We All Fall Down – Just a Heads Up - Part 2
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Just a Heads Up - Part 2
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Wed Aug 13, 2014 @ 7:17pm
Location   Observation Lounge
Timeline   WAFD: Day 1. 22:00
"Lieutenant Katz," Isha said, "Thank you for coming. I trust your journey was uneventful?"

Sarah stopped suddenly and then saluted the beautiful lady with the commander's bars on her shoulders.

"Yes mam. I had a wonderful trip mam," said Sarah as she saluted.

"We're pleased to have you aboard. There have been some dramatic events that have impacted on the Security Department. Stability is much needed. I am hopeful that you will bring it."

"Yes mam. I am also hoping I can bring stability. I have been busy going around and introducing myself to the different departments and becoming familure with the different personnel of the departments. Is there any place that you wish me to concentrate mam?" stated Sarah while still in a formal salute position.
"There is one thing that you should be aware of, and I would rather you heard it from me than through a rumor. The former Chief of Security is still aboard Deep Space Five and making something of a name for himself as a troublemaker. No doubt your paths will cross at some point."

"I was with the Executive Officer when the Chief Deputy Marshal and I were almost introduced. The Executive Officer, when I left, was still in his old Security Office." announced Sarah. "I did not see the Deputy Marshal as 'trouble maker' though." Sarah did not say how she had only written a note to them and not met them though.

Isha allowed herself a slight smile, "Not the Deputy Marshal. He's another new arrival. Former Lieutenant Commander Dorian Gabriel is the one to watch out for. He seemed to have become involved with the 'human supremacist' group who were making waves on the station a few months ago. Not a strong enough case to ask him to leave. As a civilian he has a right to be here. Just be aware that he's more likely to be a hindrance than anything else."

'Human Supremacist?' thought Sarah to herself. 'I'll have to look into that. In fact, it seems as if I need to look in to alot of things connected with my new assignment. I'll also have to remember the name Dorian Gabriel.....he sounds like a major player I need to know more about.'
"There was something else of course, another difficulty that falls on your desk. You have been brought in to replace the Acting Chief of Security, Lieutenant Trellis. Your appointment above him may not sit well with him. Starfleet's decision was that they wanted a new broom in the role, so to speak. Was there anything you wanted to ask me?"

When she heard the expression 'new broom', Sarah smiled. "This group you mentioned, the Human Supremacist, can you tell me a bit more about them or direct me to someone I can obtain more information about them? Or somewhere I can obtain more information about this group? Perhaps the Executive Officer? The same thing goes for the Acting Chief of Security, Lt. Trellis, mam."

"They held a number of demonstrations on the promenade. We suspect that they were behind the bombing of the Cardassian Embassy," Isha couldn't prevent her lips twitching at the thought of Getal at death's door - she'd happily hold it open for him, but now was not the time for that;. "The Cardassian Ambassador was in a coma for several weeks," she continued, "but we don't have sufficient evidence. It seems the person who planted the bomb was duped. She has been transferred to a secure facility for her own safety. If you choose to pick up the investigation interviews can be arranged."

In Isha's view the girl deserved a medal and a pension for life for services to right minded beings everywhere - it was such a shame she had failed to kill the reptile.

"As to Lieutenant Trellis, there have been questions about his suitability for the role, and his conduct on duty. I am trusting Starfleet's judgment in your appointment, that you will have no difficulty handling the situation," Isha said.

'The Human Supremacist sounds like it is pretty much an issue that has been wrapped up. Never the less I will ask someone else about it, possibly the XO as I trust him, to get a different slant on it before I close the case.'

Odd that she should be so quick to trust Wallace so soon, Isha thought. Still, it showed that the new Executive Officer, someone she trusted herself to the extent one could trust a former spook was on top of things. That made her smile inwardly as she listened to Katz.

'The next issue is the Dorian Gabriel issue. The other name that the Commander said ...... Lieutenant Trellis.....why the two different names? I will have to read his personnel file very carefully when I get back to my office to answer that question.'

"I can give you every assurance mam, that Starfleet did in fact make the correct decision by appointing me Chief of Security on DS 5. Will there be anything else? If not, I will go back to my office. The Executive Officer was there when I was last there. Perhaps he still is as there are some questions I need to ask of him. I also need to read some files and settle in to my position. So, if there is nothing else......."

"That's all, Lieutenant. Welcome aboard. I am sure that you will live up to expectations," Isha said, before dismissing the new Chief.

Isha turned back to the window.

Tomorrow was another day.
