Intermission – The debate is over
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   The debate is over
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Wed Nov 27, 2013 @ 1:08am
Location   Jarred's office
Timeline   Uncertain

Rhiana had started to debate what was going to be the biggest can of worms in her career, she was going to have to open the investigation files that were active when Jarred disappeared. Was there some connection, was there more than meets the eye about Jarred, and above all else, who did it.

She walked over to his office, it hadn't been used in months, and now she had to go through the files. As she rounded the desk she sat down at the chair and activated the computer. There was three active files on the main directory, two were related to an active smuggling case that had been taken over by starfleet security, then there was the piracy file, it was more substantial than she thought.

As she scrolled through the files it appeared that there was more to the whole piracy thing on the surface, there was suspected ties to a group operating in the Tallix system that called themselves the confederation, she scrolled further down.

She found a list of sympathizers, the list was mostly disgruntled former officers, there were a few corporate interests, mostly those were groups who had run ins with boarder patrols for smuggling. Then there was someone only listed as Damon. No other data in the files on this person until the final entry, he'd found Damon.

She was looking over a collection of long range sensor scans of a base located on the upper plains of Tallix and a group of people talking with a note "Damon in this group".

There was three more images of several members of the same group in long range images at the same location, none of which had any other notation. There was some additional notes that this group had old starships, and a few surplussed Klingon ships they were using in there activities but no additional data is in the files then there is a series of communiques that end with an unanswered message from the now retired Admiral Morgan.

The file ends with a series of requests from Starfleet security for Jarred to end his involvement in the investigations due to potential threats against his life, followed by the report of the science ship Callisto going down in the nebula. Rhiana looked over the last of the file and her jaw dropped.

There was a plan to evacuate him from the station in the event of a plan to assault the station to assassinate him. Along with a relocation plan for Claire and the children, there was other considerations taken in when it came to this plan but some of them were never followed up on, and the files were ended there.

The file on Damon only had a few additional entries, including the fact this was a code name for the leader of this group not a specific name, there was an after action report on the assault on the base assault that admitted Jarred was alive and to be transported to Earth, the the file is sealed until three days ago when there is a new entry that stated that an agent code named Ghost was coming in to wrap up the file.

Knowing that this was the third time this person had been noted in a file assumptions were being made on Rhiana's part, Jarred was alive, he was where? or who?


Rhiana T'sahan