Beg, Steal or Borrow – [Freedom] Favours
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat

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Title   [Freedom] Favours
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Posted   Tue Jul 14, 2009 @ 8:16am
Location   USS Freedom
Timeline   Current

Patterson got up and turned to his Operations Officer. "Contact the USS Freedom and let me know when a secure channel is open."

"Aye, sir," came the reply.

Patterson walked into his ready room and sat down. He waited anxiously for the channel to open. It came soon enough. "Secure channel open to the Freedom, sir."


The incoming transmission came to Jessica's panel and she looked up to PO3 Nelson, the Captain's Yeoman. "We have an incoming coded transmission from the USS Merlin."

The officer of the watch nodded. "On Screen."

Frank began.. "This is Captain Frank Patterson of the Merlin. I need to speak with Commander Da`nal immediately. It is of the utmost importance."

Berlis listened intently as the Merlin's CO spoke, given the nature of the Freedom's mission. "Understood, sir. Stand by."

Nelson was already on his way to the Ready Room where Da`nal was. Stepping through as doors opened, "Sir we have a coded transmission from Captain Patterson of the USS Merlin. Captain Patterson is requesting to speak to you immediately."

Looking up at the announcement. With them about to depart SB 47 and head into Romulan space there was little else but something concerning the Romulans that this transmission could be about. "Transfer it here."

Nodding Nelson replied before heading back to the bridge. "Aye sir."

No sooner had the monitor risen from the desks surface than it came alive with the Captains image. "Captain Patterson, what can I do for you sir?"


Patterson said, "Captain, I need to speak with the Romulan Ambassador on a matter of extreme urgency. We are patrolling the border along the NZ. I am sending you our coordinates now. Our long range fighter patrols have detected several encoded messages embedded in normal subspace noise and we have decoded them. They are short, but they seem to be traffic between an ice planet just inside the NZ and a small asteroid that orbits it. We believe that the asteroid is an early warning station and that a small Romulan faction is making their base underground on the ice planet. From what we've been able to find out, they're planning raids on Federation outposts along the NZ. I need permission from the Ambassador to cross the border and eradicate the rebels before they can

Patterson waited for this information to sink in.


Without hesitation Da`nal activated the comm panel on his desk. =^=Ambassador, please join my in my ready room immediately =^= . He looked at the coordinates that were sent over from the Merlin and a possibility clicked in his mind.. "It's possible that they have already struck. The proximity to DS5 can't be ignored."

"I agree, Captain. That's why time is of the essence. If we are to destroy them, we need to do it now without delay," Patterson replied.

"Agreed. Have you..." Da`nal's question was interrupted by the Ambassador's response.

A summons from the Klingon was the last thing that Isha wanted. After that awful meal where it became quite apparent to her that he had no concern one way or the other whether she lived or died Isha was disinclined to obey, particularly given the extreme lengths she was already going to to help them. Perhaps if Elek had not shown her consideration and a degree of understanding she would have stayed right there in her quarters and the kllhe could come and break his was
in if he wanted to speak with her.

Isha wiped her palm over her face ... she was still there, =^= I will come,=^= she replied wearily as she got to her feet.

Now that they knew she was on her way Da`nal continued. "Have you found anything yet?"

"Nothing at the moment.. Just the reports we've gotten from the long range patrols. I've recalled the fighters and they're on their way back to the Merlin now. They may have additional information when they arrive," Patterson replied.

Isha was not sure what it was about Da'nal that irked her so much, she brooded on this a little as she made her way to the bridge as requested; she had very good hearing and caught a remark or two about the last time she had been there - the time that Da'nal had practically assaulted her
- let them talk, she thought, they were quite beneath her notice. Sato remained outside as she entered.

"You wished to speak with me, Commander?" she said.

Motioning for her to take a seat he began.. "Yes, It seems there is a situation brewing near the Neutral Zone. As a result Captain Patterson of the USS Merlin as a request for you. Captain."

