We All Fall Down – Bright Lights, Warm Welcome
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Bright Lights, Warm Welcome
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Thu Jul 31, 2014 @ 3:43am
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   MD01 20:00

After Sarah had finished grabbing a bite of food with the XO, she decided to wonder around DS5 a bit and see what she could find out. Sarah walk down halls and up halls and after a while every thing started to look the same. Engineering down one hallway...individual quarters down another hallway.....transporter room down a third. Sarah was going to give up and started to walk back towards her quarters when she noticed a sign......The Box of Delights, bar & lounge.

'Interesting,' thought Sarah. Normally she did not go into bars but this one invited her in with a combination of scents and sounds. Upon entering, Sarah was astounded to see an extremely tall woman with the most beautiful skin tones that she had ever seen. Sarah's eyes met the beautiful woman's and the woman started to walk over to Sarah, smiling wide as she did.

"Welcom to the Box of Delights. You're looking a little stunned. Need some help?" She had to speak loudly to be heard over the thrum of music coming from the upper floor. "Dont mind that, private party."

Sarah smiled when she herd this.

"That's ok. I am quite used to talking loudly. As far as help goes, yes....sort of. I am not sure what to order. Something light perhaps. If you have time, can you bring it over there (Sarah pointed to a new location in another room) and perhaps we can talk"

"Ah, a new customer." Yolanthe's skin turned to a royal blue. and the purr in her voice was almost predatory. "Come over to the bar. I can fix you a drink."

"As long as it is quieter, sure!" said Sarah as she quickly got up. Standing next to the woman, the very tall woman, Sarah found she was starting to become a bit inhibited as she found she was a little daunted by this beautiful woman who was so tall. Sarah also found she intrigued. Sarah found herself wondering about this woman's skin.....why it seemed to constantly change color. She was also curious about this woman's species and found a growing feeling that she would like to talk to this woman.....just talk. She wanted to get to know her better, to better understand her.

Sarah looked up when she heard the woman speak.

"Quiet is relative in here." Yolanthe looked her up and down, and picked up a martini glass. "You look like a firl who appreciates something frilly and pink with an umbrella in it. Lets go for a Silk Stocking."

"If you mean frilly and pink as in a drink.....yes. If you mean as in cloths.....no" said Sarah. "Tell me, besides being here, in this place, what else do you do?"

"You're obviously new." Yolanthe added long pours from a bottle to the shaker. "Passing through or here to stay?"

"My name is Sarah Katz. I am Chief of Security. I am responsible for the security of DS5." said Sarah. She hoped to start a conversation in this manner.

Yolanthe's blue tones deepened to a rich ultramarine. Trellis would be stood down. Maybe he'd come in and crawl inside a bottle. and here was the new security chief, fresh as a daisy. Lucky Night. "Well now, Sarah Katz." She capped the cocktail shaker, spun it up into the air, bounced it off an elbow, caught it and cracked it into the waiting martini glass. "As to your question. What else do I do besides being here in this place?"

She added a pink umbrella to the delicately pink drink, and laid a miniture skewer of strawberries across the top. "If you believe the gossip, then I corrupt the young, undermine the noble sentiments of federation citizens and sleep with the Devil."

Sarah just looked at her with astonishment.

"I just came on board a few hours ago. I have heard none of what you said. I was thinking that you had another job besides this one. Or if this is your only one, I was wondering what you did in your spare time. Perhaps you could show me around?" finished Sarah a bit embarrassed for this woman.

Sarah, while waiting for a reply took a deep drink of the wonderful creation that had been made for her. She found the drink to be refreshing and it curiously tickled her nose even though she noticed that it had no bubbles. It had no specific taste either. The only taste she could put her finger on was.........pink.......it tasted pink! Delighted Sarah took another deep drink and then sat back in her chair.

Yolanthe was left slightly stunned by the breathless barrage of questions. But an opportunity to put the Cheif of Security in her pocket after her troubles was not to be missed. The deep blue started to turn the same pale pink as the cocktail. "Well, I think the answer to all that is No, Yes, thats my business, and of course I could."

'Wonderful!' thought Sarah to herself

"Where and When would you like to start?"

"Well, I was thinking....." and with these words Sarah managed to step down off her chair in an effort to 'get the ball rolling'. When she touched the floor she felt her knees start to give way a bit. Sarah looked up at this beautiful lady and said with flushed cheeks....." It looks like I had a bit too much to drink. That pink drink was wonderful however. Could you please help me back to my quarters? It would be terrible if on my first day here some ensign found me face first on the floor! My quarters....they are not to far from here, I think. But then you don't have too. I think I can make it myself" and with that Sarah grabbed the lady's arm, stood straight and started to walk to the door as gracefully and in control as she could.

Yolanthe kept a straight face. Federations types just could not take their drinks, and a Silk Stocking had a kick yes, but not much of one, relative to say, Kanar or Bloodwine. This new security cheif was certainly a chatty drunk. better than the other kind, though she doubted the slight woman would give her any troubles if she turned nasty. "Harry," She beckoned to the massive Gorn doorman. "The new Chief of Security has had a little too much to drink. Could you organise an escort home."

He grunted his assent, and Yolanthe went back to the bar. A few moments later she saw Harry hand her off to one of the security team. That would give her an auspicious start. Yolanthe grinned. Sarah Katz would be someone to watch with great interest.


When Sarah got to her quarters she found her way to her bed and allowed herself to just fall onto its comfortable surface. The last thing she did was say.....'Lights.....off' and she sank into a soft and light sleep.


A JP Between

Yolanthe Ibalin
Proprietor, the Box of Delights


Lieutenant (JG) Sarah Katz
Chief Security Officer