Incommunicado – Getting used to life in the future
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Getting used to life in the future
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Fri Jan 20, 2012 @ 12:05am
Location   USS Horatio
Timeline   SD38 14:45
Commander Burrel slipped the PADD into her pocket without thinking as she pulled herself up from the bridge console. It was now becoming as natural as pulling on a pair of pants.
"Do you think we will be able to use her?" She asked to the two crew members on the bridge. "or more to the point, will Captain Buckley still be the Captain?"

Ashton leant over the rail, holding a Tricorder in one hand and a sonic screwdriver in the other. "Not for us to say commander, but if the Horatio is still allowed to play an active role in this century, I sincerely hope that a, captain Buckley is in the Captains chair, "He nodded to the centre seat, "and b, that I am still at the helm." He admitted as he wiped his brow in the sleeve of his uniform.

Brian gave a chuckle from the communication console.
"I doubt that Starfleet would want a relic with all the new craft they have and if I'm honest, I'd rather be flying something as nice as the new ships that are around here. Have you seen the stations runabout? Even that is twice as fast as this and has lord only knows how much more armament!" He remarked, even if it was with a hint of sorrow to his tone.

"I hear you!" Gary replied.

"Yeah, but this is still a fully functional ship. So it has a few scorch marks and dents, but nothing that a few days in the repair yard wouldn't fix!" Catherine added as she eased herself into the centre chair and placed the nucleonic flux compensator on the armrest. "Look at this for instance," She referred to the tool she had just discarded, "I have just used this to repair the bridge console in just under ten minutes. With our tools, it would have taken at least two hours. Lets face it, this is ancient ship, with ancient tools and an equally ancient crew!"

Brian moved around the bridge rail to stand alongside the Commander.
"Sounds like someone hankers for the past!" He teased as he lifted the compensator, held it aloft and then threw it into the air with a full rotation as it fell back into his hand. "It took us two hours just to learn how to use this. How long do you think it will take us to learn to do what we already know?" He asked.

"As long as it takes!" The captain remarked as he entered the bridge.

Catherine started out of Pauls seat.

"Stay there, relax." Paul said as he smiled at Catherines eagerness to vacate his chair and drew alongside Brian and placed his hands on his hips. "I have already been given orders to return to Earth, give a full report and put forth what I think the best thing for both the Horatio and her crew would be. Two of the more important questions I will need to ask everyone, is whether they want to remain in Starfleet and how they see their own future. Personally, I would like to keep hold of the Horatio, but it has already been suggested that she return to Earth and become a training vessel. I have spoken to the stations chief engineer on several occasions and with a few modifications to the warp core and nacelles, as well as some of the older wiring looms, we can have this ship run at warp seven with no problems." He stated as he looked to Gary. "Do you think you could still pilot this running at that sort of speed?" He asked.

Ashton nodded. "Of course. Warp seven is not different from warp five. Just need a slightly increased reaction time. Add to that, I have already navigated her at warp seventeen"" He responded with a truthfulness to his answer.

"Training ship?" Brian voiced, "The Horatio is capable of being far more than that. She is now Iconic. How many other Constitution class retrofits are still operational.

Catherine was still giggling at Ashtons reply. "I doubt you were actually navigating, if you were, its your fault we are where we are!" She retorted.

"I was too. That's why we're still alive!" came Garys retort

Buckley didn't embroil himself in the tĂȘte a tĂȘte between his commander and his navigator and responded to Brians point.
"Not many Brian. I guess we can count ourselves lucky that we have one of the few. We won't know for sure until we get her back to Earth." Paul now stepped down from the slightly elevated position by his chair and moved to the communication console where Brian was sat.
"If we're really lucky, then yes, this would be a training ship, but I guess she will more of a living history vessel. I doubt any other Constitution is as perky as this old girl." His hand ran along the length of the various consoles, Engineering, Science and Communications as he tuned and sat on the edge of the console, looking back across the bridge.
"Do you want to stay in Starfleet?" He asked to nobody in particular.

Nobody answered immediately, but Catherine was the first to speak from the Captains chair.
"Depends on what they expect of us." She shrugged her shoulders. "I have to admit, I could easily settle on this station if permitted. I don't think somehow, that Starfleet would allow us to remain here though." She scratched at the back of her head as she looked at the deck of the bridge and fixed her eyes onto someone insignificant on the floor. "We were just talking of ancient things and honestly, we are all archaic. I don't think I could retrain and bring myself up to speed on either the history that has gone between us and now and I certainly don't believe I could take in all the modern technological advances that have also taken place in that span of time." She admitted.

"Nonsense!" There was now a seriousness to Garys reply. "We are all Starfleet trained. Alright, so it would take a damn good course to teach us everything, but we don't need to know everything. Forget the history, we'll pick that up as we go, but as for tech advances, we were pioneers of our day. This ship was the first to have multi vectoring phase cannons. So now it will be the first Constitution to have adaptive shielding, reflective phasers and those funny named torpedoes." He said forgetting what the name was he heard only yesterday in the bar.

Brian chuckled, "You mean Transphasic torpedoes?"

Gary nodded. "Yeah, them."

Burrel rose from the chair. "Well, whatever. I still want to know what Starfleet has planned for us before I make plans for them." She admitted.

"And it's a question that I'll ask." Paul replied as he pushed himself from the console and met Catherine halfway across the bridge.
"I know it's a challenge, hell, I had to rise past my own fears on the day we arrived here and I am still frightened." Paul admitted.

Catherine was surprised to hear her captain admit to being frightened. It was the first time she had heard him say so.
"Frightened is putting mildly to be honest, Captain." She said respectfully.

Paul nodded as his hand went to her shoulder.
"Whatever we decide, we'll do it as a crew." He stated as he began to head back to the Jeffries tube.

"Sir, can I be blunt?" Brian asked.

Paul turned around.
"Always." Paul replied.

"If we don't want to remain in Starfleet, what else could we do?"

Paul smiled. "Those who can't .... teach!" He remarked with a mock salute as he turned about and stepped into the chamber.


Captain Paul Buckley.
Commander Catherine Emma Burrel - Executive Officer.
Lt Gary Edward Ashton - Helm & Navigation.
Lt Commander Brian John Cousins - Tactical.