Intermission – lets put a little fire into it
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Rakka & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Lieutenant JG Gralthek Sirran & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Citizen Min Zhao & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   lets put a little fire into it
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Rakka & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Lieutenant JG Gralthek Sirran & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Citizen Min Zhao & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Thu Jan 16, 2014 @ 2:32am
Location   Various locations
Timeline   sd 76 0745


The night shift was basically over, many of the traffic control officers, and security detail were assembling to meet for shift change, the last ship in was an automated cargo hauler that was being directed into the normal cargo handling pattern, but there was another ship in the traffic, this one was holding about a two hundred kilometers away, her crew were very tired, the commanding officer looked at the station, they had accomplished their mission. During the debriefing they had managed to determine the current level of affairs on the station but didn't plan on docking until after the shift change.

Sirran had just finished getting his briefing from the officer he was relieving. It had been a quiet night. Not much to report. He glanced at the traffic plot on his way to his station, and his antennae twitched in curiosity. "That ship there," he asked the chief managing the traffic pattern, "what's their story?"

The chief looked up at Sirran. "They requested a holding pattern for a few minutes, sir."

"Is there some kind of problem?"

"No, sir. I don't think so. They just asked if they could hold at their current position. I didn't see any reason to deny it. Shall I hail them?"

Sirran raised an eyebrow as he studied the plot. Then shook his head. "No. It's fine I suppose." He continued to his station and sat down.

==Ambassadorial level==

He had loaded the device onto a cargo cart, as he pushed the cart he saw a young woman walking by, he blew off the woman's presence he figured she would be dead soon enough, he kept walking depositing the item at the proper cargo drop for this particular embassy. He pushed the timer command on the remote then he started to walk away, he had five minutes to get to his beam out point. His steps were interrupted as he walked into a woman who was walking by.

The night shift over, Min was making her way back to her quarters. The corridors were usually still quiet this early so she wasn't really paying attention to where she was walking. Her head down, she didn't see the man she walked headlong into. "Oh jeez! Sorry. Didn't see you there."

"That's ok" He kept walking after making sure he wasn't identified he rounded the corner.

As the individual passed out of sight, the Wymans and P'Trell walked briskly down a side corridor. Gwen was finding it rather difficult to keep up on her six year old legs, as she was used to her her parents altering their gaits to suit her. The big, menacing Andorian was doing no such thing. "Mr. Commander Sharas, can you slow down please?" she asked amid a quick sprint to keep up with the adults.

Sharas stopped at the corridor junction next to an inconspicuous cargo container, and turned to face the trio of Humans. "Commander Drakt will be expecting me at Deep Space 9 ASAP, as such I need to be on the next transport off of this facility. Now Gwendolyn, you wouldn't want to disappoint Drakt, would you?"

Shooting the intelligence officer a look as he picked up his daughter, Wyman slyly remarked, "For someone single and childless, you certainly know how to manipulate children."

==Lower Docking Bay Control Room==

Lyhse was observing the incoming traffic,; she noted an odd reading, as per protocol =^= "Sullivans to Ops, one of the material scanners has indicated a potential explosive composition." =^=

"Confirmed we have...." the station was rocked by the explosion on the diplomatic levels.

==USS Dawnstar==

The first explosion registered as quickly as it happened, Jarred looked up from the readout, "Take us into transporter range, notify station ops of our arrival."

Jason took to the comm "This is USS Dawnstar decloaking we are positioning to render assistance."

==Lower Docking Bay Control Room==

Lyhse distinctive voice returned over the Comm:

=^= "Authenticate Dawnstar."=^=

=VM=to OPs "Lyhse Sullivans, to OPS, USS Dawnstar has de-cloaked and offering assistance, as per Security Protocol, have issued an Authentication 'Challenge' to them will in all likelihood have to toggle them to you OPS."

== Ops ==

"Acknowledged," Sirran said while he moved quickly from console to console, giving orders and trying to help crewmen keep their wits about them. The space doors were already motoring closed.

"Sir, Dawnstar's transponder code authenticates," the traffic control chief said. "She's one of ours."

Sirran did a double take at the security prefix displayed on the monitor. "Fine, hold the space doors," Sirran said curtly. He leaned over the comms console and hit the transmit button himself. "DS5 to Dawnstar. You're cleared to enter the harbor."

==Main Security==

Trellis was in his office going over the list of individuals to become Lieutenant jg Michael Duquesne's replacement. Ever since he had been transferred to the USS Athena Trellis had scrambled to replace the experienced individual within station security. He had just begun to review a different applicant when the emergency klaxons began to activate.

{EXPLOSION ON AMBASSADORIAL LEVEL} the computer displayed.

=/="Trellis to OPS, initiate security procedures, prohibit all transports on or off the station and do not allow ANYONE to leave this station until further instructions" He called into his comm unit in as calm of a manner as he possibly could.

== Ops ==

Sirran was watching the Dawnstar clear the space doors as Trellis's call came in. He frowned and his antennae twitched. It was too late to turn them away now. He tapped his commbadge. "Acknowledged." Then to the harbor master he said, "Keep an eye on that ship." He turned to the master plot and studied it. No obvious threats approaching the station. No invasion force. Still they would be vigilant. "Keep your heads, people. Remember your training," he said calmly to the nervous crew at their stations.

== Main Security ==

=/= "Engineering, we need damage control teams to Main Embassy levels, the computer is ready significant structural damage, I'm not certain to what extent of damage we are dealing with. I just need to know that my people won't be sucked into open space while searching for the injured." He said as he rushed past the doors and into the hallway.

+"Damage control teams are en route, Lieutenant. Internal sensors are down in that section, but it looks like there may be a hull breach. Containment fields are in place, sir."+ the petty officer in charge of engineering reported back.

Trellis bolted off the turbolift as he made his way towards the affected section. He tried to move against the human tide of people that were continuously crashing against him. Further down the hall he could see other Security officers trying their best to secure the scene despite the chaos of people and the various fires that were raging.

=/= "This is Trellis, we can't get to the survivors until the environmental systems come online!" He shouted as he tried to move people out of the immediate area.

==Lower Docking Bay Control Room==

Lyhse noted that she couldn't do much at the lower Docking Bay Control Room; she would take too long going to Main Engineering, however she knew close at hand was an auxiliary Damage Control Coordination and Command Center not far from her. She informed OPS via comm-badge what she was doing.

==Main Sickbay==

As the klaxons sounded and the red alert lights flashed all around, Chelsea and the medical staff went automatically into Major Incident mode, initiating the protocols appropriate.

=^= Sickbay to Ops =^= she called in. =^= Update please? =^ = she needed to know how big this was, how many teams of medics were needed, where and so on before acting but she couldn't wait around either. It was a tense moment as she waited for the all clear to start transporting in teams. They spent the moments kitting up as all off duty staff began to arrive on call.

=^= Ops here, Doctor. There was an explosion on the Embassy level. Send everyone you have. =^=

=^= Understood and confirmed =^= Chelsea replied, initiating the first of the teams to be beamed by 'emergency medical transportation'.

==Ground Zero==

Steve had heard the alarm on his tricorder go off a moment before the blast. In what could only be described as a moment of blind animal instinct, he threw Gwen back around the corner of the corridor and shoved Ceridwen after her. He vaguely remembered yelling, "BOMB!" but everything for the next few seconds after that was a blur.

The smoke was so thick that he could barely see. Only the faint static twinkle to his right indicated to him that the containment force fields were functioning to shield his family from the vacuum beyond. His ears were ringing to the point that he couldn't hear himself coughing. After what felt like eons but was actually less than thirty seconds, he regained enough mental capacity to assess the situation - Ceridwen was clearly hurt, but not badly. Gwen was wailing and clutching her shoulder; probably dislocated when her father threw her clear of the impending blast. His own wounds were more severe - the right side of his uniform was in tatters, the flesh underneath blackened. Third degree burns? No, the tissue wasn't dead - the endorphins were simply blocking the majority of the pain. As for Sharas...

"Great Bird of the Galaxy..." Steve gasped as the horror of it all reverberated in his mind. Lieutenant Commander Sharas P'Trell, a man whom Steve often thought was indestructible, was dead. His body was little more than shreds of uniform and gore, rent asunder by the full force of the blast.

Min was rounding another corner when she felt more then heard a tremor in the deck followed immediately by a roar and a rush of air. The blast wave picked her up and hurled her down the hallway along with debris from the explosion. She came to rest several meters down the hallway amongst a pile of debris. In the midst of her confusion, she couldn't hear anything around her. She felt severe pain from various parts of her body and cried out in hopes somebody nearby would hear her.

Trellis was still trying to breathe through the accumulation of both terrified people and the compromised environment. The environmental systems had come online, but they were still working to compensate for the lost of atmosphere due to the hull breach.

=/= "Lieutenant Sullivan, we need the CO scrubbers fully online or else everyone on this level will suffer from the compromised environment." Trellis yelled into his comm unit as he tried to make his way to nearby survivors without causing more damage.

It was obvious that the structural forcefields had not fully come online, due to the falling of nearby support beams. The explosion must've damaged structural sensors due to the damage to the deck's integrity.

Trellis crawled over to the location of a civilian and tried to pull her from the rubble that surrounded her.

Min felt pressure above her as someone crawled over the rubble she was lying amongst. The pressure against her leg was unbearable and she stifled a scream as bones in her grated against each other.

"Are you alright!?" He shouted, trying to force the woman to focus on him and stay conscious. "Can you walk!?" he continued.

Min couldn't hear a word the man was saying for the ringing in her ears. He was trying to communicate something to her she couldn't understand. She motioned to her leg which was lying underneath a twisted and scorched structural member.

As soon as the environmental clearances indicated they were clear to transport in, the medical teams began to materialize close to the scene, Chelsea taking a look around to assess and then ordering each team to take up a function or specific area. They all knew how to pick out the most needy patients and stabilize them ready to 'emergency transport' to Sickbay and once the lay of the disaster was established and a blanket thrown out metaphorically to administer initial aid, the CMO then returned to where she could do most good: Sickbay.

"Is the Auxiliary Sickbay open and functioning yet?" she asked the nearest nurse who confirmed that it was and the ACMO was "down there" already." Chelsea nodded approval and went to Theatres to see how Lance was coping with the influx.

The head surgeon, was in full triage mode, yelling out orders and directions like a battlefield commander.

Satisfied he had it all under control, Chelsea went back to the rest of the staff and

Aboard Dawnstar the sensor read outs were grim, "Looks like the power subsystems on that deck are heavily damaged, there is a risk of secondary explosions, we should execute the proper protocols in this emergency."

The hooded figure sitting in the command chair looked up, "Lets go."

Beaming into the open areas outside sick bay the trio from the Dawnstar materialized to the beginnings of chaos, there were several broken and mangled bodies from the first wave of explosions, the medic with the Dawnstar crew immediately went to assist with Triage, the crimson clad junior lieutenant and the hooded individual attracted the attention of one of the doctors.

'My life doesn't matter... I have to get Ceridwen and Gwen out of here... And if I live, I'll mourn Sharas after my family's safe..." Those words were on a non-stop loop in Wyman's head as he dragged he battered body toward his wailing daughter.

Welshy was holding the terrified child close with one arm, while tightly gripping her left leg with the other. "Steve, I think her shoulder may be dislocated." Grimacing in intense pain, she added, "And my leg is definitely broken."

"Either way, we need to get out of here. The containment field generators are failing. We have to get somewhere with an intact bulkhead before the field collapses and this whole section gets vented into space." Wyman hissed, the pain of his injuries setting in.

Tears streaming down her soot smeared face, Gwen looked up at her father with eyes as red as her hair, "Daddy, what about Mr. Sharas?"

The enormity of that question pushed him over the edge, as tears began pouring from his eyes. "He's gone, baby. Daddy couldn't save him...

Trellis could barely make out the figures on the other side of the smokey area. Through the thick black fog He saw various hints of teal and possibly gold. However, he knew that his time was running shorter and shorter the long he stayed in this exposed area.

"Ma'am! Can you move!?" Trellis asked Min. It was becoming obvious that she could not hear him. He noticed that her leg was trapped under a broken piece of the nearby support strut. That would explain why she could not move from her current position.

The heat surrounded Trellis as he tried to place a wedge between Min and the strut. He unfastened his uniform tunic to no avail. It was like the heat was a blanket that continued to tighten around him with every minute he stayed in the smoke-filled area.

His lungs burned and his eyes stung with pain as he tried to help the woman next to him. He stayed pushed himself closer to the ground where the smoke was not as dense. Just as he felt his strength begin to ebb away he noticed movement from Min's leg.

Gritting her teeth as excruciating pains shot up her pinned leg, Min tugged on her leg trying to free it. The man beside her manged to lift the beam just high enough she could pull her leg free. With one final tug that sent waves of nausea racing through her stomach, Min tugged her leg free of the beam. She looked at Trellis for direction how to get out of this smoldering hell.

Trellis tried to talk, but the smoke continued to invade his lungs. It took everything inside of him to just remain conscious. Thankfully for Trellis his Trill respiratory system was still able to process oxygen to his body despite the smoke-filled corridor.

"F--follow me!" He wheezed as he completely unbuttoned his tunic, the heat of the corridor was like an oppressive blanket that covered him all over. "C--c--" Trellis couldn't finish the word as a violent coughing attack took over.

"Crawl!" He finally shouted to the woman as he began to push her towards the nearest junction.

Min nodded and began to drag herself in the direction Trellis was moving. Every movement sent waves of searing pain shooting up her leg. Forcing herself to concentrate through the pain Min follow the man in the direction he was crawling.

=/= "ENGINEERING! The explosion severely weakened the structural integrity of the pylons in the section. Fire suppression units are not responding! You must VENT the atmosphere or else we could have a catastrophic hull breach!" Trellis shouted

There was a pause after the comm channel opened. +"Sir... we have reason to believe Lieutenant Wyman and the Senior Chief may be in that section. If we vent it..."+ the petty officer on the other end trailed off.

=/= "I understand, but if you don't do it EVERYONE on this deck could die." He said as another coughing attack took over.

+"Sir... I..."+ the non-com answered, hesitatingly. +"Stand by, sir."+

Meanwhile, the Wymans were slowly making their way away from the epicenter of the madness. Welshy's broken leg was hampering the escape, as she was forced to put most of her weight onto her husband. A shaking and sniffling Gwen "lead" the way.

"Steve. Leave me behind. Take Gwen and get out of here." Ceridwen hissed, low enough that the ginger haired child couldn't hear her.

A look of shock and anger flashed in Wyman's eyes. "You didn't leave me when I was crushed under that bulkhead on the Hyperion. I'm not going to leave you now."

Before she could insist further, Steve's commbadge chirped. +" to ...yman."+ Clearly the explosion had damaged the comm relays in that section, causing drop outs and static to punctuate the message.

"This is Wyman! Mr. Beckett - lock onto myself, the senior chief, and our daughter! Execute an immediate site-to-site transport to... ANYWHERE that's safe!"

+"We't, Tr...por...s can't a ...ean ...ock."+ There was a pause before Beckett continued, during which Steve assumed the comm link had been lost. Finally the petty officer said, +"Sir, Lieu...ant Trellis... ---dered us ...o vent the ...ection."+

Ceridwen's eyes were the size of saucers as she and Steve exchanged terrified looks. There had to be other survivors in this section besides them. Was Trellis really willing to sacrifice them? "Petty Officer Beckett! DO NOT, I repeat - DO NOT vent this section without orders from myself, the Captain, or the XO!"

+"But,"+ Beckett protested, knowing he was the one who was going to have to tell the acting security chief that the chief engineer was countermanding his order.

"Damn it, Beckett! I've already lost a friend today - I'm not letting that coward sacrifice my family on top of it!" Wyman yelled, at that moment not caring that Gwen could hear him as he tried to move his stricken spouse down the corridor. At that, the comm link went dead, presumably because Beckett was about to tell Trellis something that the Trill didn't want to hear.

+"Engineering to Trellis. Sir, I can confirm that Lieutenant Wyman, the Senior Chief, and their daughter are near the bomb site. The Lieutenant has specifically ordered me not to vent the section, except on orders from him, the Captain, or the XO."+

Trellis pulled the young woman into a nearby corridor junction away from the billowing smoke that continued to engulf the surrounding area. The heat from the raging flames were not as strong in the current location as before, but he still hear the cracking of the flames growing stronger despite the distance.

He took several deep breaths in an attempt to clear out the soot that was depositing in his airways. He raise his hand in a fast manner and slammed it against his comm unit.

=/= "Engine...Engineering!" Trellis wheezed. "We have an entire deck that could be lost! You are to activate atmospheric venting procedures immediately! We can't sacrifice the life of man for the lives of a few." Trellis shouted as he managed to stagger to his feet and help the young woman to her good leg. They both made it farther down the hall away from the ever encroaching wall of feet.

It was obvious from the sound of Beckett's voice that he was torn between his duty to protect the station and everyone on it, and his loyalty to his department head. +"Lieutenant... I... I just..."+

Trellis was in a horrible position, he knew that there were others still near the blast site. Some alive, others slowly dying. He could see various pieces of debris beginning to collapse as the heat caused the support structures to buckle. Trellis staggered to a nearby command console and entered his authorization code. He knew that he could not activate the atmospheric systems for the entire deck, but he knew that he was able to at least activate the venting process for the bomb site and at least 50 feet around it. It was not enough to completely extinguish the raging inferno, but it would at least slow down the progression of the fire until damage control teams could stabilize the area.

"Computer. . .TANGO-NINER-ALPHA-CHARLIE-3-3-4. . .Si'Lar Trellis, Chief of Security, initialize." He said hoarsely as he activated the stations still-functional systems.

It was at that moment that Steve eased Ceridwen down to the deck just past an intact support arch. Grabbing Gwen by the shoulders, he looked the little girl dead in the eyes, "Gwen, I need you to run. Run as fast as you can. Get to the nearest side cross corridor, get around the corner, and wait for us. Do you understand?"

Swallowing hard, tears streaming down her soot covered face, Gwen nodded, "Yes, Daddy."

"Now go. GO!" Wyman yelled as he dropped to the deck next to Ceridwen. Gwen gave a look over her shoulder as she rounded a bend in the hall, but followed her father's orders none the less. "Computer. Erect a level one containment field at this arch."

Instantly, the staticky twinkle of a force field appeared within the support beams that ringed that portion of the corridor. "Good. Wyman to engineering - we're clear, blow the section! And whatever you do - don't let the containment field where the Senior Chief and I are sitting drop. I've had a bad enough day without getting sucked into space."

Trellis' lungs burned with every deep breathe he took. It had taken several minutes for the entire atmospheric system to activate and to come online, so it was enough time for him to gather himself before slowly beginning to move.

He looked around the corridor and saw the fields going online. The feeling of relief faded away as he saw pieces of equipment and various bodies being sucked into the surrounding space made accessible by the various hull breaches.

"Forgive me. . ." Trellis said remorsefully.

==BII Offices==

Wayne had heard and felt the explosion from his offices and it had honestly scared the heck out of him. explosions in space especially on a space station of this size were rare almost to the point of being unheard of in the modern day. Now though he was mobilizing his own people mainly the members of his PMC who were on the station and had medical training as well as security. He did not know what exactly had happened other then it was likely a bombing and therefore there could be another one. He honestly had no idea how right he was with that thought.

Having just finished sending out most of his on hand forces to help with the current bombing he was getting ready to lock up his office as he was almost sure that things would get worse before they got better. He was supposed to be meeting his son and his family in a few minutes. This was going to be a nice night and a chance to reconnect with his grandkids and his eldest son outside of the office.

It was with those thoughts in his mind that he went about his final duties for the night. He had not noticed the small case that was in the lobby, at least he did not notice it until it blew up and threw him against the far side of the lobby. he came to a few minutes later to several downed beams and a fire that he was certain would get out of control soon.

He knew that he had to let the ops center know that there had been a second bombing and he hoped that the emergency comm link would still be working.

"This is Wayne Bradshaw to anyone in ops there has been a bombing in my facility. I do not know if there is any dead or wounded at this time and I know that you are busy but i thought you should be informed." Said Wayne as he closed the link knowing that the station would be stretched thin and he was not sure if there would be any help coming. There was one thing that he was thankful for, he had installed a fire suppression system when they had moved in and now he was hoping it would work. Throwing the switch for a second nothing happened then the system kicked in and the spray smothered the fire quickly.

As he looked around his heart went to his throat as he saw his eldest son and three kids trapped under a fallen beam. He rushed over and what he saw angered him to his core. Somehow the beam had fallen in such a way as to be at an angle his son and two of his grandkids managed to be on the far end and would survive as they were slowly pulled from under the beam. his eldest grand daughter though would be a different story. The beam had impaled her in the chest. He had seen wounds like that before and knew that there was nothing that could be done for her he had to focus on the rest of his family. Though this would be remembered and so help him if he ever caught the person. He would show the person just exactly why you did not mess with rangers even ex rangers.

==The Box of Delights==

The bomb sent reverberations through the superstructure that was felt 40 decks below Yolanthe had been sleeping on her office sofa, but the shuddering all around woke her her up. She knew what it was. Two bombs had gone off on the promenade in the time she'd been on the station, one just a few days before hand. "Tharek!" The thought that some one else had tried to do what that hateful little human girl had done and taken another shot at her cardassian lover chilled her.

Dark Green with fear for what she might see, she raced to the shutters, calling for the computer to open the postern gate in the huge blast proof shutters that sealed the front entrance when the Box for Delights was closed. She dashed to the rail on the walkway looking down to the Cardassian Consulate on the floor below.

