Unity – Departing
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Departing
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Sat Feb 20, 2010 @ 12:45pm
Location   CO's Office
Timeline   SD17 09:30

He held the request in his hand and had red it several times. He understood her reasons, but just could not figure out why the quartermaster would choose now to request a transfer.
He dropped the device below his eyeline as he studied the J'Naii for a few moments and then lay it upon his desk, taking an emphasised care to lay it down without a sound.

"Petro, I think I understand your reasons, but you are doing so well now. You have started your commission, you have the stores running like clockwork and you have made some new friends." He leant back, clasping his hands on the desk ahead of him. "Are you sure this is what you want?" He asked.

Her heart was pounding in her chest. She had her reasons and she had to follow her resolve through.
"Captain," She began, "I have loved my time on DS5, I have made some friends, some enemies and I have found myself on here, but since Lieutenant Rakka left, there has been a huge hole in my life, one that I cannot explain." Her head dipped as she struggled to find the words. Her shyness had been overcome, but interaction with superiors was still somewhat difficult for her. "I am sorry." She whispered.

Davies felt for her. He knew she had problems to face and that it was exceptionally hard for her being from a non gendered species to find a gender and be comfortable with it. Rakka was more than a friend and though he had only known her for a few weeks, he felt she was more than just a friend to the Nausicaan.
Her apology was full of emotion and it was plain in her voice.

"Petro, you have nothing to apologise for. You have done your duty to your fullest capability, as I look down your record, I cannot find a single blemish that would give me any reason to deny you, my only concern is that you will keep up your training, now that you are an officer and not let that slip." He held the next sentence for a second. "I am going to grant you permission to transfer and I will do so, as long as you promise to continue doing just that."

She brought her eyes back to the Commander. She was not sure if she could uphold that promise as she was not sure if there were facilities to do so, but he had made it a part of the agreement. She tussled with herself, before responding.

She took a deep breath and straightened herself in the chair.
"Sir, I cannot guarantee that I will be able to. If I can I will, but if not, then I am sure that there will be other ways in which I can serve." She replied honestly. "Respectfully, if I have to start from the bottom and work up I will, but I cannot say that where I am going, that will be available. I am leaving for personal reasons, not for advancement." Her voice trailed off.

Davies could see that she was struggling with her decision and he was only making that process harder. It was his turn to apologise.
"I'm sorry Ensign, I should not have made that statement and I withdraw it. As long as you are true to yourself and to others, then I cannot add stipulations to your transfer. Thank you." He said in closing and stood, moved around the desk and held out his hand to her.

She looked at his hand and slowly extended her own. She still didn't like flesh to flesh contact, but he was her commander and he offered a hand to shake and she shook it, quickly and withdrew her hand back to her lap.
"Thank you Commander." She said in a still hushed voice.

He didn't fail to notice that she took her hand back quickly and that she was still in an uncomfortable position.
"You are dismissed Ensign." He said, in a commanding tone, but not too harsh. "And good luck." He added as she rose from the chair.

She only came halfway up his chest, but this little J'Naii knew what she wanted and she was not going to hold herself back any longer.
She looked upward to Davies.
"Thank you sir." And spun about on her heel and headed for the door as fast as she could without running.

A few minutes later, Petro was in her quarters, her bags already packed and she looked around the room once more, just to check that there was nothing left behind of hers. She moved between the bags and tapped her comm.
=^= "Shuttle Tiberius, one to transport." =^= She ordered, knowing that she would be held in the docking bay for a few hours, but if she stayed here any longer, she may change her mind, as Deep Space Five held a special place in her heart, right next to a big, burly Nausicaan.


Ensign Petro
Former Quartermaster


Commander David Davies