Beg, Steal or Borrow – "Reporting In"
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   "Reporting In"
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Aug 20, 2009 @ 6:04am
Location   CO's Office, DS5
Timeline   SD10, 0800
After managing a few hours of sleep Girauna made her way to the CO's Office in Ops and rang the chime, waiting to be granted admission.

Finalising his request for LOA, David lay down the PADD on the desk and called 'enter'

The beauty that proceeded to brighten up his so far so dull morning, was Deltan and she was the last thing that David had expected.He stood slowly and greeted her with his charming smile.

"Good morning. Commander David Davies, how can I be of assistance?" He asked as she glided to the nearest chair and he wondered if the sounds of his heart thumping under his uniform could be heard by all who were in earshot.

"Greetings, Commander." Girauna smiled sexily, "My name is Girauna, I've been sent from the State Department to look into some complaints lodged against Commander Gabriel by members of various diplomatic contingents." She handed Davies her PaDD, "I'll try not to be in the way too much."

"Complaints?" David queried. "What complaints?" He followed the question with another. "Gabriel is one of my best officers, who lodged this complaint?" The questions spewed forth and Davies was asking before getting any answers.

"There have been multiple complaints, especially from Romulan residents of the station, in particular members of the Diplomatic Corps." Girauna answered, "I'm just here to look things over, I'm sure everything is fine."

Davies was concerned and he knew his face had become serious. "I could have guessed that the Romulans would issue complaints against station staff after the attacks on DS5. Perhaps we should counter claim against them for their attack on the station!" His statement rhetorical. "Do you hold a rank Girauna, or are you just a messenger?" He looked the beautiful woman directly in the eye.

"My title is Agent." Girauna replied, still somewhat unused to the title, especially working for State, which had so hampered her investigation into the Treasure Island killings when she was with SFPD, "Though my equivalent authority would be that of a Lt. Commander, Sir."

"Now, as far as the complaints go, I'm not even really sure what it is exactly I'm supposed to be looking for." She confessed, "But, Mr. Crawford, my Section Chief, seemed to think it was very important I get out here ASAP to look into it. I'll go out of my way to be as unobtrusive as possible and when I can I'll avoid stepping on any toes. I'll also show you and all other involved parties as much courtesy as I can within the parameters of the investigation, but there will be times when I can tell you nothing."

David took a deep breath in through his nose and held it for a moment. He hated station bureaucracy and red tape, but despised the way certain hierarchies presumed to think they had autonomy aboard his command.
He let the air slowly out from his mouth with a hiss.

"Agent Giruana, I don't intend to shoot the messenger, but I will await an official directive from Starfleet Command before you interview, question or harass any member of my command. The agency has carte blanche over civilian and administrative areas of the station, but anything else will be channelled through me, or my command staff."
Davies watched her as he kept a very even tone over his response and could see that she was formulating a common response, so he pulled open the drawer of his desk, tapped at the screen of the retrieved PADD and transferred the protocols from Starfleet and then slid it across the desk to her.

"Rule 8, Section 37, paragraph 28 is what you are looking for." He stated in a cold tone.

Girauna rolled her eyes and sighed, ~If I had any this job would have me pulling my hair out.~ She locked eyes with Davies, her tone an expression equalling his in coldness, "First off, Commander, being hostile with me is going to do none of us any good, I'm not your enemy." She began, "Second, right now you're bordering on refusal to cooperate with an official investigation. I don't have to tell a man of your experience that would equal the end of your career. Third, Dorian is a friend of mine, I'm not here to railroad him, he'll get the same unbiased investigation out of me anyone else would."

She ran a hand over her bald head in frustration, continuing, "Also, that regulation you quoted, you take that and wrap it around a sharp stick and Section Chief Crawford will jab you in your ass with it. I know I don't have to tell you he has the power to make your life very miserable, Sir. Now, I don't know who or what put this bug in his butt about Dorian, but we're never going to find out if you and Crawford get into a red tape duel. You're trying to protect the people under your command, I respect the hell out of that, but right now the best way you can protect Dorian is to help me and show me full cooperation, that way we can get this done and over with and we can all move on with our lives."

"Miserable!" He almost laughed, but he did smile, at least outwardly it appeared that he was human.
"Agent, if only you knew how morose I am, stuck on this rotating barge in space, so threats to make me miserable, make me happier but thank you for pointing that out,"
He leant forward during the pause, "and thank you for telling me you are a friend of Gabriel, because he doesn't appear to have many and I like the man, so in the interest of accord, as long as you keep me informed, then I will grant you access, but the moment you shut me out, I will have Starfleet Command jabbing the hell out of your section chief and as I am only here for a few weeks, I really won't mind the tail chasing, it will be a heck of a lot more fun that squaring up to Romulans and Cardassians, that I can assure you." There was now a full faced smile on the commander, he actually looked forward to the chance to wrangle up the administrative offices of both sides.

"Now, Giruana, may I offer you a drink?" He asked warmly still holding the amused smile as he settled back into the chair.

"I think I'm going to need one." She laughed, expecting their first clash within a couple of days, ~Crawford's not going to like this. Oh, well.~

He pushed himself out of the chair and over to the replicator, ordering an orange juice in a tall glass over crushed ice. "What can I get for you?" He enquired.

"Give me one of whatever you're having." Girauna smiled, "As long as it's cold and wet, I'm good to go."

David smiled as he ordered another juice and carried the glass to her. "Enjoy!" He said tipping the glass in her direction and taking a large gulp of the fresh tasting orange juice.

"So when would you like to start?" He enquired, looking at the droplets of water forming on the outside of the glass.

"Well, I figure the sooner the better." Girauna replied, "The sooner I can get done with this and get this whole matter cleared up the faster I can be on my way and let you and your staff get back to more important work, Sir."

He tipped the glass up and emptied its contents. "Very well," He said wiping his lips on the back of his hand, "Do what you need to do, talk with Gabriel and whoever else you need to and hopefully, we will all learn something." He winked. "Oh, and feel free to use this office." He offered as he placed the empty glass on the replicator pad and it disappeared.

"Works for me." Girauna smiled, finishing her drink and replacing it on the replicator pad where his had just been, "Hopefully we won't have to be sharing it for too long."


Agent, Federation Department of State


Cdr. David Davies
Temporary CO, DS5