(G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian’s Personal Log - Admiral R'Vek tr'Khellian's Personal Log

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Title   Admiral R'Vek tr'Khellian's Personal Log
Author   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Fri Oct 22, 2010 @ 6:10pm
The time I have dreaded for years has come at last, the time when I must make a decision to protect my house that could, likely will, lead the Empire I've spent my life defending to war. The Cardassian Tharek Getal has gone too far, he has reached out and placed his hands upon my family, doing some unknown harm to my beloved cousin, Isha. I've no idea what he did precisely, only that he placed his hands on one of the Khelliana, and for that he will be punished, severely.

I've placed a spy in his midst, a craven little spoonhead only interested in saving his own skin, and if he wants any chance of getting his wish he'll give me the information I want quickly. I know he's likely got spies inside the Embassy, perhaps even on the Dhelan. That would be rather funny, I know my girls would deal with a Cardassian operative swiftly and mercilessly and send Getal his mole in a box.

I've contacted my oldest child, my only son, J'Tar, and called him to Deep Space Five, told him to ready himself for war. Along the way he's promised to send Getal a message, subtle but effective. Knowing my boy it will be one that bastard Getal will never forget, but just in case I will buttress it with one of my own.

May the enemies of the Khelliana run in fear or die in agony, it matters little to me.

-End Log