Beg, Steal or Borrow – Breaking the Ice
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Breaking the Ice
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Thu Feb 12, 2009 @ 6:18pm
Location   Deck 14 - Conference Room
Timeline   SD8 10:20

David entered the conference room for the first time and was initially struck by the clinical feel to the room. The walls were plain, the chairs were wooden and the only thing that held any character was the large oval polished desk that was the center piece of the room. A whole wall was window onto the outside and that was where his attention was taken. He wandered over and looked out into the universe. It appeared gigantic. Stars twinkled on a dark velvet backdrop of the vacuum of space and in its own way, breathtaking.

T'Lan entered the room, studying a PADD. Every day seemed like another disaster on the starbase. The Vulcan approached a Replicator. "Coffee, Black." She sat down and gone through the PADD. Security had found a body outside the base, and an investigation was in progress. And once again, the Intelligence department on the base had found some kind of loophole to turn a bar on the promenade upside down. Particularly without the XO, or security, being informed. Now intelligence was beginning to follow its own agenda. T'Lan rubbed her head, the fact that the Vulcan was getting a headache reflected her stress level.

"Something troubling you Commander?" David inquired as he followed her lead and made his own way to the replicator.

Rianni entered the room, not quite sure why she'd been called here in the first place, and took a seat, not speaking to anyone just yet, ~What is this all about? Gabriel get a Kangaroo Court together or something?~

"Unsweetened white Breakfast tea." David ordered as the door opened and another female waltzed in and took a seat. David nearly chuckled to himself. ~ Have I been sent to Eden for punishment ~ He wondered as yet another fine young woman was sent to test his resolve. He took his tea from the replicator as he took the chair at the head of the table and studied the 2 women and wondered who would be next to enter and secretly prayed that it would be a male, he was feeling outnumbered.

Da`nal was next to enter the conference room, unknowingly answering David's prayer. He was still playing catch up on things but he welcomed the challenge as it kept his mind off of other things. "Commander Davies, nice to see you again." Placing his PADD on the table and making his way to the replicator. "Prune Juice, cold." Hearing a stifled snicker behind him he turned. "What?"

"Sorry." Rianni said shyly, still laughing a bit, "Just brought back a memory, a friend from the war, is all."

Smiling a bit himself as he know how Humans tended to view the beverage...and their use for it. "Oh what type of memory?"

"Friend from the war." Rianni smiled, "I spent a lot of time flying off of DS9 before the Dominion took it, then again at the end of the war, and there was this Klingon Lt. Commander, Worf, he'd always come up to me in Quark's after a mission and want to discuss our glorious victories. I really enjoyed talking to the guy, but the one thing I remember best was that he always had a glass of prune juice in his hand."

"Ahhhhhh...." Such a glorious irony, if she only knew he thought to himself. With a wry grin he lifted his glass, "To Glorious Victories."

Gabriel entered the room and glanced at the assembled office. He noticed Rianni and gritted his teeth slightly. It more than annoyed him that she was given even more unfettered access to various portions of the station without any type of monitoring. There were still a litany of questions that he had regarding Monteros, but he knew that it was going to be a problem due to her Aunt's new position as Romulan "Ambassador". He'd have to deal with that at a later time.

Before Gabriel took his seat he observed the presence of the new Commanding Officer for several moments before walking over to the man.

"Commander Davies, I am Lieutenant Dorian Gabriel, Chief Intelligence Officer, welcome aboard the station." Gabriel said while extending his hand.

David accepted the hand and shook it firmly. He had read Dorians' profile and though his tenacity was to be applauded, he would wait and see how the officer worked before making his own judgement.

"Lieutenant." He responded.

T'Lan turned her attention toward Gabriel. "Lt. Gabriel, am I correct in reading that you've recently shut down a bar on the promenade for suspicions of theft of Federation Property?"

Gabriel walked back towards the conference table and sat down while placing his Padd on the table. He steepled his fingers as he reclined in his chair while observing the Vulcan addressing him.

