Cascade – Your legacy awaits, Doctor. . .
by Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   Your legacy awaits, Doctor. . .
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Mon Jan 28, 2013 @ 8:08pm
Location   The Matthias
Timeline   SD 70: 15:00
Melyvn Raddon stood at the entrance of the airlock with noticeable anticipation. Perhaps it was that giddiness that children experience when they have a great discovery to show to another person. Or maybe it was the realization of just how important this project would soon prove to be. Either way, he was certain that his excitement was visibly evident.

Doctor Lance Murdoch came sauntering in. Casually glancing across the faces of the new arrivals looking for Melvyn's familiar visage.

"Dr. Murdoch!" He said joyously. "What a pleasure for you accept my invitation." He said as he approached the young Doctor and extended his hand. "I trust that all has gone well for you since our last meeting. " Raddon said, mentioning that the last time they shared company it was over a glass of wine in recognition of Murdoch's work in disposing of a rather tenacious competitor.

Lance smiled as he accepted the other mans handshake. "Well enough Melvyn," he replied. "Always a few dicey moments around here." He commented, remembering his recent adventures. "You're looking..." he paused to take in the mans excited demeanor, "...very energetic" He finished.

"Oh, energetic does not explain my excitement, my boy." Raddon said as he ushered the Doctor farther into his vessel. "I believe this may be the first time you have had an extended view of my vessel." Raddon said as the two men entered the nearest lift.

"Science Bay 3" Raddon said aloud.

"The SS Matthias is my pride and joy." Raddon said boastfully. "For a civilian vessel, it has the leading science/medical facility in the sector. Cutting-edge communications suite and not to mention it can reach warp 7.89 and maintain such a speed for 12 hours." He added.

"Very Impressive" Lance commented drily, taking in the ostentatious surroundings. "Bit over the top isn't it?" he asked.

"A bit much? Perhaps, but when the Federation depends on your company for the production and refinement of dilithuim, you have to be mobile, agile, efficient." Raddon responded as the lift came to a stop and the ship's computer announced their arrival.

Raddon chuckled. "I have invited you here to not only witness medical history, but to CREATE IT!" he said with enthusiasm.

Raddon stepped off first and entered the large science lab that was abuzz with activity. Raddon continued to walk until he stopped at a blue line on the ground. He placed both feet on the line and waited for several moments as the computer scanned his body. Within several seconds he was greeted with an affirmative tone.

"Melvyn Raddon, authorization approved." The computer said aloud as he stepped forward.

"Just step to the line and allow the computer to scan you." Raddon said assuringly. "I made sure that my security department uploaded your credentials into the system before you arrived." He said with a smile.

Lance stepped up soemwhat apprehensivly and allowed the computer to complete the proceedure.

Once both men entered the secured area, Raddon walked over to a nearby console. He began to press several buttons into the console, activating the stasis tube several feet in front of the two men. Slowly, the stasis tube chamber opened and a large cylindrical pod began to rise from the ceiling. As the pod came fully into view, its contents became unmistakeable.

"This, Dr. Murdoch, is why I have brought you here." Raddon said as he gestured to the individual inside of the pod. It's lifeless body on full display.

"A dead Jem'Hafar" Lance said, sounding somewhat confused and disapointed.

"No my dear boy. It is more than a Jem'Hadar! This is Goran'Agar, one of the only known cases of a Jem'Hadar that was free from his addiction to Ketrecel White." Raddon announced. ". . .and I want you to replicate the gift he carries within his body. The gift of being free from his ketrecel white addiction." he concluded.

Lance leaned closer to the tube with renewed interest. "How did you get him?" He asked. Gazing at the scaly features of the biological weapon.

"Several years after the Dominion War ended and the Treaty of Bajor of signed, the Federation began to make overtures into the Gamma Quadrant. As the long-standing Commerce Envoy, it was only natural that my company be granted certain privileges in regards to traveling tot he Gamma Quadrant." Raddon said as he continued to gaze pridefully at his acquisition.

"It turns out that Goran'Agar did not die on that planet as Dr. Julian Bashir and Professor O'Brien had reported. He actually had been captured by the Dominion and put back into service. It was then that I began a 10 year search for either him or his body." Raddon said as he turned back to the still shocked physician.

