We All Fall Down – "A Bounty On Our Head"
by Arrival Rhiana t'Riuurren

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Title   "A Bounty On Our Head"
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Arrival Rhiana t'Riuurren
Posted   Wed Nov 12, 2014 @ 5:49pm
Location   Living Area - Dhivael
= D =

The Dhivael had just finished a job a few light years out from Deep Space Five it was supposed to be simple pick-up package from point A and drop off at point B, but it was far from that. They forgot that the goods were stolen goods from the local Orion Syndicate cell and ha put out a bounty for them and whoever had them. Which meant the aging Tuffli freighter had to avoid and escape several Orion freighters before arriving at a small trading post called Bimi. Even with the off loading the cargo the Drivael and her crew were still had a bounty on their head which meant accepting another job was out of the question.

The Bimi trading post was a old old way point station but it was mostly used by independent freighters, pirates, mercenaries and bounty hunters. It was a safe place to hide if you were running from the law but not a great place when you had someone like the Syndicate hunting you. Rhiana knew this but they needed to complete the job get paid, re-supply and repair whatever they could and get the hell out of dodge.

"Staying here is suicide," Hoggue Coro said the Cardassian engineer looking at Rhiana, "we've got no friends here. Why not head for that Starfleet station. I mean Starfleet officers strive to protect people and plus the Orions wouldn't be stupid enough to try and claim the bounty on a Starfleet installation."

Z'Jameu just laughed at the aggrogance of Hoggue, "oh you poor poor stupid spoonhead," she said shaking her head, "if the bounty is big enough; which it is, anyone would try and pull it off even if it had to happen on a bloody Starfleet ship."

"Enough!" Rhiana said looking around the group, "I agree with Hoggue staying on a independent trading post is more dangerous than a large Starfleet installation." Rhiana said looking at her pilot, "do you have any contacts within the Syndicate?"

"A few. I'll reach out to them," Z'Jameu said, "I've still got a bit of shopping to do we need some updated maps we could wait until we get to Deep Space Five but Bimi is gonna have the maps we're gonna want." Rhiana nodded sliding over a PaDD of some of the things she wanted to be bought as well. Taking the PaDD Z'Jameu looked it over and smiled, "I'll see how much of this I can get. Hoggue you got a list?"

"Yeah," He said sliding it over, "if we're wanting to make it to Deep Space Five in any sort of good time I'm gonna need everything on that list." Z'Jameu just nodded before standing up and heading out. "Once she's back I'll need about 12 hrs before we can head off."

"Good." Rhiana, "I'll go and see if I can some passengers to help off set the costs of the supplies. Maiekaol join me." And with that everyone went off to do something. Hoping that their timeframe would holdup and they could get somewhere a bit more safe.