We All Fall Down – This complicates things
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC)

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Title   This complicates things
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC)
Posted   Mon Sep 29, 2014 @ 10:33pm
Location   SS Matthias - Conference Room
Timeline   WAFD: Day 2 - 10:00

(Backstory for this post - http://ds5.co.uk/sms/index.php?page=post&id=2187)


"Captain, we are receiving a request to transport over from 'Calan's Arrow'." Conn Officer Aloshia reported from her station.

Captain Dante Hanks took a sip from his mug as he glanced at the panel to his left. ~8 minutes late. . .~ He thought, not amused by the disruption in the schedule.

"Have our guest brought to Conference Room 3" The Captain said as he set the mug down and proceeded towards the turbolift. The meeting was already starting off on a bad foot and he hadn't even come onboard yet.

~To be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late, and to be late is unforgivable. . .~ Dante recalled his Drill Instructor yelling at him during his days as a young Enlisted 'fleeter. Ever since Melvyn Raddon had hired him to Captain this vessel he had run things in a stern, but fair manner. Thankfully, Mr. Raddon knew how to obtain true talent, so it wasn't that difficult to Captain a crew of trained professionals.

As he entered the conference room he brought up a holographic display of the details that he planned on discussing with the visitor. He took a seat at the table and reached for his glass as it materialized before him.

One of the perks of a state-of-the art civilian vessel was it's replication technology. On the civilian side, there was no need to worry about alcohol or other types of restrictions. All one had to do was simply input the commands at a potent drink would be prepared almost instantaneously.

He took a sip from his glass and waited for the rest of the meeting to arrive.

Transporter Room 2]

Security Officer Jefferies, along with his assistant security officer, stood outside the Bay doors as the connecting vessel finished its docking procedures and its passengers began to disembark. His orders were simple: escort the individual to the meeting with Captain Hanks in the conference room. Beyond that, he had no clue what else to expect.

Dorian Gabriel materialized onboard the vessel and paused several moments before stepping down off of the platform. He was a bit relieved to see a human standing behind the transporter console. He was annoyed with being the only living being onboard that damn vessel. He was merely bidding his time until that Telian Colonel Akamu finally gave him the "GO Command" to hi-jack the Ferengi vessel. Until then, he had a quick matter to deal with.

Jefferies, the shorter of the two responded first. "We've been instructed to escort you to the conference room. Mr. Raddon will be with you shortly." He said directly.

Dorian nodded as she and her companion followed the two security officers down the galley and towards the designated conference room. The vessel itself was more focused on luxury and comfort than utility like various military vessels. Here, he could easily see herself staying for a while just to enjoy the amenities of the vessel.

As the doors to the conference room slide open, Ms. Fry saw that her appointment had already beat her to the table.

"Mr. Gabriel, thank you for accepting my invitation," Melvyn Raddon said as he stood to his feet and extended his hand. To his right sat the ship's Captain and his right-hand person, Captain Dante Hanks. Hanks nodded as the former Security Chief shook Mr. Raddon's hand and took his seat at the Bartellian Oak table.

Mr. Raddon took his seat at the head of the table and took a deep breathe before he began. "To put things simply, we've suffered a significant setback." He stated calmly. "As you are aware, the recent incident involving the Guardian Platforms resulted in my company losing a significant asset." Mr. Raddon stated as he nodded to Captain Hanks.

"As you can see, from the display, one of the Civilian Freighters that was destroyed was carrying cargo that was vital to an ongoing operation that my company is conducting." Mr. Raddon stated as the display focused on the Civilian Freighter. "Mr. Gabriel, I've contacted you in hopes that you could assist my company in learning what happened." The elder individual stated.

Dorian nodded as he withdrew the padd that he brought with him. Although he was no longer the Chief of Security, there were several officers that were still loyal to him and willing to help. Dorian activated the padd, but hesitated in giving it to Captain Hanks.

"IF you're worried about payment, don't worry. It's already been transmitted." Captain Hanks said in a less than enthusiastic tone.

Dorian smirked slightly as he slid the padd across the table to the private ship's Captain. "I was able to get an advanced copy of the preliminary report." he said as Hanks downloaded the information. "It appears that the Guardian Platforms scanned the civilian vessel and determined that it was a Jem'Hadar vessel." Dorian said pointedly.

Raddon exhaled forcefully as he leaned back in his chair and looked away from the report on the projector. It appeared that the Guardian Platform, while unintended, was not as completely reckless and off-base as he once believed. This revelation was certainly going to complicate things.

"Thank you, Mr. Gabriel, your assistance has been greatly appreciated. Please, enjoy yourself, compliments of the Raddon Corporation at the Dilithium Chamber." Mr. Raddon said as he stood to shake the former Officer's hand. As he watched Dorian leave, Mr. Raddon turned to Hanks and stared at him purposefully.

"This is going to complicate things, isn't it?" Hanks asked the elder man rhetorically.


Dorian Gabriel
Former Chief of Security

Dante Hanks
Captain USS Matthias

Melvin Raddon
CEO Raddon Corp