Judgement – The Prodigal Chief Returns
by Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester

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Title   The Prodigal Chief Returns
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester
Posted   Thu Dec 23, 2010 @ 3:54am
Location   Chief of the Boat's Office
Timeline   SD35 19:00

Jackson took a sigh of relief as he paused in front of his office. He'd been off duty for months now. After taking ill from a rare fever he had to be kept in his quarters and subjected to endless bed rest.

Needless to say Jackson spent his first week of being up and about exercising and bringing his body back to the form he was in. With up to date body supplements and advanced conditioning, he quickly regained his strength and form.

Jackson punched in his security code on the door panel, unlocking it at long last. And with a pause of reflection, entered his office.

His collar felt tight, it's been a long time since he'd worn anything but muscle shirts and loose fitting tees. It would take some adjustment. Of course his discomfort wouldn't show.

Moments after Jackson settled into his chair and activated his desk screen, his door chimed.

With a quickly removed smirk, Jackson called out, "Come in."

Promptly the door swooshed open and a young crewman entered.

Her name, Jackson quickly remembered, was Crewman 1st Class Amanda Jones.

She stood at a strict attention in front of Jackson's desk, "Sir!"

Jackson nodded, "At ease crewman." he said with a twang, "Take a seat. What can I do for you?"

Jones nodded and held up the padd she was carrying, "These are progress reports on all departments, incident reports, and updated manifests on all enlisted personnel prepared by the WO who was in charge while you were away sir."

Jackson nodded and took the padd as she extended her hand, "Thank you Crewman." Jackson skimmed through the first through pages, not intended to read it fully until later, "All in all..." he began, "How have things been?"

Jones raised an eyebrow, "Well I'm hardly the one to be detailing such.."

"Crewman." Jackson interrupted, "In your opinion."

Jones nodded and let out a sigh, "Well sir.." she said, "There was some disarray because some of the younger enlisted crew felt a sort of freedom from having a temporary CoB...sort of like having a substitute teacher."

Jackson smiled briefly, and nodded, "Continue."

"There were lots of rumours about why you were away." she said, "A lot of concern from some, specifically the women...and a lot of joking from the men."

Jackson chuckled, "Naturally." he said, "Has everyone been made aware that I've returned?" he asked.

"Almost." she said, "After delivering this to you I was going to send out a...memo." she smiled, "So to speak."

Jackson nodded, "Well, crewman." he began, "Add in your memo, that any exaggeration in the rumours about me having a brush with death, or being in anyway still recovering are false, and that I am fully capable, and perfectly healthy."

Jones smiled, "Yessir." she said, "I'll be sure to include it."

Jackson paused, "Crewman." he addressed, "Who are the current quartermasters?"

Jones thought for a moment, "We dont have any sir..." she replied.

Jackson raised an eyebrow. He brought up his desk screen and with a few taps of the finger had the young Crewman's file displayed.

"Well." he said, "You're it."

Jones had a look of surprise, "Sir?"

"I'm appointing you quartermaster." he said, "You'll also be promoted to Petty Officer 2nd Class."

Jones smiled and quickly wiped her face to look professional, "Yes sir." she said, "Thank you sir I won't let you down."

Jackson nodded, "You're dismissed." he said simply.

As Jones reached the door Jackson spoke, "Remember, and let the crew know.." he said, "I'm back."


Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester
Chief of the Boat
Deep Space Five