Things Past – Two Ships passing in the night.
by Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Two Ships passing in the night.
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Thu Nov 21, 2013 @ 8:36pm
Location   Mess Hall

Lyhse had finished inspecting Decks 131-140 - Replicator Stock Storage. Realizing she was hungry she made her way to the nearest Mess Hall.

Lyhse picked up what might have 'termed' as a light dinner from the serving line and made her way for the nearest table.

Dorian grumbled to himself as he was forced to accept the limited meal selections available. Ever since that hack of an Officer, Villiers had him removed from Starfleet as well as his privileges as an officer, Dorian had faced one setback after another.

His quarters had been sealed, his account had been frozen, and now he access to basic station services had been several restrained because he had been re-classified as "non-designated civilian". A classification lower than the Romulan and Cardassian bastards that walked freely around the station.

"Damnit!" He said angrily as he slammed his hand against the uncooperative replicator.

Lyhse softly spoke "Could I be of assistance?"

"Damn all of this junk!" He said again as he slammed his hand against the device out of frustration. He looked over his shoulder and saw the officer staring at him with a look of bewilderment on her face. IN his outburst he had completely ignored whatever comment she had previously made.

"W--what? Di...did you just say something?" He asked, as he slowly began to regain his composure.

Lyhse was some what taken aback that even though she quietly approach he wasn't 'surprised' , nor did she sense him tense; perhaps he had already assessed her was 'mostly harmless', she was unable to determine much about him. From his stance indicated he was some one who understood kinetic linking, gave his reactions a very flexible base, even how he position himself spoke of how he could unobtrusively observe every one. There was something about him she could not 'put her finger on'. Perhaps in time this would become understood as well.

The dark haired woman softly spoke; "I had inquired if I might be of assistance.", as she utilizes an Engineering Tricorder.

"I'm just frustrated right now, and this piece of shit machine is not making things any better! It's just as useless as the other sycophants that are in command of this station." He said as he walked to a nearby table and sat down as the woman continued to work on the machine.

Dorian took several moments to gather himself before he realized that the woman was speaking to him. "My name is Dorian, Dorian Gabriel" he responded. "I take it that you are with Engineering?" he asked.

She replied; " I am; Lyhse, Lyhse Sullivans, Manufacturing Production Officer Lieutenant Junior Grade." She didn't need to ask how since the Yellow Color Tab indicated she was of the Engineering Division.

After a few brief minutes Lyhse spoke; "What was it you wished to order Dorian Gabriel?"

"Hell, at this point I'd even settle for Bajoran Hasperat." Dorian responded verbally, but it was obvious that his mind was a thousand light years away.

`Thinking to herself "In for a penny might as well be in for a pound"`

She continues; " Blame my Mother for naming me Lyhse; bringer of light, known to the Terran's as Rigel Kent, If I may be so bold as to inquire as to what quandary has caused you your current ...ah... 'frustrations'?"

"Frustrations?" He asked incredulously. "I was betrayed by my own government and stripped of my rank and title. I think I'm a little beyond just mere 'frustrations'" Dorian announced.

"I used to be Chief of Security on this station until I became the victim of a Romulan conspiracy." He continued.

"What's your story?" He asked.

Lyhse became visibly pale at the mention of 'Romulans'; her expression becomes harsh, a clear pause, as if a mental count down before she replied:

" The nickel tour; as it were, of Lyhse Sullivans' story. I was born on the planet Hellios, in the system, Sigma Wyrenex, 13 June 2357, My Father was Zachary, my Mother, Amanda, I was their only child. My Father was a notable Engineer that allowed him to join, and latter became the Head of Acceptance Trails Team for Star Fleet. After an incident, I reluctantly joined Star Fleet Academy and I am here now."

A few seconds she continues:

" As to; Bajoran Hasperat, I am not familiar with Dorian Gabriel, the inquiry remains what is it you desire to have?"

"I'll just go with whatever the day's special is." Dorian said in a defeated tone as he took a seat. "Several years ago my fiance' was found murder on a research station she was assigned to. I learned that she had discovered information regarding illegal communications taken by the Romulan that was onboard the station. The Romulan basically laughed at her death and said that she had brought it on herself. " Dorian said, he could feel his fist tightening on its own as he relieved the scene.

"I....lost my temper and attacked the Romulan in the conference room. But then I composed myself and decided that killing him would be too good for him." Dorian continued as he managed to release the death-grip like fist he had made. "Several hours later, the Romulan was found murdered and my commbadge was found along side his body. The initial investigation cleared me of any wrongdoing, but then that hack of an Officer Commander Karen Villiers decided to re-open the investigation and have me prosecuted for murder." He said.

"I was cleared of the murder charge, but I was still found guilty of conduct unbecoming of an officer and had everything stripped away from me. . . .so now I'm stuck here with nothing to show for my years of service to the Federation." he said dejectedly.

Lyhse attempts to stammer out a reply; however is too choked with emotions, it takes most of her to awkwardly bring 'The Special of the Day' to the table he sat.

Lyhse's voice shakily utters;

" Dorian Gabriel; for what it's worth, how can I help you in proof of your innocents?"

"Unless you know of some way to remove that hack of an officer, Villiers, from power, I'm not sure you can." He said bitterly. "It's almost as if she's here to serve the interest of aliens than of Federation citizens." He added.

Lyhse's left eyebrow arches; her expression is that of some one perplexed.

"How would that help you prove your innocents?" Mystified she continues;

"Since you were tried an acquitted; one of your Federation guarantees protects you from 'Double Jeopardy' unless there is 'new' evidence, you might be better served discovering the source of this evidence that is the ONLY way she could reopen it. Star Fleet's Uniform Code of Military Justice, also is guide lines for Commander Karen Villiers."

"New evidence? I'd first have to PROVE that I was wrongly accused to begin with." Dorian responded. "The Romulan bastard is dead, his Nausicaan henchman is dead, the only person left would be the original investigator into the matter. Heavens only knows where he is now." he stated.

"I guess I'd have to start there. . .but what would I look for?" He asked.

Lyhse states;

"Motion for Discovery; or more likely, tap some of your 'contacts' to discover what this new evidence could be."

Dorian pondered the idea for several moments. "You're right. . .you are absolutely right." He said as he stood up and straightened his shirt. "If the truth is going to become public, it won't be at the hands of those Romulan bastards or their lackey Villier. I'll have to do it myself." He said.

"Thank you for your help." He said appreciatively.

Lyhse looked mystified; smiled weakly. replied.

"Ah, you're welcome...?"

As she watched him leave; Lyhse, had never observed 'death' at her own hands or as 'personal' as Dorian Gabriel.


Lyhse Sullivans Lieutenant JG. Manufacturing Production Officer Deep Space 5