Judgement – In Hiding
by Commander Richard Dunham & Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester

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Title   In Hiding
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester
Posted   Wed Jan 26, 2011 @ 12:18pm
Location   Red Lion Pub
Timeline   current

Rick ducked into the red lion pub quickly. He was looking for somewhere safe to hide, as he had just left his own quarters and a gaggle of women who were fitting and designing wedding dresses. He had been asked by the seamstress politely to leave. Rick had not argued, and had left as quickly as his dangly legs could take him. In the time honoured tradition of a man in hiding with good intentions, he went to the pub. As he came up to the bar he found the chief of the boat already there. “Good afternoon Mr Jester, how are you today?” Asked the CAG politely and with a friendly smile.

Jester, clad in a causally tight black t-shirt and equally form fitting blue jeans smiled in Richard's direction, "Hello sir." he said simply with a smirk, knocking back another shot of a heinous brown liquid, "I'm as well as a man can be at the moment I suppose." he jested, sporting his commonplace southern twang, "And yourself?"

"Not bad thank you." Said the CAG with a smile, Rick indicated with a quick gesture to the barman that he wanted a drink, soon a pint of ale appeared in front of him. "How was your trip away?"

Jester laughed, "Well, my trip away consisted of many a flop sweat and stomach cramps laying in my dark apartment alone." he said, "But now that I'm better...no regrets." he pined.

"To no regrets" said Rick toasting the chief warrant officer with a lifting of his beer glass.
"So..." Rick said conversationally "anything new with the station?"

Jackson swallowed his drink hard and let out a sigh, "Not a whole hell of a lot." he said simple, smiling.

"Re-instituting some training regiments for the non-coms that were discontinued by my temporary successor. Mindlessly discontinued." he chuckled, "But they're back in business now." he added, "Other than that....smooth sailing. How are things on your end?

"Good Non-Coms are the life blood of the fleet Chief, its good that you are keeping them on there toes. If it wasn't for them we would not have a Starfleet." He smiled "Things are good on my end, for supply problems for the department as well a man power shortage...oh and I'm getting married, so its all a little crazy at the moment."

Jackson raised his glass in front of him, "Congratulations." he said simply, knocking back the shot, "That's a big step." Takes a man to take it.

Rick returned the toast with a proffering of his own glass, he took a sip of his drink and smiled wondering to himself what the future would bring. "What about chief are you married?"

Jackson laughed, "No sir." he said simply, "There have been close calls though." he added with a faint chuckle, "Mind you..." he looked down at his glass, "Not for a long time." with a motion he knocked back another shot, "But there've been plenty of dames either way."

Was he bragging? Thought Rick to himself as he suddenly couldn't shake of the image of Jester in a world war two sailors uniform singing; nothing like a dame from the south pacific movie. Rick shook the image from his brain as he looked at his drink and considered that perhaps it should be his last one.

Jester smirked with arrogance as he peered at Rick eying his glass, "Not a heavy drinker?" he asked, "Sir?"

"Please call me Rick" said Dunham with a friendly smile, totally missing the arrogance in Jesters smirk. He looked at his glass again. "Nah, I have never been much of a drinker you know, one I am a light weight when it comes to the beer, and two I never really got into that heavy drinking kind of thing you know? Just bad karma man."

Jackson smiled, "I know where you're coming from." he said, "But, in Louisiana drinking is second nature. But I try to refrain myself to one drinking night a week." Jackson smirked again, "Although evidently due to my body weight heavy drinking to other people is just a buzz to me."

Was he bragging again? Thought Rick to himself. "Fair enough. Is that good for your liver?" Rick realized he was thinking out loud for his last comment and waved it away dismissively with his hand, then smiled and said "Have you tried drinking competitions with Klingons?"

Jackson laughed, "Oh no." he replied, "A competitive drinker, I am not." he smiled, "I'll go toe to toe with a Klingon in a lot of things, eating and drinking being two exceptions."

Rick smiled then scrunched his own face up at the last time he had tried klingon cuisine. "Blah, bloody Gagh"

Jackson laughed, "Exactly." he said, "I'll stick to the down home cooking I'm used to." he added, noticing a klingon across the bar and raising his glass to him, "Thanks."

Rick chuckled, and smiled as the senior NCO who toasted the passing Klingon. It seemed like a slightly weird moment, but a funny one. "So Mr Jester, now that your back on form what are plans going forward as chief of the boat?"

Jackson chuckled, "Learning how to be a boatswain will be one priority." he said jovially, "And just making sure the non-coms are all trained and up to date."

Rick smiled and nodded in understanding "Thats good work..." he was interrupted by the comm badge on his chest making a beeping noise. He pressed it. =^= Sir your needed down in the barn? =^= came a gravely voice of the comm unit. =^=Roger that =^= said Rick down the comm. "Well" he said to his companion with a smile. "why is it every time I get a chance to sit down, duty calls...." He put his drink down. "Catch you later."

Jackson nodded politely to see the man off, "Take it easy sir." he said simply, again turning his attention to the other matters.


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham


Chief of the Boat
Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester