Judgement – Stimulus/Response
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   Stimulus/Response
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Sat Jun 18, 2011 @ 5:44pm
Location   Science Lab 3
Timeline   SD 37 - 11 am
The two security officers escorted Yolanthe to Science Lab 3. There, they removed her restraints whilst Chelsea and another woman in teal looked on, before retreating to a polite distance for privacy.

The bokkai looked at each of the two women, flickering from green to yellow and back again, unsure as to exactly how they were going to catalogue the many shades of emotion that she produced within her skin.

Megan studied people from long dead civilizations, not people that she knew and were currently looking at. She sighed and looked at the PADD in her hand, pretending to read it.

They didn't want to be here either. Fair enough. There were far more interesting and pleasant things they could be doing. Her skin settled down to an olive gold colour. "Shall we get this show on the road then? Where do you want me?"

"Er... on the bio-bed please?" Chelsea had been asked to take on this *test* but was unsure of how a *control* was going to be undertaken to make the *research* validated. "We can attach these little sensors to measure your seratonin, adrenalin, perspiration and hormonal changes. We can also fit a monitor to your neck to show us your cortical reactions and cerebral chemistry and changes. We can use the medical scans integral in the biobed to monitor heart-rate, blood-pressure and safety levels, plus any biological reactions in the organs as well as the electrical system and blood that we're already monitoring." She began, forgetting in this *research* situation, that medical techobabble of any kind was usually unintelligible to most patients just as say, Engineering, or any other kind of euphamism or *professional speak*, would be difficult if not impossible for her to understand in turn.

"That should cover everything for us to try to assess what corralates with the colour changes but I'm hazarding a guess that the only way we'll be able to tell if we're accurately separating out each of the *feelings* that are being generated, would be to do each test at least twice to look for a consistent set of readings to verify themselves by repetition."

Yolanthe understood only every third word of what Chelsea said, but hopped up on bio-bed anyway. "I guess you have to poke me twice." She swung her long legs up, her toes poking over the end. She was a pale mint green, with hair a darker shade of the same.

Chelsea checked all the electrodes and scans and monitors and samplers..... it seemed endless. Finally she handed over to Jana for the scientifics and retreated to the bed-head to monitor the readouts from the main screen.

"Oh no, Ms Ibalin. There's no danger of us *poking* you, not literally! We have technology that allows us to send electro-stimuli to your cortical stem and which will *seem* to provoke the appropriate reaction in your brain without actually inflicting any physical trauma." Chelsea sat on the edge of Yolanthe's bed to explain what was going to happen.

"We can run through the spectrum in a pre-determined order, allowing each tiny impulse to deliver to your brain for just seconds. We can take a recording of the colours you turn and the computer compares those to the order of the stimuli applied. We run the whole spectrum which should take about five minutes in total and then we run it all again in a randomly generated order. The computer compares the two sets and we should see a correlation of the colours with the input patterns, then we can just print out the catalogue." Chelsea continued to explain.

"The program is usually used as a diagnostic and we rarely need all the stimuli at once, most people are just experiencing nerve damage in one limb or one part of their system so we use it selectively. I've never seen it used systemically but I imagine that's just a magnification of the individual processes into one whole." Yolanthe was looking at the CMO a little like a rabbit under a bright light.

"We'll run it through quickly so it's not too uncomfortable for you and it should be all over in about 15 minutes, then we can do the analysis afterwards. Just let us know at any time if you want anything to stop - if it gets too much." She reassured.

Yolanthe tried to settle herself more comfortably, trying to find the calm centre of her soul. It wasn't easy to find. No point in putting this off. She looked up at Chelsea. "Bring it on."

Megan stood quietly next to Chelsea and looked at the taller woman, "Chelsea?" She said quietly.

Chelsea turned and looked at Megan quizically. "Are you okay?" she replied, sensing that all was not well with the younger officer.

"Yeah...I think so." She sighed and smiled weakly.
Realising that this was probably not something they should discuss in front of the patient, Chelsea made light of it, intending to take a moment to finish the conversation later.

She began the program and the computer ran through a number of emotional stimulii, recording Yolanthe's reaction to each. Chelsea watched carefully to see if Y was uncomfortable but apart from a rapid-fire set of changes to every colour of the rainbow, there didn't seem to be any problems occurring.

The run completed itself in about 8 minutes and Chelsea reset it for the 'control' run, repeating everything but in a different, random order.

"Okay for round two?" she asked Yolanthe with a smile. She felt this rather odd experiment was going better than she had first suspected and her own concerns were diminishing now.

"See, it's not so bad is it?" Chelsea smiled at the patient and at Megan reassuringly. Perhaps it was that which jinxed it? Perhaps it was a medical reaction in the system of the Bokkai. They wouldn't know until much later what changed during the second run but they soon noticed that Yolanthe appeared to have fallen asleep.

At first that seemed an indication of how relaxed she must be but it wasn't long before her REM made that signature grouping of Chelsea's half-Bajoran ridges start to close together into a frown.

She moved forward and checked all the readings more closely.

"Megan, are the scientific readings changing? I think the medical ones are taking a different direction this time. Should we abort? She doesn't seem to be in distress physically but she didn't sleep last time and this is a deep sleep from the readings. I think it might be sensible to keep her awake. I'm going to wake her if that's okay with you?" Chelsea began to shake Yolanthe's shoulder gently. Then a little more firmly. She did not respond but began to make little whimpering noises.

"Okay that's it. I'm stopping it now." Chelsea turned to the control panel and began the abort sequence.

Yolanthe screamed as pain seared through her entire body. She felt like every single nerve ending was on fire, white hot bolts of agony flashed through her nervous system. She opened her eye’s and the room around her swam and blurred. Her eye’s focused on Chelsea who stepped up towards her extending her right arm. Yolanthe noticed it was mechanical, spinning blades started up, she looked at the Doctor’s face. “Resistance is Futile!” Chelsea grinned stepping forward. Yolanthe screamed again and squeezed her eye’s shut.

Megan looked at the screen and saw the immense fear that Yolanthe was feeling. "Chelsea...help her!" The data that was coming in was unbelievable but she knew the other physiological changes that the body went through when it was in a highly fearful state...and the damage that it could cause.

When she opened them again, Reshi was standing in front of her. It was impossible. He'd died the night they'd taken her. But there he was. “Don’t worry baby, it only hurts when you laugh!” He then threw his head back and laughed manically. When he did that his head parted company with his shoulders at the neck. Blood gushed forth drenching Yolanthe; she looked down to find her entire body was covered in his quicksilver blood. She'd done that to him. Soaked, all she could do was howl her anguish, before the pain closed over her again.

"What...the hell?" Yolanthe was no longer a bright green colour but now she was orange. Skimming through the data on the screen Megan saw that whatever it was that she was experiencing it was a guilty feeling...shame...perhaps even self-loathing.

This time when she looked down at her hands the skin surface began to blister and boil, she tried to touch her arm but the flesh just melted off, dripping to the floor like molten candle wax. Her mind tried to process the images, she tried to convince herself that none of this was real, but the pain that scorched through her told a different story.

Her throat was raw from screaming, she didn’t want to open her tortured eyes but somehow couldn’t keep them shut. The science lab was in disarray, it looked like it had taken a direct hit, flames and screaming patients were everywhere. One man crawled towards her leaving a bloody trail on the floor. A Vulcan orderly vomited green blood all over her shoes. Colours, lights and pain flashed through her head.

The bokkai had turned so dark a shade of green she was almost black. The heart rate monitor was screaming in a near continuous buzz, and then she shook all over, muscles spasms as seizure racked her body

Chelsea was frantically trying to disconnect the bio-bed and was tapping the controls like a mad woman. She was re-setting and rewriting the program but it wasn't releasing the Bokkai.

"It *should* be simple. I should just be able to switch it off. There's something strange happening in her cortical responses. It's as if she's having a reaction to the chemi-corstisones themselves." Chelsea said, sounding very worried and not her usual calm self at all.

"If I just cut the power she'll die, I need to get the program to stop rolling through it's pre-set order. I'm trying to re-program but it's not responding properly, it seems to be randomly adding things I haven't asked it for. I don't understand."

The promenade was deserted, it was so late it was actually early. She leaned over the rails outside The Box of Delights, looking down to the Bajorran gardens two floors below. Behind her, Blake and Pelin were just finishing off. The cash boxes were brimming. They'd had to turn people away

Chelsea was beginning to get the program to slow down at last. "Megan, I think I have it now. As soon as it stops putting chemco-stimulants in, disconnect the electro-monitors and............." she didn't get to finish that *spoke too soon* sentence as suddenly the monitor began to wail again and Yolanthe's whole body went rigid as she began to fit. The monitor showed a flatline...


A JP between

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner of The Box of Delights


Megan Sparrow
Science Lab Tech (NPC'd by Amanda)


Cmdr Chelsea Adams
CMO & Second Officer

And special thanks to Brad (Lance Murdoch) who was immense amounts of help with the nightmares