Unity – One of our starships is missing!
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   One of our starships is missing!
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Wed Mar 24, 2010 @ 5:11pm
Location   Ops
Timeline   SD17 10:35

Davies dropped the PADD onto the table and took a deep breath as he shook his head from side to side. "Ships that go missing and what are we supposed to do about it!" He remarked aloud, finishing his tea and moving towards the replicator to dispose of the cup.

"Computer,current locations of the following staff. Commander Villiers, Commander Gabriel, Lieutenant Wallace and Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian." He stated his request and stood watching the cup disappear as the computer responded.

"Commander Villiers is in her office; Commander Gabriel is currently on the promenade; Lieutenant Wallace is aboard USS Montana and Commander Menteros is in sickbay." Came the reply. ((fill in the blanks for me guys))

"In that case, where is Lieutenant Dunham?" He questioned, turning back towards the door and this time, he headed for the large window that looked down onto operations.

"Lieutenant Dunham is onboard the USS Pollux"

"Message to all the mentioned staff, except for Commander t'Khellian, that their presence is requested in the Captains office." He requested, lazily rubbing at his poorer ear.

Dunham had just left Lt Wallace on board the first of two garrison vessels now on training operations around Deep Space Five air space. When he returned to his own command in preparation for the rescue mission, to recover the missing prisoners, there was a message waiting for him to head back to deep space five and speak with the commander. Dunham didn’t even step off the ships small transporter pad, he beamed into the transporter room closest to the command centre , then headed down to the Commander's office.

Jarred heard the page, his head was pounding from the hang-over, he looked in a mirror that was in the head, he looked like he'd been on a binge which didn't help, he grabbed a tri-ox pill from the cabinet. He tried to fix his uniform, noticing a stain he tossed the dirty uniform aside and put on a clean one, he left the ready room and walked down to the airlock.

Despite the request Karen had to respond to Admiral Brailsford before she could attend the captain. To speed things up she typed a response and coded it rather than waiting for a secure channel to be opened so that they could communicated directly. Quite sure that Brailsford would not be happy with that Karen shrugged, he was the one that had asked her to come here as XO and so he was going to have to accept that she sometimes had to prioritize duties and under the circumstances anything relating to the attacks came ahead of the imminent case against Gabriel.

== A few minutes later ==

The door was already open as Dunham entered first. He gave a smart nod and a polite "Hello sir" as he entered the room.

Davies acknowledged Richard with a lazy salute as the Intelligence officer entered.

Jarred walked in a steaming cup of coffee in one hand, and a PADD in another and a Vulcan-oid woman right behind him, he just nodded as he took as seat and the woman sat next to him, "Morning sir."

"Morning." He said as Wallace and the woman took seats.

The young woman nodded to the captain and looked around the room, she'd been on the station less than twelve hours and was already in a staff briefing.~I wonder what's up.~

Gabriel entered the room and looked at the other participants. Obviously something of importance had taken place or else the message would have been relayed over the comm system. He didn't know what was going on, but he was certain that it was going to make his day even worst than the combination of riots and bombings had already done.

He sighed as he slid into the nearest chair and continued to read the padd that he had been carrying.

After Dorian took his seat, Davies moved towards the single chair at the top of the table.

"I'll make this as brief as I can, but I have literally just received a report about a missing Ambassador Class Starship from the Fleet Surplus depot." The Commander started as he glanced out of the window.

Davies was already speaking as Karen entered but she heard it all, pursing her lips as she folded her arms and leaned against the doorframe; she cast a gaze over the assembly as Davies continued.

"How in the hell they manage to lose one is beyond me, but what's done is done. All ships in this sector are on yellow alert and the three starbases in the immediate area have been ordered to follow suit, as if that makes a difference to us!" Davies remarked, referring to the fact they were already on lockdown and an increased alert status.

Jarred looked at Dorian avoiding rolling his eyes, "Maybe we should deploy all of our patrol craft, All three ships that were going on the POW camp mission are more or less ready, The Montana is ready, just need to bring one of the back up systems online, Nautilus and Pollux are being retrofitted with some new goodies but they'll be ready in two hours."

"No, go ahead and launch the ships now. We don't need a task force just sitting around the docks in HOPES of something arriving. The sooner we can get those POW's back on the station, the sooner we can contact their families and put that matter behind us." Gabriel replied. He had not mentioned the planned rescue mission much, but he was just as excited about it as anybody else. Retrieving those officers would serve as much needed positive public relation for the station. Something the station had been lacking even during Rakka's tenure.

"Besides, why would an Ambassador class vessel choose to dock at a Federation Starbase? We would capture it the second it entered our space, not to mention that we would over power it, 20-to-1, even on its best day." He replied in a rather nonchalant manner.

Rhiana spoke next, "Another matter sirs,"speaking in her best impersonation of a Vulcan "A former starfleet operative was seen arriving on the station during, she does have an arrest on sight order against her as well."

Jarred looked to his assistant, "Former Lieutenant T'Pal of the USS Freedom, she disappeared shortly after her 'reassignment'. The order is signed by Admiral Martin, so I assume that its a use extreme caution when arresting order, the warrant has no other specifics." He passed the PADD over to Dorian then continued "Her record has more holes in it than Darsons' and more inconsistencies than a bad holo-novel."

Davies shook his head as he turned back to face the crew and saw Karen stood at the door. He gave an acknowledging nod.

"This is just speculation and we may or may not have a ship out there that has an ulterior motive. Lieutenant Wallace, Commander Gabriel is correct, the POWs are a priority and the rescue mission must continue as planned, besides, if there is more than one Ambassador class ship, then we shall respond when the time is upon us, but as long as we are aware that this rogue vessel MAY be in the area, then we must be ready to do what is necessary. Lieutenant Dunham, we need to make a presence outside the station. I want a small patrol to be launched and to be visible at all times. Half a dozen ships should suffice. Commander Villiers?" David said to Karen offering her the floor.

Dunham gave a formal nod, he was already considering who to put in command of the patrol while he was away on the rescue mission.

"Then that does it," Gabriel said as he stood up. "We have criminals to catch, why are we still sitting here?" He asked.

"Carry on." Davies said as the other staff followed Dorians lead as he pondered on another matter.
He allowed them to leave, but called Dunham back as the others left.
"Lieutenant, take a seat for a minute." He said as the doors closed at his touch of the button on his desk.


Commander David Davies

Lt Richard Dunham

Commander Karen Villiers

Lt Jarred Wallace