Time is Fleeting – Answering a call from the dark
by Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   Answering a call from the dark
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Thu Oct 08, 2009 @ 8:32pm
Location   DS5
Timeline   Current
[Deep Space 5 - Operations]

The day had begun smoothly enough, ships coming and going, docking requests, and updates on ETA's. Covering a yawn he looked across thr room as Commander Davies walked in. Turning back to his panel as another incoming transmission needed his attention.

=^=Lt Cmdr Mathis Star Base 47 to Deep Space. Please acknowlwdge.=^=

"Acknowledged, Commander Mathis. Lt. Reger, DS5."

=^=Lieutenant I need to speak with your OIC. It concerns the USS Freedom.=^=

[Turbo Lift to VIP Quarters]

Ayren was on her way to see Da`nal's parents, lost in thought, when the lift opened. Have startled at the sudden opening of the door only to see Ralnath standing there.

"Miss Kelan."

"Lord Ralnath, I was just on my way to see you. I got a messege from Da`nal. I think...."

"That he has been betrayed? I have the same feeling."

"Your going after him aren't you?" The thoughts she was sencing confirmed that before his expresion changed to confirm it again.

Looking to either side he entered the lift with her. “Deck (?).” As the lift sped on its way he turned to her. “I leave will be leaving as soon as possible. Ambassador Toran has given me the Hed’not to render whatever help I can. If he is destroyed…then avenge his betrayal.”

The thought of Da`nal’s death struck a cord within her. “My Lord, if he has fallen then he has fallen in battle and died an Honorable death. What would there be to avenge?”

Ralnath snorted. “I said those same words to Da’nal when we spoke of his brother’s death. However if he is dead or alive I will know it for myself; not take some Romulan’s word for his fate. Beside they must answer for this blatant betrayal, his ship was given safe passage.”

Ayren nodded. “The Federation…”

“The Federation will negotiate! They will not risk a war over one ship, and you know it.”

She had to agree; if Da`nal was in trouble by the time the first meeting on Earth was even scheduled it would be to late. “What can I do?”

Ralnath looked down at the woman. “You?”

Ayren looked Ralnath in the eye. “Yes me, if Da`nal is in trouble I want to help.”


“I….I…” Ayren dropped her face, unable to look at him.

Ralnath grinned, lifting her chin with his finger. “You care for him don’t you? Does he for you?”

“I don’t know? When he left I was hurt, I felt hollow. Then you guys showed up with the children and he had that gift for me…I…I’m confused.” Pulling herself together her confidence returning. “But if he needs us I have the right to come to his aid. If his enemies are gathering I would stand with him and the members of his House.”

“jIyaj, (I understand) You honor me with the loyalty you show my son. But what of you duties here?”

“I have a competent staff, they can carry on in my absence.”

“Very well, Come with me.”

It wasn’t long and the two of them had arrived and boarded the Hed’not. Commander Na’Shara had greeted them at the airlock and was surprised to see the station’s diplomatic officer, but said nothing. “Lord Ralnath, what is the situation?”

He handed her a padd containing the data on the transmission he had received. “My son’s ship may have fallen under attack by the very vessels escorting him to Romulas. We are going to verify that, and render aid if needed.”

“Lord Ralnath these coordinates are deep in Romulan territory.”

“I know…I hope you cloak is functional.”

“State of the art sir, but…”

Stopping there group in the corridor, speaking loud and firm. “Those are my orders Commander! Plot us the shortest route to that location.” He already knew the shortest route would take them quickly into Romulan territory with a long way to travel.

“lob’jIH!” (I obey)

Things happened quickly aboard the ship. Half of the Garrison was to be quartered on the station and they were able to finish without being rushed; thus not drawing attention to the ships departure. The Hed’not, being a combat vessel was already fully provisioned, her warpcore was kept ready in case it was needed. However the nacelles need to be charged properly and secondary systems needed to be brought online.

As system were verified and readied Na’Shara stood beside Ralnath who sat in command. “Request departure clearance.”

The communication officer hailed the station. “Imperial Klingon Vessel Hed’not requesting departure clearance.”

[DS5 – Dock Yard]

Just then the dock master’s panel began to sound. He had been ordered to keep an eye on the Klingon vessel. Turning, “Sir that Klingon ship is powering up.”

No sooner did he turn to reply than his question was answered. “They are requesting clearance.”

"Is their anything on the boards?"

“No sir, there was nothing scheduled. Not for a while anyway.”

"Hail them."

“Aye sir. “ Turning to his panel. “IKV Hed’not, you are not scheduled for departure for some time. Please explain.”

[IKV Hed'Not]

Ralnath sat in command as the request came in the Federation dock master and several staff members came into view. "An issue has come up that requires this ships attention. Ambassador Toran has authorized our departure."

=^=Sir, your vessel is aasigned to this station...=^=

"Assigned to the station, but under the command of the Klingon Empire. Clear us for departure, or shall I inform the stations command that you interefered with and the orders of the Klingon Ambassador."

[DS5 - Dock Yard]

Lt. Commander Ferrin wasn't about to start and interstellar issue over a departure clearence. "Let them go."

"Aye." "Imerial Klingon Vessel Hed'Not you are cleared for departure." With that he closed the channel.

As the channel was closed Ferrin put his hand on the Chiefs shoulder. "Get me Strat Ops."


Ralnath - Head of the House of Varal
Ayren Kelan

both played by Toran