"And I did it!" Raddon said proudly. "I learned through various contacts that he took part in the Battle of Betazed and was stationed there as a part of the Dominion fortification of the planet. He served as a Second during his time there." Raddon stated. "During the general retreat of Dominion forces he had managed to escape and flee to unknown parts of the quadrant. Nobody was sure where he went. So many worlds were struggling to recover from the devastation brought by the war that it was easy for him to escape notice for over a decade."

"Finally, his body was discovered when my company was performing exploratory operations in one of Yridia Prime's moons. Normally, nobody is shocked when they find a Jem'Hadar body, considering the Dominion never cared too much about burial of their soldiers. However, the lead scientist recognized the markings on his body and realized the BOON we had encountered." Raddon said as he activated the monitor on the Jem'Hadar, displaying his vital signs.

"Do you realize the breakthru that you would be responsible for, Dr. Murdoch?" Raddon asked him. "Do you realize how you are in a position to change medical history?" He inquired.

Lance frowned slightly "What exactly is it you're expecting me to do?" He asked.

Melyvn withdrew a cigar from his travel humidor as he looked at the younger man for several moments. "I would think that a man of your intelligence would recognize this opportunity." He said as he observed the ancient nicotine-filled object.

"I want you to recreate the genetic anomaly that allowed him to be free from Ketrecal White." Melvyn said pointedly.

"And you believe this can be done surgically?" Lance replied. "Of course you do. Otherwise you would have gone to Chelsea with this."

He turned back to the body of the Jem'hadar. "So you must have some sort of idea..." the doctor mused. "And you wouldn't be talking to me unless it was impossibly difficult. So what is it? I have to remove the entire lymphatic system? Carve out a section of the brain? Splice the spleen onto the liver?"

Raddon laughed softly. "Those are questions for a more learned man, Dr. Murdoch. I merely provide the opportunity for you." He said as he took a puff from his cigar.

"It is you, my friend, who will make history by recreating this miracle on a living subject." He added.

Suddenly the surgeon went quiet. He gave a quick glance around the room suddenly nervous and alert.
"And how do you propose we test that?"

"I've already made arrangements to deliver all the materials you'll need. Both living and. . .otherwise." Raddon said as he placed a reassuring hand on the Doctor's shoulders.

"We are going to make history, and nothing will stop us, I can assure you of that." He said with a determined look in his eye.

Lance replied, voice just above a whisper, "If I agree to this, I want the utmost secrecy. I want a secure research lab with no traceable links to DS5, I want signed assurances from you absolving me from any legal liability." His face grew grim.

"I won't be brought up before some federation tribunal if some paper pusher at starfleet legal finds out about this and decides that the Jem'hader aren't genetic constructs but actual people who have rights" he spat out the last word.

"Rights?" Raddon asked rhetorically. "These are merely husks, sentience weapons. They have no more rights than a scalpel or phaser." He said in a more serious tone.

"Your work here will be for the betterment of Humans across the galaxy, Dr. Murdoch. Don't allow unfounded sense of sympathy for a Jem'Hadar stop you from recognizing what could be the defining accomplishment of your career." He said as he pulled the cigar from his mouth, tapping the ashes off to the side.

"The Matthias has been recently equipped to support a full science lab. I have recruited a full staff that will be at your disposal. Starfleet has no control over Raddon Corporation, nor any other aspect of this vessel." He said confidently.

Lance gazed at him for a very long time before replying, "I have no qualms about cutting up Jem'hadar, dead or...otherwise. I think we both know I did enough of that during the war." He let his words hang in the air between them.

"But this is peacetime, and I've found that without an enemy to watch the powers that be tend to keep a much closer eye on their friends. And some of those powers don't share our... enthusiasm for the advancement of science."

He paused again, "If I agree to this, we do it my way. I keep my own records. I want total security. And total control"

"Control is what this is all about, Dr. Murdoch. This knowledge will allow Humans to be in COMPLETE control of their future. Never again will we cower in fear of an enemy we do not understand, but more importantly do not control." He replied in earnest.

"Very well Mr Raddon, Let's get to work."

Melvyn Raddon
CEO of Raddon Corporation

Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Head Surgeon