Beg, Steal or Borrow – A Man of Science
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon

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Title   A Man of Science
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Posted   Tue Jul 14, 2009 @ 4:54pm
Location   Security Office & USS Thames
Timeline   SD 9 - 11:45hrs

It was one thing to have his judgment questioned, but it was something completely different to have it done by some desk jockey from JAG. The woman was going to prove to be a thorn in his side. But for the time being, Gabriel had other matters to deal with.

"Computer!" Gabriel angrily barked as he fell into his chair and examined the padd in his hand. "Open a channel to USS Thames, Lieutenant Tovon." He said as he began to organize his thoughts.

On board the Thames Greo was slightly shocked when a communication blurted on to his side viewscreen. The man that appeared on his screen had small signs of tension on his face. Greo wasn't surprised after what Dunham had told him.

"This is Lieutenant Tovon on the Thames, how can I help you sir?"

"I'm Lieutenant Commander Dorian Gabriel, Chief of Security." Gabriel said, skipping the pleasantries. "You are scheduled to arrive on the station shortly?" He asked.

"That is correct Commander, we are going to dock in the next few minutes." Greo responded. He could tell the security chief had obviously had a tough day and didn't want to start his posting on the wrong side of this man.

"Good, I want you to begin an assignment immediately upon arriving on the station." Gabriel said imputing information into the console. (

"I'm sending you information regarding a recent incident that took place. When you arrive you are to meet with Lieutenants Vincent Tan and Richard Dunham, our Strategic Operations Officer and Squadron Leader, respectively. They will inform you on what needs to be analyzed regarding the vessel's wreckage." Gabriel said matter of factly.

"Yes sir." He replied, then his mind drifted to the cargo containers in the runabouts aft compartment. He was very attached to a lot of those items and had hoped to oversee the transport of them personally. "Sir, the XO had said I would be able to arrange transport for my personals upon arrival."

Gabriel raised a brow. "You're the new Science Officer, I'm sure a task like this won't be a problem for a Man of Science such as yourself." Gabriel responded. "Besides, this is a matter of station security, I'm sure your bottles of Kanar won't be going anywhere." Gabriel added. "Any more questions?" he asked.

Letting the mildly racist slur pass Greo stared back at Lt Cmdr Gabriel. Did this man not like Cardassians? Or was he just rude to everyone he spoke to? Greo noticed that the runabout was nearly docking with Deep Space 5, the small ship was passing inside the vast structure. He looked back at the screen.

"No further questions Commander. We are pulling into dock now. I'll report to Lieutenants Tan and Dunham immediately." He ended the communication, aware that he should leave that option to his superior but not wanting to talk to the man any longer. He was probably just having a bad day and would be glad he didn't have to talk to a pesky lieutenant all morning.

As the ship eased towards the docking port Greo set up a link to the stations computer system hoping to look find the quickest route to meet with Lieutenants Tan and Dunham. He had finally arrived at his new posting and rather than the usual guided tour of the facility he had been dropped into the middle of a veritable war zone. With the Lts location and the incident data transferred to a PADD he fetched up his shoulder bag and headed to the opening airlock.


Lt. Cmdr.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Lt. Greo Tovon
Science Officer