Beg, Steal or Borrow – Pre-Flight
by Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Pre-Flight
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Jan 29, 2009 @ 1:54am
Location   East Docking Ring; Bay 18 - USS Castor
Timeline   SD7 0630
Jayfe ran his hand along the Castor's hull as he climbed inside, duffle bag under his arm.

"Permission to come aboard, Captain." Jayfe's voice hung in the relative silence of the small cabin. He nodded briefly to T'Lan and Rakka.

Tasha had barely had enough time to call Zorana, who had requested to accompany her to Earth and without any persuasion, the Chief Science officer was now making the same request.
"Lieutenant?" She looked at him with a mild look of surprise, "What can I do for you?" She enquired of him.

"I'd like to come with you to Earth. I served with Captain O'Dwyer too, and I've been on staff longer than most. I might be able to provide some insight at the Court Martial." *And it'll probably get messy,* he thought to himself. *You'll need someone to watch your back.* Jayfe had a long history of not getting along with CO's, something about a disdain for the chain of command one of them had told him once, but Tasha was different.

"Plus, I've got some things to take care of at Headquarters," he added before she could read too much into his stare. In the absence of telepathy, Humans had developed a keen eye for reading facial expressions. He didn't want to give away anything too crucial. He stepped around the three women, dropped his duffle bag to the floor and took a seat, cross-checking her pre-flight.

Her mouth dropped open. Although it was early in the morning, she was wide awake , but stunned into silence as he took the seat. Closing her mouth, she glanced at Rakka and T'Lan before spinning about 180 degrees to look at the back of the mans head.
"Granted." She managed to say, fully aware of his piloting skills. "I suppose it will give me a break in taking the pilot seat if nothing else." She took a few steps forward, leaning close to his ear, smelling the freshness of someone who had just stepped out of the sonic shower and whispered.
"When we get out of dock, you can tell me the real reason why you're so desperate to get to Earth." She stood upright and now in a normal voice, "and when your finished with your own checks, you can have the pleasure of taking us out." A smile reappeared on her face.

A grin curled a corner of Jayfe's mouth. "Yes ma'am."

Tasha weaved her way back to the crew area, wondering what it was that was keeping Zorana. Rakka and T'lan stood talking to other and Tasha as growing impatient. She tapped her foot, looking out into the docking ring, before making her way back to Jayfe and tapping her chest.....


To be continued in Earthbound.

Captain Tasha Tahir


Lt. JG Jayfe Devero