Patterson began with, "Ambassador, I apologize for disturbing you at this time, but I believe that this to be of the utmost importance..

We are patrolling the border along the NZ. I am sending you our coordinates now. Our long range fighter patrols have detected several encoded messages embedded in normal subspace noise and we have decoded them. I am sending the messages now to you. They are short, but they seem to be traffic between an ice planet just inside the NZ and a small asteroid that orbits it.. We believe that the asteroid is an early warning station and that a small Romulan faction is making their base underground on the ice planet.. From what we've been able to find out, they're planning raids on Federation outposts along the NZ. I need permission from the Ambassador to cross the border and eradicate the rebels before they can strike."

He waited for the ambassador to receive and read the messages.

Isha bit hard on the inside of her cheek, "You don't ask for small favours, do you Da'nal," she remarked as she read through the information, "Perhaps you'd like me to provide codes for the security grids around ch'Rihan or something else I could do in my sleep.

"I assume he is capable of conversing with me directly," she said acerbically.

He considered returning her comment, but Patterson didn't need to get involved in their ongoing verbal engagement. "The request doesn't come from me, but from Captain Patterson. It is also possible that this outpost was the staging point for the attack on DS5." Turning the monitor to face her more directly, taking himself out of the conversation for the time being. "Captain, she's all yours." ~At least someone else would be the focus of her venom, he though as he leaned back.

Isha passed a sideways glance at Da'nal, "Captain Patterson, why do you think that I am in a position to help? Surely you don't think that my presence on a Federation vessel at this time compels me to assist you."

Patterson thought carefully before answering. He knew that a single word spoken with the wrong tone could totally f*** up diplomatic talks in an instant.

"Ambassador, I don't think you are compelled to any action in this matter. However, from what we've been able to determine from the comm traffic out here, we think the faction may be one that has been a thorn in your family's side for quite a while. It might benefit both of us if you lent your assistance." Patterson hoped he hadn't overstepped his bounds.

Isha smoothed her hands over her hips, "Explain please." It was a simple enough request, and even she was beginning to grow tired of platitudes and provarications. "Who, why, when, etcetera Please forgive my impatience, but our friend here does not care for my company," she said.

Da`nal wrinkled his brow at the comment but said nothing; not want to hamper Patterson's chance of securing the permission he needed.

"Ambassador, when our long range patrols spotted a Romulan ship decloaking in Federation space, a transmission was intercepted. It was from the ship to the base we believe is on the icy planet across the border, and it was a message concerning an upcoming attack on a nearby Federation outpost and the name that was specifically mentioned in the communique was Dhaell Strevon. I believe you are familiar with it?" Frank said..

"Dhaell Strevon? The wife of one of our Ambassadors." Isha snorted. As she laid her fingertips on the edge of Da'nal's desk she turned a few options over in her head. "Before I can give you a decision there is someone I need to speak with, Da'nal, if I provide an access code to our communications grid and some co-ordinates can you arrange for a channel to be opened?"

Looking at her questioningly, not that a comm-channel was any difficulty at all. "May I ask why?"

Isha needed to speak with Rh'vaurek, Dhaell was one of his people and she could not take the decision alone. "This is far beyond my authority to decide," she told Da'nal, "Either arrange for my channel or tell your friend Captain Patterson to go home - you are quite at liberty to remain here and witness everything I say."

"Thank you, Ambassador. I would very much prefer to remain." Frank hoped that his presence would speed things up a bit. Time was wasting away while he cut through all this damned red tape. He much preferred to just cross the Zone, take out the rebels, and get back into Federation space before anyone noticed. This always happened when he tried to go through 'channels'. One day he would learn.....

Looking at her Da'nal opened the channel he was going to open anyway. "Computer, open a secondary secure link to the following coordinates." As the second channel was opend the monitor split to accommodate the two communications. He then waved his hand to the ambassador for her to proceed.