Which was when the offices of Bradshaw Intergalactic Industries exploded

A cloud of choking smoke and ripping burning metal gushed into the main area, and the shops above BII creaked, then buckled, falling in on the people below, workers who had arrived early, or those who had never left.

There was precious few people on the promenade at this hour, most were in the cafeterias and replimats for breakfast, not near the shops and office space. Those closer to the the explosion were caught in it. It was never really even a thought. She was moving to help before the idea even formed in her mind, picking her way through the people with minor wounds, heading for the heart of the explosion.

The doors to BII had snapped outwards, and the inside was dark and thick with dampness from the fire suppression system. "Hello?" she called into the offices. "Anyone need help?"

"yah back here." called Wayne horsely as he kept working to get the beam off of his family members who were still alive albeit currently trapped under a massive beam

She had to feel more than see her way through the wreckage until she found Bradshaw heaving at a fallen strut. Stepping beside him she braced herself and added her own strength to his, grunting as the heavy beam inched upwards under their combined effort.

The command crew from the Dawnstar had joined the security detail arriving at the BII offices, "Any survivors?"

"Back here." Shouted Wayne he had just managed to get the beam wedged up far enough that he was able to start dragging out his son and grand kids, when he tripped and fell hitting his head on some rubble and disorienting himself. He tried to clear his head but the smoke and everything was starting to get to him and he was not sure just how much longer he would be able to go.

Jason from the Dawnstar followed the voice "Over here Mr Bradshaw." Waving a palm beacon to guide out the small group.

"Thanks." Said Wayne as he, his eldest son and two of his three grandkids staggered out of the shambles of the lobby. Wayne Sr. had tear streaks on his cheeks and blood on his shirt as he tried to put on a brave face for his family. Though he fully intended to hunt down and personally kill the person or group who took his eldest grand daughter from him.

Yolanthe emerged from the smoke a drab olive. The older man, the younger man and two children were walking wounded, but the third was dead. She'd seen that much. And now, as the area filled with rescue workers and security people, the whole family looked ready to crack. She put her hand on Bradshaws arm. "Why don't you all come up to The Box? Its quiet, its private..." she threw a meaningful glance in the direction of the small boys. "And no one has to see anything more go in or out." or who isn't coming out She left the end of the sentence unspoken. "I have an EMH, it can check you out whilst the doctors are dealing with the seriously wounded."

"Thank you Miss Ibalin please see to it that my family has anything and everything that they need." Said Wayne flatly he had other things to take care of and started to walk toward the lifts. He made it about 5 steps before collapsing to the deck. the concussion, trauma and his own injuries combines to finally take their toll on his body

The Bokkai quickly pushed the stricken family towards a Vulcan in a fleet uniform and told him to take them to her bar as she knelt next to the elder Bradshaw. She was no medic and far more familiar with personal violence inflicted injuries than anything like this, but she could see nothing immediately wrong. Either just shock and exhaustion, or massive internal damage then. But he'd got this far, so she doubted it. She slid one arm under his shoulders and then hefted him up into her arms. "Damn you're heavy for an old guy." she muttered

The hooded officer walked over, "Mr Bradshaw, have you accounted for all of your staff and families yet?"

Yolanthe went a brilliant yellow. "Does he look like he can account for anyone?" Why were men so stupid? "He's in no fit state to help, so do something useful like scanning or something rather than showing off your fashion sense." She turned away, staggering slightly. Bradshaw was taller even than her; she'd never had to lift someone so big, and she turned out drunk Nausicaans and hyperthyroided Klingons before now. A third bombing, and more injured menfolk. She was in no mood to muck around with idiots when she had practical work to do looking after the wounded.

"Jason stay with Mr Bradshaw." He paused "Waters and Grey must still be on the station." He walked away, hoping the woman would jog her memory of something significant.

===Auxiliary Damage Control Coordination and Command Center====

=^= "Sullivans; to Main Engineering, suggest flooding the area with C O2, if the percentage of O2 falls below fourteen percent, Anoxia with dizziness will effect the DC teams as well as others, C O2 will help put out the fires, pressurizing the area."=^= She worked furiously attempting to force the Scrubbers to go online.

{Ten minutes latter; the heavy hum from the Scrubbers could be heard.}

Lyhse's work is interrupted by four men suited up in EVA suits