"Why wasn't I informed of this?" T'Lan stated.

Gabriel smiled as he responded. "We were operating under a limited amount of time. We believed that she possessed time-sensitive evidence within her establishment. I did not have time to embroil my department nor myself the station bureaucracy." He said as his smile began to fade away and be replaced with his typical stern expression.

"Mister Gabriel. Your actions have violated this base's chain of command. You have no authority outside your department, you have violated Starfleet Security's jurisdiction, and you report to me and Commander Davies. Further violations will result in you being relieved of duty and charged with insubordination. While I have no authority to order you to release Ms. Kerran, I do have the authority to inform the Federation Court of this breach of protocol. Finally, I will emphasize this. As much as you would like this base to have a 'gestapo', as the human term suggests, you will operate within your confines. Am I understood?" T'Lan stated in her usual logical demeanor.

Gabriel leaned closer in his chair. "Security's jurisdiction? That entire department incompetent and insufficient to handle anything outside of breaking up your average bar fight or mugging. A suspected Romulan collaborator magically appears on this station after a BOMB is detonated on her vessel and Security doesn't bat a damn eye" Gabriel said as he pointed to Rianni. "Security on this station is nothing more than a caricature of law enforcement to every random terrorist or pirate with a phaser and a bone to pick." He added.

"It was Security's jurisdiction to protect the USS Legacy while it was docked within this station, but instead they allowed some princess hi-jack the vessel and damn-near fly it into the star and then allow some civilian to go recover it!" He said as his voice began to raise slightly.

"Gestapo? Oh no, we're no where near that efficient. We've got a 3-ring circus that can't keep a Ringmaster long enough to sell a ticket to this debacle." He said while maintaining eye-contact with T'Lan. "You wish to notify the Federation Court, then be my guest. That Bar will remained close until my investigation is complete . . .sir" He said with an emphasis.

~I like her!~ Rianni thought, a broad smile crossing her face as T'Lan told Gabriel about his ass.

Rianni walked over and took a seat on the table in front of Gabriel, "You know, you talk awful big for someone who's got nothing on anybody other than his own prejudices. Tell me something, Dorian, have you ever heard of things like evidence, probable cause, innocent until proven guilty? Anything ringing any bells here? No? Didn't think so." Rianni paused and smirked at him, "But, next time you have any accusations to hurl towards me or my family, you better be able to prove them or I'll have you up on charges of disrespecting a superior officer so fast your head will spin. Understand, Lt JG Gabriel?" ~Please, for the love of God, swing on me, you motherfracker! Please so I can knock your head off of your shoulders right here and right now!~

Gabriel's smirk returned as he reclined in his chair and observed the Romulan woman. She had obviously taken the bit and felt the need to engage him in a battle of wits. "Probable Cause? Aside from your mother being a concubine for an officer within the Tal'Shiar despite her prior testimony to Starfleet that she had not contact with him? I believe that's perjury right there. Or how about your mysterious disappearance from the USS Soval? I'd call that dissertion, or maybe you Romulans have a different word for it." He said as he clasped his hands behind his head. "Please Commander, give me a significant reason to have Starfleet Operations revoke your security clearance." He added.

The part about her mother made Rianni want to kill him where he sat, but she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction, "Really? Perjury? And when was my mother on trial? I mean, aside from in the mind of a madman jumping at shadows for fear of the Romulan boogeyman. And as far as how I got here, you tell me. I was in a coma, apparently for quite a while, remember? So, there's no desertion, but, please, by all means try and get my security clearance revoked, you kllhe, I'm sure the guys at operations could use a good laugh. Comedy is the only use you've ever proven yourself to be of."

T'Lan broke in. "Enough. Both of you." She spoke again. "Both of you will maintain your composure, or both of you will be 'cooling off' in your quarters."

"Of course, Commander." Rianni nodded softly, "I apologize to all if I offend, but I refuse to feel any guilt for my parents being together after a lifetime apart, no matter how much some would like me to."

