Interlude – Problems in business
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   Problems in business
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Mon May 03, 2010 @ 2:11am
Location   BII Offices (Security section)
Wayne Jr. sat in his personal office in the security section of BII reading one of the reports that had just come in. It was not good news not by any streach of the imagination. True his family had enemies some of them were powerful, some of them were ruthless, and some of them were just downright greedy. What he was seeing here was more from the greedy type.

The company had delt with pirates, raiders, and other lowlifes in the past but this one seemed to be especially troublesome. They acted like reminates of some fleet striking with cordination and teamwork. The company had lost 4 frieghters to this raider group and it had seriousy put dent in their short term plans but hopefully not much in the long run.

He had signed the order to arm the frieghters and was not looking over the roster of ships that they had to work with. There were currently 30 ships in the fleet of those 10 were in drydock ten were on long hall missions that would probably last another 6 months and the other 10 were on short haul runs in and around federation controled space.

Well the ten in dock for refit would be easy they were of the old Soyzu class and could handle improvemnts easly enough. The ten ships on the short haul runs could be rotated out over a period of a few months and refitted. It was the long haul ships that he was concerned about the most. They had the highest price cargo's on board. Furtunately they were also some of the best armed ships in the fleet.

The Cury class was the pride and joy of the company. They were the most heavly armed and armoured hence the reason that they were given the high value loads. Well that would be changing over the next little while. The Soyzu's would be getting a reduced but improved armourment, he would be damned if he woud let his ships become easy pickings for anyone.

He signed the orders and had all the soyzu's uprated to type 7's and 8's though there would be no torpedoes and two of the compaies personal fighters woud be assigned to each frieghter perminately. It was not much but it would hopefully disuade anyone from trying to tangle with his ships again. The Miranda's would also get the same type of upgrade to their offensive and defensive systems. Ony the curries would be drasticly delayed in getting their improvements, but they would be getting them done soon enough.

When everything was said and done he knew that the fleet would be much more militaristic then was considered normal, but he also knew that with starfleet spread so thin it was unlikely that they would be able to really offer much in the way of protective services. Not to mention that such a move could greatly increase the chances that some of his ships would be abe to offer help if needed, such a move was always good for PR an who could argue if a couple of colonies wanted protection and were willing to maybe work out a deal.

It would also give the company a chance to showcase the new fighter design from the ship yards to starfleet as well as other empires and races. After all if the andorians or the romulans or even the klingons wanted a new fighter design it was all business and the company did afterall have permission and athorit to manufacture and sell weapons to a degree.

With his plan laid out and the orders now drafted and sent it was only a matter of time before everything started falling into place. He was slightly shocked to see that one of the old miranda class freighters was enroute to dock with the station. This particular ship was intended to drop off part of it's cargo before proceeding to other points. The only problem as far as he could see was that the cargo was not exactly normal. They were receiving a total of 5 crates of old starfleet weapons mainly hand phasers and phaser rifles. Though in this case the weapons would have been rendered useess and woud be handed over directly to the R and D people to play with for a time.

That part did not bother Wayne much what concerned him was the shrubs and live foliage that was also being dropped off in part for decoration but also to be used to hide some nasty surprises. He figured for sure that the chief of security would raide holy hell over the items but that remained to be seen.