Judgement – A follow-up meeting between Wayne and Edward
by Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   A follow-up meeting between Wayne and Edward
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Sat Jul 02, 2011 @ 8:28pm
Location   Bradshaw Enterprises
Timeline   SD38, 1030

Edward followed the directions from a small personal padd. 'Bradshaw Enterprises' the heading read.

He reached his destination, finding a rather large plaque bearing the same name, next to an impressively large door. He approached the door and it opened automatically. He entered, taking in a spacious lobby with comfortable-looking furnishings and a reception desk straight ahead.

The blond, middle-aged receptionist glanced up from her display screen as the door opened. In a cultured voice, she asked, "May I help you, sir?"

Her hand rested on the hidden button that would call security, if this was trouble. She knew Wayne Bradshaw didn't have any meetings scheduled at the moment, and customers didn't just drop in to say hello. Perhaps the man before her was simply lost.

"Yes ma'am. I'm Edward Stapleton, here to see Wayne Bradshaw."

She looked the older man over for a second, calculating. One couldn't be too careful... there had been rumors of late, about dangerous strangers. She whispered about them with her girlfriends in the pub, the same place where that holosuite girl was brutally murdered. She and her friends drank in every detail of the media articles, discussing and debating them, and they had their own guesses as to what had happened.

In Rebecca's world, there were always rumors. She was mad about conspiracy theories of all kinds. If you asked her, she would deny that she was the paranoid type, though in fact that's exactly what she was. She would perhaps stiffen, and in a brisk voice tell you that she worked for a powerful man, and it was her job to be his first line of defense. She took her responsibility with deadly seriousness.

He looks harmless enough, she finally surmised. She considered herself an excellent judge of character and trusted her instincts implicitly. She keyed the intercom and waited for her superior's response.

"Bradshaw here. What can I do for you, Rebecca?"

"Sir," she spoke into the microphone, "There's a Mister Stapleton here to see you." She looked up at Edward and gave him a perfunctory smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"Stapleton, you say? Must be that meeting Collin told me about. Well, send him on up, and then you can take a break; I know you have a few things you want to do before the afternoon, so take an hour or so."

"Yes sir," she replied, the smile now genuine as she closed the connection. At the same time, she took her finger away from the panic button. If her boss knew Stapleton was coming, than she had nothing to worry about.

"If you'll follow me," she said to Edward as she rose from her desk.


He found her curious... he watched her french twist hairdo in front of him as she walked across the lobby. Despite the outward calm, something unsettled was in her eyes. There was a tightness around them, a deepening of wrinkles that belied her age, in spite of her cleverly crafted makeup.

They walked in silence toward a set of double doors. She opened one and stuck her head in. A brief conversation was had before she widened the gap and stood back to allow Edward to enter. "You may go in now," she gestured with her hand.

Edward nodded at her as he passed. "Thanks."

He took in the room briefly as he approached the man standing behind a large desk. It reminded him of holographs he'd seen, of a country study from centuries long past; a man's study, in leather and wood. Holding his hand out, he introduced himself.

"Mister Bradshaw, I'm Edward Stapleton. Thank you for seeing me on such short notice."

"You are more than welcome, Mr. Stapleton. However, if you're half as good as what my son says, it is I who am glad to meet you, regardless of the notice." Wayne shook the other man's hand firmly and gestured him toward one of the overstuffed leather chairs in the rather large office.

Edward's first impression was of a reedy sort of man; tall, thin, and intense. About the same age as himself, yet without the bits of gray that salted his own hair. Bradshaw's eyes were piercing, and his face hawkish.

"Thank you, sir. Your son introduced me to a prototype shuttle, and let me take her out for a test drive. She's got some sweet lines, and was a pleasure to fly."

Edward took the proffered seat, and continued. "It certainly made me curious about your company. I don't want to take up much of your time, but I'd like to know more about Bradshaw Enterprises, and to see if I might find a place in it."

"I heard that he took you out for that flight. He was not exactly supposed to that, as it is generally against the company rules. But heck - he helped design the damn thing, so if he wants to bend the rules a little, I see no problem.

As for information about the company, well there are a few things I can give you. Though alot of it depends on each person. You see, we are a very diverse company - I do not just mean the test pilot position. I mean we own several casinos, dozens of freighters, at least 6 colonies, and our own private military force. I know that it may seem like bragging, but I can honestly say that there is no real limit to what a person can do in the company, other than the person himself.

About the only thing that you would not have a chance at would be senior management. And that is only because, well, all the senior members were born Bradshaws. We are a family company to be sure, though, and that extends to every person in our employ, both past and present."

It was not normal for Wayne to talk that much; but he wanted what he had to say to be understood and he thought it had been.

Edward had listened quietly, his eyes focused on the company head's facial expressions. The overstuffed chair provided the right height to rest his elbows, and he'd unconsciously fallen into an old habit - bent elbows and steepled fingertips.

He had to admit, he was rather impressed with Bradshaw's company overview. There was ample room to grow for someone with ambition... up to a point, of course.

"My own background is somewhat similar, though on a much smaller scale. The Stapletons have a long history of being fliers, going back twenty generations. I'd followed that trend as a shuttle taxi pilot from the time I was sixteen, and eventually started my own company. We ran between Earth and the moon, local space stations, and orbiting ships. Most of my employees were family members and in-laws."

Edward smiled briefly as a collage of memories flooded forward in his mind. "I'd sold the company to my partner when my wife finished Starfleet Academy, and she was given orders that brought us out here. That was about a month ago."

The smile turned ironic, with only one corner of his lips curled. "I miss having a set of wings under me, and I needed to smell a shuttle bay. That's how I ran into Collin." He needed a fix, really. He missed the adrenaline that would pulse through his veins when he was getting ready to take flight.

"He had seen me hanging around the bay, and rather than kick me out, he offered me a ride. And afterwards, a job. I'd said that I already had a position here on Deep Space Five, but that I'd be interested in some part-time work. Did he speak with you about that?"

"He did mention something about that, yes. And while I can say it is not normal... considering the impression that you made on my son, I do not think we will have a problem working around it.

Assuming of course, that you at least consider coming here full time after things have settled down for you. The job that you would be doing is as a test pilot, and basically a personal pilot for the family. It is ideal for a part time start, as we would not need you more than two days a week for a few hours. And if there are any trips that would need to be taken, you would have ample time to arrange things with your other job."

"I appreciate that. Certainly couldn't ask for more." He inhaled deeply through his nose. Bridget would be pleased; but she'd also increase the pressure on him to drop the Box of Delights, now that something else was on the horizon.

"When would you like me to sign on?"

"Would last week be to soon?" asked Wayne with a chuckle. "But all kidding aside, if you will go down the hall you will see an office marked Human Resources. Go in there and ask to speak with Nancy Bradshaw. She is the VP of that area and should have all the details for you. If she asks you how you got her name, just tell her, 'Daddy says hi'. She will get the message," he added lightly. It was a private joke in the family, and Nancy was the baby of the bunch.

Edward smirked; he doubted very much that he would say that to the HR Vice-President, regardless of permission from her father to do so. "Thanks." He stood, offering his hand once more. "Mister Bradshaw, I appreciate your time."

"You are most welcome, and I hope that I am not being too forward when I say welcome aboard, and I hope you are with us for a long time." Wayne rose from his seat and walked his guest to the door of his office.


Edward Stapleton
Dabo Boy - Box Of Delights
and now Pilot - Bradshaw Enterprises


Wayne Bradshaw
Bradshaw Intergalactic Incorporated