Gabriel regained his composure while maintaining eye-contact with Rianni. He made a motion to the "escort" that he had assigned to the woman signalling that he could remain in the hallway for the duration of the meeting. "Of course Commander, we're all Starfleet Officers, we all serve to protect the Federation, or at least most of us do." He said as his eyes lingered on Rianni for several moments.

Rianni merely rolled her eyes at him, his stupidity wasn't worth the notice of a Khellianna. She chose not to even maintain eye contact with him, merely noting to Davies and T'Lan, "I think my record of service to the Federation, especially during the war, speaks for itself. I feel no need to defend myself or my career any further."

David took a breath as he wondered what it was he had let himself in for. He was actually gladdened by T'Lans direction and her own composure.

"Lieutenant Dorian," He addressed the Intelligence Officer, "Commander T'lan is quite correct in her observation. You have to follow a chain of command here and you should have brought your suspicions to the attention of the Chief of Security, not take matters into your own hands." Davies leant forward on the table. "And if you have a problem with how you see the security department, I will have to put you in charge of the department but you do NOT under any circumstance, berate a fleet department. As far as I am aware, the Princess you speak of, was she not curtailed by the Security department? That is what it reads in the official report." His tone was stern and even as he looked around the gathering heads.

Gabriel turned his chair to face the Commanding Officer. "A non-authorized civilian should have never been that close to a experimental vessel in the first place. According to the incident report, Security allowed the Princess to gain access to the vessel in some sort of haphazard sting operation. Unfortunately, instead of preventing the vessel from leaving the station, they allowed the Princess to activate the start-up routine and input coordinates. By the time the culprits were captured, the vessel had left the station." Gabriel said as he maintained eye-contact with Davies.

"This is the incompetence I am speaking of! Security allowed Starfleet equipment to fall into the hands of civilians, and then nearly be destroyed by roving pirates within this sector. Now we have a hulk of metal sitting in this station's dock and we have no CLUE who gained possession of the classified information that was within that vessel." Gabriel said with more fervour.

"You can read all the reports you want Davies, but this station is in dire need of a competent security detachment. I've seen better-run departments, hell, I've ran better operated security departments, and so far I have yet to see anything close to it on board here." He concluded.

"Lieutenant, it's 'Commander' Davies." His voice rose. "And I suppose the Intelligence department knew nothing of what was happening under their own nose either? I sense a lack of communication and competency across the board here and not just in the security of this station!"

His own question of Dorians' respect for command had been clearly displayed. He leant back in his seat and fully understood the warning on his file placed by Tahir.

Gabriel smirked slightly, "A lack of communication is correct. In fact I suggest that I be granted access to the Security Department's communication logs and be notified of any operations that they are planning." He responded.

"Commander, please!" Rianni had to speak up now, "Please do not give this racist, paranoid, right wing whack job any sort of control over the security department. You think he's a problem now? Give him arrest powers and see what happens. Please, Sir, if I have to I will go to bed with you to prevent this from happening." ~I'll take one for the team, God only knows what Gabriel would do with more unchecked power.~

David pushed himself back into the chair. "I am sure we can arrange something that will benefit us all!" He remarked as the remaining heads entered.
Davies watched them silently as they took their seats. The atmosphere was already tense and David hoped that the ambiance would lighten as the caped marine swung himself into a chair, like a little comedy relief, whilst the man who Davies could only assume was the Chief Engineer was still holding who was obviously the stations Chief Medical officer in some hushed conversation.

"Gentlemen, please." He motioned to the number of vacant seats at the table and lifted his tea and emptied the contents.

To be continued......


CO: Commander David Davies

XO: Commander T'Lan

CAG: Lt. Cdr. Rianni Monteros-th'Khellian

CSOO: Lt Cdr Da`nal of the House of Varal

CIO: Lieutenant J.G. Dorian Gabriel