Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Picnic - Part 3 : Passions
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Picnic - Part 3 : Passions
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Fri Nov 14, 2008 @ 9:35am
Location   Bajoran Gardens
Timeline   Day 3 - Approx 1pm [Backpost]
Isha had said little and her face and demeanour gave nothing away, but this of course *would* be the way such a powerful Head of a Romulan *high* family would undoubtedly behave even if she *had* known anything about Iawaiin so Chelsea might therefore have believed she'd drawn a genuine blank. That is, if her empathy hadn't started ringing loud alarm bells about Isha's emotional response.

According to Chelsea 's instincts, Isha was angry, or so it seemed.... an anger mixed with suspicion and disappointment, perhaps even a feeling of betrayal? That was not the response of someone who had no knowledge of the name and Adams could only withdraw into herself stammering a hasty change of subject like a child whose fingers had been unexpectedly burnt and who withdraws in pained shock.

"What is it, Chelsea ?" Isha asked, tilting the neck of the bottle away from the glass.

"Is it a bad vintage?" Isha asked as a few drops of liquid fell onto her thigh; she wiped them away and propped the bottle in the basket. "The shopkeeper assured me it was the best." Taking in the expression on her freind's face, Isha sat upright. "Just what is it that is bothering you, Chelsea?" she demanded, "I though this would be nice but something is making it difficult for you to relax, is that because Raedheol didn't come here? Is that why you're here? To see him?"

Isha raised her hand, "Don't answer that, I don't want to know. I did not think you would fall for him," Isha rolled her eyes and straightened her shoulders even as her lips narrowed. "Your doctor is not enough for you?" she said with a sweep of her hand that sent the one filled glass smashing into an ornamental rock.

Chelsea looked bewildered. "Isha!" she was shocked. "Of COURSE Ryan is enough for me.... I'm still pinching myself that he likes me at all. He's more than I could ever have hoped for, and everything I ever wanted! What would I want with anyone else? Least of all your friend, if indeed he really is your friend? With friends like Raedheol who needs enemies Isha?"

She stood up, defensive and offended. She was unlikely to have defended herself so vehemently but Ryan was a different issue. She was passionate about him and her loyalty to him was fierce. It was a side to Chelsea that showed itself rarely but it was uncharacteristically powerful when it did.

"IF I fell for a trick Raedheol was playing then it was pretty convincing and the woman *was* genuinely injured! She couldn't fool me with injuries even if either or both of them were being economical with the truth about how she got them. I didn't ask to be involved, and I don't understand what I did wrong. I just answered the summons, healed her and left. I answered Raedheol's questions as best i could but I didn't say anything I felt I shouldn't have..... and if you think I WANT to see him again, you couldn't have it more wrong, Lady, quite the contrary! My bruised arm still aches, as a matter of fact! It's a good job Ryan didn't see that!" Chelsea ran out of breath and steam both at the same time and the look on Isha's face finally silenced her.

"Isha, I'm sorry!" she breathed, suddenly realising she had poured everything out without taking care about how it was being received. She sat down heavily and her eyes, wide and regretful, searched her friend's face.

Isha clasped her lower lip between her teeth; Chelsea ’s anger was unexpected and the doctor’s words carried a certain amount of truth about Raedheol that Isha preferred not to acknowledge.

“I asked him to stay away from you,” Isha said, eventually as she processed Chelsea ’s outburst, “but he doesn’t always do as I ask. He is not what you think him to be and I more than anyone am responsible for the way he is, I utterly ruined the man he was, Chelsea , don’t judge him. I destroyed his career and broke his heart and he never quite managed to put it back together again. I am sorry he hurt you,” Isha added.

Feeling foolish for her suspicions Isha twisted a strand of hair around her finger, to distract herself from Chelsea’s scrutiny, “I am not always very sensible when it comes to Rh’vaurek,” she admitted, “and he did plant the doubt in my mind and now you know I am irrational and jealous, and have friends who you would rather not know.”

Chelsea sat almost open-mouthed as Isha allowed her to see past her formal mask for the first time.. The unusual and unexpected confession was both endearing and disarming leaving Chelsea finding her friend almost vulnerable as she twisted her hair and looked like a young woman who had clearly been hurt herself, despite her protestations of blame. She thought she had seen a fleeting glimpse of heart-rending sadness on Isha's face and she was mortified to have stirred up such a deep and painful memory in her friend.

"Oh, Isha!" Chelsea breathed, grasping her into an impulsive hug, completely forgetting to respect the previous reticence on the Romulan Lady's part to indulge in Terran physical gestures of affection.

"I am SO sorry! I had no idea! What sort of friend have I been that I have been so self-absorbed as to be completely blind to your feelings! How could you be sensible about Raedheol when your heart belongs to him?" she asked, taking 2 and 2 and making them add up to 5!

"I could never be 'sensible' about Ryan and if I thought you had been interested in him I think I should have behaved in exactly the same way!" she smiled sheepishly and let go of her friend, holding on instead to her hand, squeezing it gently.

Isha t'Khellian
Civilian Journalist Extraordinaire (among other things ...)

Lt. (jg) Chelsea Adams
Assistant Chief Medical Officer - DS5