Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace’s Personal Log - Operation Resurection

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Title   Operation Resurection
Author   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Tue Dec 30, 2008 @ 1:00am
I shouldn't have gone digging too deep into the legacy so deep. Intelligence operations is in a total up roar over the attack on the legacy, and from what my contact in starfleet engineering was saying they head of the corps of engineers has resigned over the ships destruction. Lt. Dorian let me off the leash on this investigation, he clearly didn't get the transcipt of my hearing after the inccident aboard the melbourn.

Ltcmdr. Watson is sending me the data files on the transwarp project including historical data on the earlier attempts with the excesior and theres info on someting innvolving Voyager and some of the technical data they collected while in the delta quadrant. The Dossier on Kaia is alittle thin on some details, not a surprise.

a fighter patrol that was on the outter edge of the battle had some sensor readings, but the local radialogical effects leave some gaps, so I'm reaching if theres' any connection too the attack and Kaia. I'm tempted too take a runabout out too the location of the attack and then find the Legacys' data core, if its intact I could deterimine what happened.

I also have a reminder from a Lt. Kaskovia about an appointment. Just what I need another "post-traumatic Stress disorder" Diagnosis.

Intel officer DS5