Judgement – Knee deep in it!
by Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Knee deep in it!
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Wed Jun 29, 2011 @ 10:50pm
Location   The Aescepalus
Timeline   SD 38, Immediately after Belly of the beast


"Look, you have the poison. Lets just get out of here!" Kendra was looking between him and the door frantically, aware it was only a matter of time before she was discovered missing.

Quickly they dragged the gaurd back to his post outside, Lance was pretty sure the drug he gave him would wipe out all trace of them in the man's short term memory. When he came to he would wonder how he fell asleep at his post.

They shut the labs doors behind them, hurried along the corridor to the turn, and stopped dead.

Waiting for them was Arthur Glaston and and awful lot of phasers. Security guards armed with type three phasers flanked the wheel chair bound man. Mr North stood to his left, one hand firmly in the hair of the other orion girl. In the other he held a large and evil looking breen disruptor. Laser guided targets danced across Lance's chest, and came to rest in a circle over his heart.


Lance casually reached into the pocket of his jacket and withdrew the cigar stub he had saved from earlier, along with a box of matches. With a blatant disregard for the situation he casually lit the cigar, puffed on it for several seconds then gave Glaston and his goons a cool look, "So what tipped you off?" He asked conversationaly. "It was the girl wasn't it?" He nodded at the Orion struggling in Norths grip.

Glaston' voice synthesiser gave off a noise like bubbling water. It was probably supposed to be a laugh. "Chiara was unusually enthusiastic for Mr North's attentions. Naturally, he was suspicious."

Lance nodded, casually ashing on the expensive carpeting covering the deck. "Well you can't blame a guy for trying." He commented dryly. He drew another deep puff of the cigar, and gazed almost absently at the collection of laser target designators on his chest. "I've decided." He said, pausing to puff again. "To co-operate." He said finally.

"A wise decision, Dr Murdoch," Glaston beamed. He turned his chair towards the only door on this corridor. The theatre is there. I suggest you prep for surgery."

Lance nodded and fell into step behind them. "I'm going to need assistants." He pointed out.

"I have all the surgeons, anaesthetists and nurses you will need." Glaston assured him. "They are all fully trained." so don't try anything was the unsaid warning. "They are prepping Gwen now, so I suggest you start scrubbing up."

Whilst he pulled on scrubs and went through the sterilising process Lance was treated to the unpleasant spectacle of q group well trained medics prepare Gwen for her imminent murder. Already tranquillised she was anaesthetized and intubated with efficiency before being placed on her front, spine exposed. Her blonde hair had already been shaved away.

Another team likewise prepared Arthur Glaston. Out of the wheel chair he was a shrivelled scrunched up creature, wasted to nothingness. He to was laid on his front, to better facilitate the removal of his brain.

North came to stand next to Lance as the anaesthetist signalled that both patients were ready. "Just remember, every time you do something I don't like, I'm going to mutilate something on the slave girls. Glaston's daughter gets to go to out in a beautiful dream. They will go out screaming. How long it all lasts is up to you. Glaston dies, and you leave here in a bucket."

He went over to where Kendra and Chiara were sitting, armed guards watching them closely. "And to prove I'm not bluffing." He hauled Kendra up by the hair, took her face in both hands, and put out her eye.

It happened so fast, Lance had no time to prevent it. Kendra screamed in pain and her sister too howled with hysterical fear. Then North shoved his victim at a nurse who busied herself treating the wound.. "Because that was a friendly warning. I'll see she's cleaned up. But the next time I raise my hand to her, I won't be so nice. Now get in there before I take her other eye."

Lance said nothing. But made a personal vow that when North died, it would be on his knees. Screaming. Lance was looking forward to giving him that. Wordlessly he stepped into the OR. He took several minutes to familiarise himself with all the equipment and monitoring systems. He could see North and the Orions through the observation window.

It should have been Lance's natural territory, his kingdom, but now the bright white light and gleaming surfaces seemed cold and alien and oppressive. In front of him, blissfully unaware, Gwen Glaston lay face down. Her attending nurse turned to Lance, and held out a tray of scalpels.

Lance selected one and stepped up to Gwen's exposed back, with a final glance up at North and a rock steady hand he began making his first incision down her neck.


Doctor Lance Murdoch
Head Surgeon
Deep Space 5

Kendra the (neutered) animal woman
Arthur Glaston, evil scientist
Mr North, A large and angry 'security consultant'
and the cast of thousands
NPCs by Notty