Things Past – Moving In and Moving On
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Moving In and Moving On
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Thu Oct 18, 2012 @ 7:39pm
Location   Junior Officers' Quarters Decks 25 and 27
Timeline   SD68 - am
After they left Lt Petro's office, Rai'ya and Jon took their hover luggage to Deck 27 where the first quarters were allocated. The Padd said this was Jon's room and they punched in the key-code and stood in the doorway.

The room was very much a single suite. With both of their hover-cases in it temporarily while they moved Jon in, there was very little room to move around freely until Rai plonked Jon's case onto his recessed bed and shoved her own back against the inside of the closed door.

"There!" she declared in some small sense of her first triumph. She had got them far enough in, to at least start to unpack. "Shall we start with something to drink?" she asked Jon who was looking even more despondent than usual. It was all wrong to Rai. Jon had always been the up-beat one. He was always the optimist, ever the one with the smile no matter what the Universe threw at them but since their problems he was a distant, withdrawn person.

She had hoped that she would get him away, bring him to a safe place and a new start and once the darkness of whatever had happened to him was beginning to lift, she might get her old Jon back. That was the plan if it could be called a plan. Rai'ya just knew that Jon was the sun around which her world gravitated and all that had mattered to her, in all that had happened to them both, was that she had found him again.

After that, they just had to find a way to stay together. After THAT... well, she hadn't been able to think that far ahead .... yet.

"What are you thinking about sweetheart?" she asked gently as he drifted off into that faraway look she had become used to but never comfortable with.

He was thinking about a lot. That much was for certain, but he really did not feel in a conversational mood about the burdens and emotions he was feeling. He also did not want to add anymore undue pressure on Rai. In a way this was a little ironic as the counselor in him would've said that it was good to talk about one's problems with someone. "I was wondering what the acoustics were like in here" indicating his violin, it was a lie of course but he couldn't face all the changes in their life yet.

"They'll be better once we've unpacked and made it a bit more homely." She replied, wondering if she should leave him to play and come back after she'd taken a look at her own quarters, two decks up.

"Jon, do you want to stay here on your own? And we can eat together and then.... " She stopped. Her head was being very logical and she was trying to be considerate but her heart didn't want her to offer this. She avoided his eyes in case her own influenced him from being completely honest.

"How about we take your stuff up to your quarters and see what they're like?" said Jon not wanting to admit that he did not want to be left alone.

Rai looked up again, relieved. "Okay!" she said brightly and moved her hover-case so they could take it up but then thought twice and pushed it aside.

"Should we look first? If we like it better, perhaps we might stay there and if we don't we'll come back here?" she offered, sidling up to him and leaning into his chest, hopeful for a hug. "I'd rather squash into single quarters and pretend we're using both - if you don't mind? Unless....?" she hesitated, her eyes searching his for clues.

On their hideous journey here they had slept on one another's shoulders, legs, anywhere they had to but now they were here and it was officially *comfortable* she wondered if Jon might prefer some space of his own and if more squashing would be too much for his fragile mood.

He smiled "You're the one with all the stuff." he said pointing at her bags, then pointing at his one duffle bag and favorite battered and worn futon.

She couldn't deny it so she just shrugged and grinned at him. "You think?" she teased, trying to cheer him up a little.

They made their way up two decks and checked out the quarters allocated to her which were very slightly larger. "OH! This is MUCH better." she exaggerated with another grin. "I knew Petro liked me best!" she joked, throwing herself onto the bed to see how comfortable it was, despite its very singular size.

Looking up at Jon, Rai fluttered her eyelashes in a blatantly exaggerated manner and purred at him. "Would you like to move in with me? As long as you don't take it as a proposal of something scary?" she teased trying to coax a smile out of him.

Jon scratched his beard thoughtfully then undid the pony tail in his long blond hair. He shook out his hair like a lion's main, then did it back up in a pony tail to make it more comfortable. He was stalling really, getting himself a chance to think straight. He didn't think he was in the right frame of mind yet to move in with Rai, it wasn't her it was him, he felt he had to rebuild a couple things about himself first, get himself in a good place, he had done it before and he would do it again, and he needed to say that in the most diplomatic way possible.

Then again her room wasn't a cell like his, and he didn't like cells.

"you're really messy" he said with smirk.

"Live with it or move downstairs!" she challenged, a sparkle in her eyes. The unleashing of his hair stirred her loins but she knew that if he had been in the mood he would have responded to her earlier openings as she has lain on the bed, fluttered at him and generally been playful.

Those had always been sufficient to start something in the *old days* but lately, the journey had been the main reason they had no privacy so the issue hadn't arisen. Rai wasn't ready to show how this made her feel inside, she knew Jon wouldn't do it on purpose so she concluded he was having his own problems. She knew him well enough to leave him be.

"Supper?" she asked, jumping up with a bounce and a broad grin that hid whatever she was thinking before. She knew full well that was illogical as it wasn't much past breakfast time but she also knew they *shouldn't* have pizza for breakfast in theory but she wanted some.

"Yeah" said Jon thoughtfully drawing the word out as he thought about what he wanted to eat. He fancied something different. "Shall we go and see what this place has to offer?"

"Okay!" she agreed happily and stood up ready to follow him out of the door. "By the way.... " she said thoughtfully as they walked down the corridor. "Would you like to swap? I don't mind having the one 'downstairs' if you like? It's more convenient for Security actually. I'd like to be near to other Security officers and I noticed a couple of them on your floor.....". She spoke as if this was just a random thought she'd had but in fact she'd been trying to work out what would make him more comfortable. She knew he was very minimalistic - especially when he was upset - so perhaps he would do better in a larger, uncluttered room. He *had* mentioned how messy she was and perhaps.... well, it was worth a shot. She only hoped he hadn't noticed that there hadn't been any Security officers around, in fact the ones they had seen were in teal medical, which was more his department.

But Jon was a selfless martyr always putting others before himself, or on the flip side always putting himself into suffering in some sort of misplaced sense of self-redemption. "Nah" he said with a smile "best a clutter bug like you with all your stuff has the big room. I'll be fine with the little room I got less stuff after all."

Rai'ya knew him well enough to leave this blatent piece of selflessness to mature a little before she tried to do anything about it. ~Perhaps we'll get joint quarters soon enough~ she thought as they went off to find somewhere that served food.

"Clutterbug!" she muttered and gently fake-punched his upper arm, ducking out of the way of an imaginary retaliation that never came but at least he did smile at her.


A JP Between:

Ensign Amoran, Rai'ya
Security Officer - DS5


Lt (jg) Jon Franz
Counsellor - DS5