chelsea dealt firmly with the prevaracating Ensign by appealing to his ego. "I can see how much you're suffering by looking at this record!" she pretended to frown at the padd. "But it says you've been like this for some time! I admire how brave you've been. I like men who suffer in silence!" she flashed him a winning smile and winked at him.

Fortunately, it worked and the flattery sent him swaggering for the exit, checking out that she was watching him with admiration. She obliged with an act that would have done a Shakespearean play proud but threw the padd into a pile of *admin* with a shake of her head as soon as he was gone.

Moving on to the next genuine patient, Chelsea regenerated a cut hand and then went to room 4.

She peeped round the door and grinned at Ryan. Creeping in and closing the door behind her, she sat on the bed beside him, looking concerned.

"You're not overdoing it?" she said accusingly, but her eyes showed how worried she was.

Ryan shrugged. "I dunno, I just couldn't deal with him, he got me sooo mad I just wanted to punch him and throw him out, and that's not me..."

He thought for a second. "Well it could be, but I'm not like that"

"I know you're not. But you have so much going on, Ry. You're bottling it all up!" she said softly. Instinctively she reached up and very gently traced the ridges on the bridge of his nose with her finger tip.

"I know what sort of man you are... you work to bury how you feel. Maybe you just need the distraction for now, and then when you're ready, you'll let go of it. Just as long as it's not at a time when you really don't mean to, that's all? Let me know if you feel close to break point, won't you please?

I know you're proud and you don't ask for help but.... what am i here for if i can't be any use to you when you need someone?" she tried to make it easier for him.

He nodded his head. "Thankyou and I'll tell you, but I will not vent on you, I just couldnt do that, it's not fair, when I do wanna vent though...I'll make sure I'm in the holodeck with a holographic cardassian, klingon or whatever..." he smiled a little.

"Can I come and watch?" she smirked, nudging him to let him know she was joking.

Momentarily, a shadow crossed her face as a thought troubled her and she added, almost inaudibly. "Especially if it's a Tal Shi'ar Arrain!"

The shadow cleared and her smile returned. She looked up at him adoringly. "I have to go, will you stay here for a while?"

Ryan chuckled, he hadn't heard what she said. "I'll come out if you want me to?"

"Nah! We'll be fine without you... dunno why we bother having you here anyway!" she teased, her mischievous grin telling him she was just being outrageous to make him laugh.

Ryan laughed. "I'll be out in a little while..."

"Rest! Doctor's orders!" she said gently, her eyes full of love. "You can come out whenever you feel ready. Ed has it all under control, as you can imagine, the little gem that he is"

"Yeah he's great, if I am needed desperately though, then don't hesitate to contact me"

"You know I won't .... hesitate that is!" she smiled. "Ryan, we know when we're out of our depth and we need the big guns, and we'd never just leave you in here resting if there were lives at stake that needed your skills."

This time he could tell she was being honest and serious with him.

He simply nodded and smiled. "Go on then, get back to work, I'll talk to you later" he said as he leaned closer and kissed her cheek. "Thankyou"

Chelsea beamed at him and squeezed his hand. "Yes SIR!" she smiled and left him to rest for a while.

Joint Post Between:

Lt Ryan Milarno
Chief Medical Officer - DS5


Lt (jg) Chelsea Adams
Assistant Medical Officer - DS5