Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Transactions
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Transactions
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sat Dec 13, 2008 @ 8:48pm
Location   Various
Timeline   (Backpost) SD 3 ending ~ 18:00
“Alison,” the proprietor said cheerfully as she picked up a small brown statue, “Its been a while.”

As she rushed to place it back in the display Alison fumbled, “Giles!” she exclaimed as, but he caught it and gazed down into its face for a second.

“A horga'hn?” he asked placing it back on the stand and placing a friendly hand on her shoulder, “Are you sure that’s what you were looking for?”

Alison flushed deeply and shook her head, “There didn’t seem to be anyone around, I ran out of that lovely tea, the Darjeeling.”

“Ah, the first flush, from the cool Shiwalik Hills. You’re in luck,” he said ushering toward the back of the store, “Not three days ago I took a delivery. I put some aside specially,” he added with a smile.

“Thank you,” she gushed as he disappeared into the back room.

“How are things going up in ops?” he asked, “busy with the upcoming Bajoran extravaganza? That’ll be quite a day,” he added emerging with a wooden box about four inches wide.

“I’ll say, I’ll not go myself, one of the boys had a date tonight and I’ve offered to finish up for him.”

“Oh Al,” Giles said, “They take advantage of your good nature.”

“Who am I to get in the way of young love,” she shrugged uncomfortably, “I don’t mind.”

“You’re a good woman,” Giles said placing the tea caddy between them. He folded his arms on the counter and leaned forward. “Do you think you could do me a favour?”

“Sure!” Alison agreed, eager to please.

“Well I’ve a customer who asked for a gift for his wife, thing is I mislaid the padd he left the details on – the name was Pellan Joran, a Bajoran, he wanted me to fill their quarters with lilacs for her birthday and, the thing is I’ve lost the access codes he gave me.”

Alison shook her head, “I can’t get that for you.”

“Hey,” Giles said, “I’d never ask you to do anything you didn’t want to, I just thought … never mind. Its on the house, I shouldn’t have asked.”

He reached under the counter for a bag and began to put the tea caddy into it, “Have you had any further trouble with your debts?” he asked.

Alison froze, her fingers seemingly glued to the countertop. It was how they had met, she with an out of control gambling habit and a debt about to be called, and he a sympathetic shoulder to cry on. He’d asked for nothing in return and she’d thought the incident forgotten; a gallant gentleman rescuer, or so she’d thought.

“No,” she lied hastily.

“Alison,” he said taking her hands in his, “I shouldn’t have brought that up, I’m sorry. Just you’d be helpin’ me out if you could arrange that access. I’ll look a fool if I have to ask the man and he’s a good customer.”

It was a small thing, she thought, and she’d be helping a friend … she blinked up at him and smiled. “I’ll do what I can,” Alison said.


It was about 17:00 before Alison returned to the store, not long before she was due to go on shift. Giles saw her, waiting and smiling brightly, her eyes straying to the display of Risan fertility symbols once again.

The things the Empire demands of me, he thought as he exchanged goods for latinum and smiled as a pair of satisfied customers walked away.

His smile widened into a grin as Alison approached, “You haven’t finished that tea already have you?” he asked.

“No, but I’ve got the code for you, it wasn’t that hard.”

“You’re amazing!” he said, as she transferred the information, “No arguments, I’m taking you to dinner soon it’s the least I can do for such a life saver.”

Alison flushed again, “I have to hurry,” she said warmly.

Giles nodded. Slykhe lloann'na susse-thrai (fat federation bitch), he thought but his gentle smile did not waver until she had left; perhaps the months of grooming her would not have been in vain.


Giles moved quickly.

He proceeded to the quarters and with the access codes Alison had provided admitted himself without causing alarm.

The woman was sleeping and as she stirred he administered a sedative. It took effect in the second it took him to withdraw another implement from his jacket then he used it to extract a small sample of her blood.

The woman was still sleeping as Giles left and locked her quarters.

No evidence of intrusion would ever be found.

Giles was on limited time.

In the push and heave of the crowd on the promenade he waited and eventually he saw them; at least he was not the one who was late. Giles slipped between the bodies and brushed by the Romulan couple who seemed torn between staying and going. He briefly caught the man’s eye and in the second the woman held him back the transfer was made, the vial of blood concealed in an instant.

I’d wait for her too, Giles thought as he watched them make for the turbolift, before he too decided that there were more pleasant places to be.

A post by:

Giles Predergast
Purveyor of fine foods from all planets
NPCd by Louise