Interlude – The Story of Your Lives!
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Arrival Thomas Whitlock & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   The Story of Your Lives!
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Arrival Thomas Whitlock & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Wed Oct 13, 2010 @ 6:21pm
Location   Rianni's Quarters
Timeline   SD 35, 1 hour after "Combined Effort"
(OOC: I thought this might be a great time for Rianni and her two favorite reporters to get together for a drink and one hell of an opportunity for our two newshounds.)

Rianni had just come from a very successful meeting with the DS5 senior staff where her plan for a sustained anti-piracy campaign had been accepted and even lauded. She poured herself a glass of Romulan Ale from a bottle given to her as a gift by one of the many relations who'd been present at her adoption, celebrating her victory. As she sat on her couch sipping the strong blue liquid with satisfaction another idea came to mind, ~If I want to make a splash, I need to have some publicity!~

=#= Monteros-t'Khellian to Whitlock and Ai'lani, please meet me in my quarters as soon as possible.=#= Rianni said into her commbadge, =#= I've got a lot to discuss with you both.=#= ~And now we wait for the press.~

In his quarters, Ai'lani was in the process of explaining to Dominic why he can't act around humans the way he does around Deltans, basically undoing all the work he'd done so far when Rianni's call came. Thanking the divine forces at work, he explained to a moody Dominic why he had to go. The boy looked less than happy, but knew there wasn't much choice than to agree. His father quickly gathered his things into his bag before swinging it over his shoulder and, giving his son a kiss on the forehead, left.

Ai'lani hated doing this, leaving his son so often and, as he moved through the crowd of the Promenade, tried his best to elevate his mood before reaching Rianni's quarters.

Thomas looked up from his book and sighed. The book was getting good, but it could wait. It wasn't often that he got a summons like this. Setting the book aside, he grabbed a spare PADD and headed for the door.

Reaching the correct door, Ai'lani checked himself over and pressed the chime. He hadn't spent much time with Rianni since her adoption. Any, actually. Since their night out dancing and a few drinks together after that, she had seemed too absorbed in her duties and he was happy that she'd called. He had wanted to do so himself, but didn't wish to intrude.

Rianni opened the door for Ai'lani, beaming as he entered, "Ai'lani! It's so great to see you!" She laughed, embracing him and pointing to the living room, where she had an assortment of drinks and treats out for him, "Please, sit, relax! We can get down to business in a few minutes after we all catch up."

It took several minutes before Thomas arrived at the woman's quarters. He pressed the chime and waited, trying to figure out what could be so important.

Rianni excused herself from Ai'lani for a second and walked back to her door to let Thomas in, "Glad you could join us." She joked, showing him in, "Get comfortable, I've got a great offer for you both to mull over."

Thomas stepped inside and looked at Ai'lani. "I should have known you'd be here," he said to the man as he found a seat. "How have you been?"

Ai'lani flashed Thomas an absolutely dazzling grin when the human sat down. "I have been great!" he told him honestly. It was true. Between his photography work, his artwork and Dominic, he'd had a great week. "What about you? I hear you've been annoying the nice people down in Strategic Operations."

"Annoying?" Thomas asked, surprised. "I'm just trying to get to know the people on this base. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?"

"Of course there is. You can't just go walking uninvited into restricted areas." Ai'lani looked like an angry parent who had just learned his child was skipping classes as he watched Tom. Sure, he was winding him up, but he made it look very convincing.

"Well, if you're both interested, I have an offer for the story of your careers, no, wait, the story of your lifetimes." Rianni smirked, "And you won't have to bug Vincent Tan to get it, either."

Thomas turned to look at her and waited, interested in what she had to say.

Ai'lani turned his attention from Thomas as well, gazing back curiously at Rianni.

"How would you two like to join me on the Dhelan as field correspondents during a combined Romulan-Federation-Klingon operation against pirates in the region?" Rianni asked, "I'm talking real 'live from the front lines' stuff. You two would have the exclusive inside stories on everything that takes place from inside the fleet. I don't want any other reporters there, just the two of you. What do you say?"

Ai'lani couldn't help but feel excited about the possibilities, but then his grin faded noticeably. He frowned, looking at Whitlock and then back at Rianni. "That sounds absolutely fantastic, Rianni, but...I'm afraid I can't."

Thomas felt elated at being asked and opened his mouth to say something but hesitated when Ai'lani declined. He turned to his compatriot and said, "Why not?"

"I have Dominic. I can't just leave him," Ai'lani explained simply. The boy was going through enough what with puberty, the cultural barrier between himself, his father and everyone else. If he left him, Ai'lani knew he could never live with himself. "Really, Rianni, thank you so much for thinking of me, but I'm sorry, I have to decline."

"What if I told you I can make arrangements for Dominic? Would that persuade you?" Rianni offered, she knew Papa Gregori and her mama would love to have Dominic, especially Papa Gregori who never got his boy, "He'd have a place to stay for the couple weeks we'd be out, and if it went longer I would make arrangements for you to go home, a good environment, maybe even a little job to make some extra money for himself."

Ai'lani looked very hesitant. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "I don't know. I'll have to think about it. And speak with Dominic. It's tempting, but....I don't know," he said with a loud sigh. "I suppose, on one hand, it might be good for him to be around humans. I think."

"Okay, take your time." Rianni smiled supportively, she really wanted them both there, "And if you want to take me up on it we can make the arrangements, there's still plenty of time."

Thomas looked at Ai'lani and said, "If you can't make it then I promise to show you some of my notes when I get back."

Rianni shook her head and laughed, they were quite a pair the two frienemies before her, ~I wonder what they would do against other reporters they didn't like?~

"How kind of you," Ai'lani said sarcastically. Okay, now he really wanted to go. "I'm sure Dominic wouldn't really have problems staying with someone and his therapist would most likely agree that we should spend time apart, what with me being smotheringly affectionate as she so eloquently puts it," Ai'lani rolled his eyes. "So maybe, if we both spent some time with the people you had in mind..." he trailed off.

"I think that would be a wonderful idea." Rianni smiled, "And I'll arrange it as soon as we're done here. There's just one more thing, though."

Thomas, thinking the meeting was over, turned to look at the woman again expectantly.

"Oh? What's that?"

"Since we're kind of limited on extra space I was wondering if you two would mind sharing quarters." Rianni said, it was a joke of course, but she did want to see how they would react.

Ai'lani looked over at Thomas. He couldn't help but dislike the idea of having to share the space he relaxed in with a human. But he didn't show it, of course. He had manners after all. "I've got no problem."

Thomas looked at her then at Ai'lani. "If that's what it takes then I'm willing to accept that."

"Well, crap." Rianni laughed, "I was at least hoping for some sort of reaction."

"We can argue, if you want. I can say how much I don't want to spend my off hours with a human since I relax fully in my off hours."

"Fully relax?" Rianni asked, more than a little curious.

"Yes. I don't need to watch what I say, what I do, I don't need to watch my pheromone output," Ai'lani explained.

"Okay, wow." Rianni giggled, "I know who to share my quarters with now."

"Oh do you now?" Ai'lani asked teasingly.

Rianni smiled and giggled again, "Well, in that case, gentlemen, I think we have a deal. Welcome to the story of your lives!"