Beg, Steal or Borrow – Aftermath
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Aftermath
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Fri May 01, 2009 @ 11:00pm
Location   USS Nightingale, Main Medical Ward
Timeline   SD 8 2300hrs
Tag   post attack
===9 hours earlier===

The ship rocked violently again, Jarred finally spoke "Status".

Someone spoke "Fires on deck 4, decompression on deck 7, Engineering reports structural failures with the nacelle pylons, impulse is now offline, life support is failing on all decks, warp core breach in 3 minutes!"

Jarred knew what he had to do, "ALL HANDS ABANDON SHIP!"

"Everyone to either deck 3 or escape pods!"

Jarred grabbed the equipment bag next too the helm and ran to the turbo lift as he did the station exploded debris pelted his head, he didn't realize at that moment but he was completely deaf in one ear. He smashed open a small panel by the engineering station as he got on the lift, and pulled a leaver, this action ejected the emergency beacon with the final recording he made just after the first salvos hit killing Lt. Cmdr. Reeves. Jarred felt blood on his head, he ignored the sticky mess on his head as he exited the turbo lift, "ok everyone to the shuttles, anyone who isn't here hopefully made it too the escape pods or life boats."

Jarred looked at the crewman in the pilots chair and told him to lift off, as the shuttle exited the bay he could see through the front view port three escape pods and the other shuttle, "shuttles check in with head count."

As the reports trickled in he realized that the majority of the 48 crew that were on board escaped, only three lost, they had at least nine people injured critically, and several others with various injuries. Jarred realized he was having difficulty hearing as Veronica was reading off the status report. a medic confirmed he'd lost approximately 85% use of his left ear.

For about six hours the small convoy of escape pods, shuttles and two of the ships fighters limped in space, they were near the area where Jarred remembered a war games exercise was going on, he made the decision too break radio silence and broadcast a distress signal.

The first ship to arrive was the USS Huntley, Captain George Grissom and his crew acted quickly to recover all the survivors, during a debriefing with the Captain and his Chief Intelligence officer that Jarred learned of the attack on DS5, Jarred and several other injured crew were transferred too the Medical ship Nightingale. The Audiology specialist took Jarred into surgery almost immediately, the bleeding had caused a dangerous condition and another surgery was ordered.

Sometime after 1900, Jarred awoke, his body was aching, his head felt like a gas filled balloon. The nurse looked at him and said that he was lucky, and had the stamina of a mule, he was confused. As the nurse ran down the long list of what had happened, he suddenly felt very lucky to be alive.

Concussion, ruptured eardrum, 5 broken ribs, multiple tendon tears in his hip, and burns and numerous small puncture wounds through out his body, many of which despite the best efforts of the surgical team, the injuries would leave permanent scars. Jarreds ear had been repaired using a device similar too the Ferengi inner ear universal translator implant, testing scheduled for the next morning would determine its effective values.

While the rest of the ship was on night watch, Jarred couldn't sleep, so he stared out into space, he'd learned through a contact that DS5 had taken a pounding. He couldn't get specifics; he just wondered what he'd be going back too.

It was the morning after, his first visitor was the Captain of the Huntley, Command had decided to forego the normal hearings due to the circumstances, Jarred was oddly disappointed, he was more interested in returning to DS5 at the moment.

Despite the Doctors hesitation Jarred was cleared for travel, Jarred boarded the first transport headed to DS5. He knew it was not a hero’s return waiting for him. He didn't know if any of the senior staff had been informed of his return, let alone if they knew he was alive. He hoped Claire was alive, his mind was still cloudy from all the abuse his body had endured over the last 3 days.

All characters’ including Jarred played by