Incommunicado – Traffic Jam
by Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Traffic Jam
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Thu Apr 19, 2012 @ 5:13pm
Location   Deep Space Five Local Air Space
Timeline   SD57 11:50


The perimeter was getting closer to the station now; what was just a few communication black out points seemed to of cumulated into one large black out area that seemed to be expanding out and towards the station, any signal going towards it just degraded into nothing and any communication going out in any other direction in three dimensional space just become so broken up and static ridden that they became almost incomprehensible.

This meant that any starship or fighter went out into the blackness of space at their own peril, as they would have no link to the station or anywhere else for that matter until they cleared that sector of space. This was fine for the larger heavier starfleet cruisers going back and forth from the station which where use to exploring deep space and not speaking to anyone for days on end. But for a fighter pilot it left one feeling very alone and vulnerable.

This resulted in fighter command issuing orders (when they could get through) for all fighters to return to local and immediate space and establish close orbit patrols around deep space five and its closer navigational boeys. But they weren’t the only ones. The smaller short range civilian vessels and those just ‘playing it safe’ where also in close proximity around the station, trying to gain entry from the encroaching anomaly, make local space very busy and not enough room in the stations hanger bays to take them all.

Erikson and his wing had a mission from space traffic control; it basically boiled down to help keep the freighters, cargo containers, cruises and other vessels organised whilst doing flyby’s of each vessel and scanning them to ease up the pressure from Deep Space five’s already overworked sensor grid.

So Erikson took the lead gliding between various crafts of all shapes and sizes from across two quadrants and perhaps beyond. His fighter banked and belly rolled over the hull of a larger craft. Erikson did a scan, and as everything lit up green he moved onto the next one. Amongst the star scape and busy air space, other fighters in his wing did the same. The small attack fighter darted in and out amongst the larger craft like worker bees moving from flower to flower. In Erikson’s opinion it was an accident waiting to happen. There was simply too much traffic and a cordon zone would soon have to be established. But that sort of decision making wasn’t up to him. Thank God.

Starfleet and ambassadorial vessels were given priority through the traffic. This did not go down well with civilian ships and crew, especially those which operated businesses on the station and where expecting cargo or supplies. Not that they could really communicate their disgruntlement, it was getting worst, fluxes and distortions were causing havoc. Crews were physically having to beam back and forth from ship to ship or ship to station to manually carry messages to docking control or station operations, this slowed things down even more. Only starships with bigger sensor arrays and communication networks could really transmit anything now, but once again these where the larger military vessels, like Romulan warbirds or Cradassian heavy cruisers.

And the whole time deeps space five continued to send a pulse of information from its own enhanced signal array into the depths of the void trying to warn the outside world and approaching ships alike of the situation. Whether or not this was in vain remained to be seen.


Ensign Erikson
Wing Commander (Bravo Wing)
NPCD by R Dunham