Lieutenant Jana Kasikova’s Personal Log - A day I would much rather forget.

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Title   A day I would much rather forget.
Author   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Fri May 08, 2009 @ 4:06am

Today is a day in the calendar I would much rather forget. You were my best friend, the holder of my secrets, a brother to a girl that was an only child. You were my protector against the monsters and terrors of night....but now you are gone.

I came home that day and mother told me that you were gone. If I had known that the week before would be the last time I would see you I would have told you over and over again how much I loved you. I would of kissed your cheek and begged you to stay because now my heart is broken.

Everytime I was home we would walk for hours through the woods. You were a kindred spirit that brought love and laughter into my life....but that has all faded. You brought the sun wherever you went but now it is nothing but clouds and grey.

The promise of always being there has been broken, except for in my will always haunt those.

I wish you peace and rest.

I wish I could forget you, as horrible as it sounds...if I had not known you my heart would be whole and you would be nothing more than a terrible statistic.