"How kind of you," she said. She had no idea how Rh'vaurek was going to receive this interruption; returning home always made him out of sorts.

Isha's heart almost stopped as his image appeared on the screen, but she was not going to let her hosts see her partiality, or her discomfort. "Raedheol, you've been promoted," she observed noting the additional crescent at his throat - that made him an erie'Khrein, a lower general, and an achievement unprecedented for one his age in the Tal'Shiar during the last two hundred years.

"Someone died unexpectedly," he said lightly, referring directly to a recent conversation they had had in which Isha finally managed to get him to tell her exactly what his rank was. "So," he leaned back in his chair, "What do you want this time?"

Out of sight of the screen her fingers curled into a tight fist as she dug her fingernails into the heel of her palm; he was going to be difficult. "Did you receive the ship I sent?" she asked, referring to the Vrelnec.

He nodded, "That ship changed Latasalaem's mind about having you slow roasted on a spit - but I wouldn't expect it back until it needs a refit if I were you, Isha. As it is I had a very interesting conversation with some of the crew, we let the others return home but these three were so interesting I had to insist that they stayed ... we'll talk about that when you get back because I want you to speak with them before you go to the Senate."

"You know I'm on my way home?"

"Give me some credit, Isha. You're contacting me from a Federation vessel located several days travel from your previous location - even without the flurry of communications that have been going back and forth since I left I would have known. Did you really expect me to believe that you were being deported? Why don't you tell me what you want from me, I'm sure that your new friends are getting bored with our chatter."

"Its about your associate Dhaell Strevon," Isha said before relating Patterson's message to Rh'vaurek.

She watched as he leaned his elbows on his desk and passed a hand through his hair before he released a breath through his teeth. "Amton'wi-kha nvaih vang'radam'we imirrhlhhse," he swore (my syntax is a little off there!) as he called something up on his desk console. "I knew she couldn't really be retiring," he said. "OK, Isha, my conditions are very simple, even that Klingon who is lurking in the background should be able to understand them. The authorisation code I
am going to give you will satisfy our border patrols that a legitimate rendezvous is to take place in the vicinity of that asteroid. If it is a fast incision I will put my name to the operation, your friends will have achieved their aim and I will hav achieved mine - however, if the USS Merlin fails to destroy the base, when the matter is investigated the authorisation transmitted will appear to have been forged by the Merlin itself in order to make an illegal attack on Romulan territory; we, we being the Tal'Shiar will deny all knowledge of this operation and our government will take appropriate action against theirs to respond to the border violation. Understood?"

"Ssuaj-ha," Isha acknowledged with a nod. "Gentlemen," Isha asked Da'nal and Patterson, "do you agree?"

Patterson pursed his lips for a moment, considering the fact that if he and his crew were successful, there would be honor for all. But if they failed, this would cause a war on a scale not seen for hundreds of years. He looked at his screen and responded, "Agreed."

Isha nodded. She turned to Da'nal and looked up at the Klingon for a moment before she spoke, "Commander, I require your assent too before I ask erie'Khrein Raedheol to proceed - your ship will also be deep in Romulan territory - as it stands you have been granted safe passage but if Patterson fails you may be at risk of retributive action." She did not expect him to acknowledge failure as a possibiltity but she would not be accused at a later date of neglecting to highlight the additional risk it brought to his ship and crew.

He already what operating under the assumption they would be in harms way. That was the reason for the orders given to T'Pal. However, he had to keep such assumptions to himself. "I'll just have to trust that the Captain will succeed." If he failed he would no doubt be thrown to the wolf and the incident pushed off as an act of retribution. Looking to Isha with a single nod. "Proceed."

Patterson realized at that moment that he had been holding his breath. Exhaling, he said, "It looks as if we have reached an agreement. I assume the Merlin can proceed across the border and take care of this matter as soon as possible?" He hoped he was not rushing the parties involved.

