Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Lower Level collision
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Arrival Lawrence McKinney

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Title   Lower Level collision
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Arrival Lawrence McKinney
Posted   Sun Jan 11, 2009 @ 11:58pm
Location   Lower decks
Timeline   SD5 19:00 (Backpost)

Rushtone closed the communication channel as the craft requested permission to leave.

"Clearance given. Head to marker buoy 7 and then set your course. DS5 out."

Alan stood up slowly, and grabbed his duffel bag. His runabout was starting to dock, and he was more then happy to get off this cramped ship and into somewhere that had pacing room. His left leg was sore from sitting the entire trip, and as he started to rub it, in order to get the blood flow back into it. Then he picked up his PADD and clicked send to his message to Sarah, letting her know he was on station. Putting it in the upper pocket of his tactical uniform, Alan started toward the hatch, his limp starting to get better, but he was use to slight pain from that leg. Walking down the ramp, he scanned over the docking area, not expecting to see anyone he knew. He just liked seeing any possible threat before it became one.

The day had been too quiet for Mokab liking, he had only managed to make a profit of 2 bars of latinum, which were now safely tucked away in his inside zipped pocket of his waistcoat.
Throughout the day, he had been deliberating on whether to give his handcart a make over or not and as the day drew to a close, he decided it was required, if he was to attract the 'Right' kind of clientèle.
All his goods safely stored away, he pushed his livelihood to the turbolift and made his way to the lower levels and his home.

Alan walked toward the turbolift, wanting to meet up with either the captain, marine commander, of for that matter, Sarah would be best. Pressing the door button, he waited till the lift came.

‘Okay so I have to head threw the comet belt and head for the big one with the flashing lights. The Romulans have stepped up patrols so I have to approach from the outside rather then the solar side’ Making sure the details of his next run were fresh in his head. He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn’t even notice his 15 year old assistant take a wrong turn.

“Wait, what’s that?” Lawrence said to himself as he saw a merchant selling copies of Sarek’s biography. Lawrence wasn’t really interested in the life and times of some Vulcan but books like that sold well among revolutionaries and scholars in the Romulan empire. On top of that no Starfleet officer in his right mind would stop someone smuggling literature across the border. “Hey Romas check it out” Lawrence said pointing towards the books. “Romas?” Lawrence said when the kid didn’t reply “did I lose him again?”. “God I’m a Horrible guardian Oh well he can take care of himself” Lawrence said to himself before walking towards the merchant.

The lift door slid apart and Mokab eased his cart through, taking care not to scrape the sides of his precious cart. He glimpsed a child running past the door and silently chided himself to look before leaving the lift. He then wondered what a child was doing running around the lower levels. He did not recollect seeing one before.
As the doors closed behind him, he soon forgot about him, his thoughts returning to finding a little colour for his cart. He pushed the trolley down the corridors, turned left and right, finding the small storeroom he was looking for and helped himself to the paint that had already gathered a little dust, picking up the can and placing it into a space on his cart, covering it with a piece of linen and continuing down to the next deck.

"How Much for ten crates" Lawrence asked the merchant conversationally.

"100 bars of latinum" the man said his eyes lighting up at the prospects of a sale.

“Don’t be an idiot if I felt like it I could by the rights to reproduce it on my own for that much 25 bars” Lawrence shot back.

“Sir, you are clearly not aware of what treasures these are their hand inscribed by the monks at temple of Amonak” the merchant replied sad to see his easy sell disappearing.

"If that’s the case then let me see the temple’s sea"l Lawrence said although he wouldn’t know the seal from graffiti found on bathroom walls.

"Of course sir the merchant said opening the opening one of the books You can clearly see the ceremonial sehlat here".

"Sehlat looks more like a dog to me!" Lawrence shot back, "but still a hand written manuscript adds to the value 35 bars and not an strip more“. ‘this will take a while’ Lawrence thought to himself as he saw the merchant open his mouth to continue the fight.

Mokab heard the discussion going on ahead and he didn't know who seelat was, he heard latinum mentioned and he certainly knew what that was. He increased his pace, speeding towards the two men deep in the barter, just to be in on the conversation.


Civilian Trader, Mokab Mellibrate.
Played by Tasha

Sergeant Alan Williams

Civilian Lawrence McKinney