Beg, Steal or Borrow

A set of 4 Romulan Figurines has been stolen, Earth (Avilh), Fire (Okhala), Water (Ihhuein), Air (Jaeih), and it is believed that the thief is now resident on DS5.

We will be approached by the Tal Shiar, who will make a complaint of ineptitude and lethargy on the part of the stations security. This will of course throw Rakka into a fit of War waging.

Basically, the threat of an attack on DS5, will be issued.

Tasha, meanwhile, will have to head for Earth, and the Court Martial hearing of Captain William O'Dwyer and another for Admiral Sorensen, to which the 2 issues will of course cross.

This will leave the station without the Captain, but a Commander is already en route and the station will remain with out a CO for a few hours, of course, the Romulans will arrive at this time!

What will not be known to Tasha, is the 4 statues are aboard the USS Castor, the ship on which she is travelling to Earth.

Mission Specifics
Start Date   Thursday, January 1st, 2009 @ 12:00pm
End Date   Monday, August 31st, 2009 @ 12:00am
Total Posts   435 [ View Posts ]
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