Isha swallowed as she turned back to the screen, "Rh'vaurek, they accept," she said.

This information was greeted by a low chuckle. "I heard. One of these days, d'Ishaal, you and I are going to have a very long chat about how you come to be doing favours for Starfleet captains ... I'll look forward to that ... your explanations are always so enlightening. Riiight! The code you have requested will be transmitted directly to the USS Merlin - when it is recieved they should experience what will appear to be a pulse of static - it will not damage their primary systems. Before it can reach them you must transmit your clearance to the Avrrhinul-lli (NZ7) listening post - send the name Strevon and the words hvei'khenn (Thunderstorm), sahhae (eradicate) plus the co-ordinates of the base - that will release the authorisation to the Merlin and tie up all the administrative necessities should they be successful. Thei'khaiell ssuin hw'aenevha (wind to your wings), d'Ishaal."

What he did not say was that it gave her the final decision. Isha continued to stare at the blank screen for a few moments as he terminated the transmission. It was typical of Rh'vaurek, and remarkably considerate; had she been being coerced he had just given her some leverage. Had she felt up to it she might have amused herself and made them wait but Isha felt dead on her feet and she was not in the mood for games. Finally, Isha straightened and turned back to Da'nal.

"Commander, as Captain Patterson seems most eager to get underway would you be so kind as to allow me to use your console?"

Her request had been nothing major, unlike the requests that had been made of her since she walked into his ready room. "Very well, we don't want to hold up the Captain now do we?"

Isha leaned over and just as she was about to begin she paused, her long thin fingers hovering over the controls, "Commander Da'nal," she said without even bothering to do him the courtesy of looking at him, "I don't have to do this, you know. And if you persist in using that condescending tone with me your friend can make his own way into the Neutral Zone ... I wouldn't advise it though, we know he's coming, and without our help I would no longer rate his chances of getting within a parsec of that ice planet, would you?" she turned her head and smiled up at Da'nal, and hoped that he would find the gesture all the more infuriating because even if he would not admit it, he had to know it was true.

~Condescending tone? What tone, he thought to himself. Was she going out of her way to find offence in every word I say?~ As he looked up, ~Is she trying to piss me off? Well let her try to bait me all she wants...~ A muscle twitched in his jaw as he pushed the first few words from his throat. "My apologies if you took offence, as none was intended." Now that that was out the rest came much easier. "Captain Patterson, myself, and I'm sure Star Fleet Command as well, is grateful to you for your continued assistance Ambassador."

It was worth it just for the expression on his face!

A laugh almost escaped her lips but she caught it in time - getting the Klingon to apologise almost made up for the supremely awful week Isha had been having - almost, but not quite. She wondered what else she could make him do, but decided that investigating that curiosity would not be the wisest course of action - he did seem to have remarkable self-control for a Klingon and she thought that she now knew more or less what she could get away with.

"It is most gracious of you to say so, Commander," Isha said as she lightly tapped in the encypted key. "Captain Patterson, my authorisation is sent; our listening post will relay erie'Khrein Raedheol's transmission directly to you as he explained. Was there anything further Commander Da'nal?" she asked in a pleasant tone.

"I have nothing further, what about you Captain?"

Patterson said, "I have nothing more, except to give you my gratitude, Ambassador, for your cooperation in this matter. If you'll excuse me, I need to brief my officers."

"Commander, before you go would you pass my greetings to Charghwl'IH and X'aedell?"

"I'd be happy to, Captain. Godspeed to us all...." Frank replied. "Patterson out." He turned off the viewer.

He sat at his desk, contemplating what had just transpired. This was war, with all its atrocities and injustices. Time to tell the crew. "Patterson to Senior Staff. Briefing in five minutes. Commander Montague, bring Barstow along with you."


Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i'Ramnau t'Illiahlae & erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol

Cmdr Da`nal
Commanding Officer
USS Freedom

Captain Frank Patterson
Commanding Officer
USS Merlin