Judgement – Minions and Masters
by Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Minions and Masters
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sat Oct 01, 2011 @ 7:05am
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD 39 2345
Merigor Drull hummed a jaunty tune to himself. He had this part of sickbay to himself at this hour of the night. No scheduled operations till morning, and unless there was a massive emergency, any late night surgery would be done in Theatre One. Here in theatre two, he was just a shadow in the dark, occasionaly lit by the appearence in the replicator of his requests.

Certain controlled substances could be very profitable to the right people. As good as latinum. And Merigor did like a little flutter. Nothing extravagant, a couple of strips at time at most. Except he rarely picked a winner. though next time would be different.

Next time was always going to be different.

Happily humming he thumbed the replicator again, and another two ampoules appeared. It was as good as pressing your own latinum.

Lance was bored. He was the on duty surgeon in sickbay. This time of night there was nothing going on. If he had his way he'd be in his quarters sleeping. Well he would do the next best thing. He made his way back to OR2 it wan't in use and he could get a little shut eye on one of the tables.

As the doors slid open, he was surprised to find a bolian lab tech standing in the dark in front of a replicator. "Hey! What are you doing?" He called.

Merigor jumped, then span round so he was blocking view of the replicator. "Just getting some cocoa, Dr Murdoch. Would you like some. Marshamllows perhaps?"

Lance frowned and stepped forward, he shoved the Bolian aside. "This doesn't look like hot chocolate." He said, picking up the drugs.

"Concentrated Essence of" Miragor replied smoothly, though a light sheen of sweat was appearing around his ridge.

Lance sniffed one of the ampoules, "Doesn't smell like chocolate either." He commented. "What exactly are you trying to pull here?" Lance asked, his eyebrow raised.

"Um, Nothing. Nothing at all." Miragors hand inched towards the hypo he kept in a concelaed pocket behind his back. It wasn't much Just a little dose of much needed rest, with a little bit of memory loss to go with it. "Merely resupplying the stores."

"Bullshit." Lance said, slipping the ampoule into his own pocket. "What ever it is I want in." He added. He paused thoughtfully. "Or at least a cut."

Drull released his grip on the hypospray a little. "A cut?"

Lance smirked, "I wasn't born yesterday. I know how much this stuff's worth. give me 40% of what you're making and I won't take this to Chelsea." He jiggled the vial in his pocket.

The bolian was a natural haggler. He didn't really think before countering with "Fifteen."

"Thirty" Countered Lance.

"Twenty." Miragor countered a second time.

"Thirty." Repeated lance.

"Twenty Five."

"Thirty." Lance didn't budge.

The bolian thought about it. It would be useful to have another person in on the scheme, another id to use in the system, and if it all went south, someone to throw to the wolves. "Done." He realeased his grip on the hypo and held out his hand.

Lance smirked and shook it. Then he gripped the Bolians appendage in a vice like hold. He began squeezing down on the presure points. "Try to screw me and I'll peel you like a grape! Am I clear?" He said. His face a mask of controlled calm. Keeping his grip, he reached into the Bolians pocket and extracted the hypo. His smirk turned into a huge grin. "You have potential Mr...."

"Drull!" The bolian gasped as he tried not to sink to his knees as Lance crushed his hands, "Merigor Drull, at your service, Dr Murdoch."

"At my service indeed." Replied Lance, finaly releasing the Bolians hand. "I think this is the start of a beautifull friendship..."

Drull tried not to wince as the blood rushed back into his fingers. "Absolutely sir, absolutely." He shook his hand, and gave the surgeon a somewhat reproachful look.

"If you're finished here..." Lance gave him a look indicating that it wasn't a question.

Drull gave an obsequious bow, and scooped up his takings

"Good night, Doctor," And he sidled out

"Computer Lock the door and dim the lights..." Lance said climbing onto the operating table and closing his eyes.


PO3 Merigor Drull
Medical technician

Dr Lance Murdoch
Head Surgeon